Chapter 5.
Vergil yawned and opened his eyes, he was in his crib. He sat up and stretched, he smelt something delicious cooking. He stood up in his crib and tilted his head, trying to get a look into the kitchen. He saw Dante by the stove, he had just finished cooking and put something on a plate. He cut it up before bringing it into Vergil's room, setting it on the little table. He saw Vergil was awake and smiled, saying "Did baby enjoy his nap?" Vergil just stuck his tongue out at him. Dante smiled and picked Vergil up and brought him over to the little table. He set him down in a chair and knelt down, getting ready to feed him.
Vergil looked down at the plate and saw that what Dante was cooking was steak. Dante picked up the fork and stabbed a small piece of steak, holding it front of Vergil and saying "Open up, baby." Vergil smirked and opened up. Dante fed him the steak and he clamped his mouth tightly on the fork so he couldn't get it back. Dante smirked and shook the fork side to side, which is what Vergil was hoping for. Vergil giggled and let go of the fork. Dante grabbed Vergil and pulled him onto his lap, hugging him gently. Vergil smiled and rested his head on Dante's chest. Dante opened his mouth to say something, but next thing Vergil knew he was on a couch and he was listening to a T.V. .
Vergil sat up and saw Dante on T.V. , he looked calm but his face was red, a sign he had been crying.
"If anyone has seen my little brother, bring him home. His name is Vergil, he is 2 years old, he has white hair and blue eyes and was wearing an over sized red shirt. If anyone sees him, please bring him to Devil May Cry on Slum Avenue. And Vergil, if by some chance you are watching this, please come home, I miss you. Amanda is out of the picture, she's gone. Please come home." Dante started to cry a little bit before the news broadcast ended.
Vergil started to cry, he wants to go home. Kenton and Castiel, who were asleep in recliners, woke up and rushed to Vergil, Castiel picked him up and said "What's wrong, little guy? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need to be changed?" Vergil let out a sob and said "I wanna go home! I want my big brother!" Castiel rubbed his back and said "Don't worry, we'll take you to your brother." Castiel and Kenton slipped on their shoes and went out the door. As soon as they were outside, Kenton asked Vergil "Where is your older brother?" He sniffled and said "Devil May Cry on Slum Avenue." As soon as Vergil said that, the two boys headed off to their destination.
Vergil had fallen asleep, his crying making him tired. When he woke up, he heard knocking, so he opened his eyes and looked at where he was. They were at the Devil May Cry shop. Dante opened the door, and as soon as he did, Vergil held his arms out and said "Big Brother!" Dante immediately took him and held him close, smiling and saying "I'm so glad you're back."
"We found him on Lincoln Street, we took good care of him so you don't have to worry." Dante smiled at them and said "Thanks. I'm gonna need a babysitter for him for when I have to do my job, You boys interested?" Kenton and Castiel smiled and both boys said "Sure!"
Dante thanked the boys and they gave him their numbers before closing the door and heading upstairs. He sat in the rocking chair and cradled Vergil in his arms, not wanting to do anything except hold his little brother. Vergil smiled and closed his eyes, content and happy now. He relaxed and tried to get a bit more sleep, and without realizing it, he started to suck his thumb. Dante smiled down at Vergil, he looked so cute. He knew Vergil was gonna try and sleep but he needs to eat dinner first. Dante gently shook Vergil and the little half breed opened his eyes. He took his thumb out of his mouth and stretched. Dante set him at the little table and gave him a bag from McDonald's.
Vergil's eyes went wide a bit, so that's what the treat is. Vergil thanked Dante and opened the bag, grabbing a burger and unwrapping it. As soon as he took his first bite, Dante spoke.
"I'm sorry for not believing you about Amanda." Vergil swallowed his bite and said "It's okay." Dante smiled lightly, he didn't think Vergil would forgive him. Vergil took another bite, chewed and swallowed it before asking "What happened to Amanda?"
"I killed her." Dante said, Vergil choked on his burger at hearing him say that.
Dante patted his younger brother's back till the bite of burger was no longer lodged in his throat. Vergil looked up at Dante and said "Why did you kill her?" Dante smirked and said "Turns out she was a succubus." Vergil inwardly groaned, remembering Kenton having a succubus on his shirt. Dante patted Vergil's head before leaving the room. Vergil took another bite of his burger before realizing he is wearing Kenton's shirt. Vergil finished his burger and got out his seat, just walking around the room. He just now noticed a cradle by the window. Vergil glared daggers at it, not liking it at all.
Dante came into the room and said "Okay, bath time." Vergil immediately ran out of the room and shouted "NO!" He ran into Dante's room and hid under the bed. Dante knew Vergil would either be hiding in the kitchen or his room so he decided to check his room first. Vergil hid behind some clothes under the bed and waited for Dante to leave, but he didn't leave, he was gonna find his brother and make him take a bath.
Dante headed straight for the closet, there were only two places to hide, really, the closet and under the bed. When Dante didn't see his little brother, he checked under the bed. Dante sighed, not seeing Vergil under the bed. He didn't know to check behind the clothes. Dante stood up and said "Vergil, if you don't come out right now then you're getting spanked when I find you." Vergil made a little sound of fear and annoyance, he quickly covered his mouth, scared that Dante heard, and he did. Dante smirked, knowing Vergil is in here. He made no sign to indicate he heard Vergil, just faking a sigh and leaving the room but staying right outside the door.
Vergil waited a bit before getting out from under the bed and quietly running to find another place to hide. As soon as he was at the door, Dante picked him up and said "Gotcha. You didn't come out when I told you to, now you're getting spanked." Vergil started to kick and squirm, trying to get free. Dante sat on the edge of his bed and pulled Vergil over his knee. Vergil knew he should pretend to cry, knowing that would either get Dante to stop or lessen the punishment but he was so angry that he just kept kicking and squirming.
Dante landed the first swat and that immediately made Vergil go still in shock. Dante landed another swat and that snapped Vergil out of it. The little hybrid started to kick again and scream "Let me go! Let me go, you ass! You cannot spank me like a child!" Dante landed an extra hard swat and said "You are a child," landing another swat he said "And if you don't want to be spanked then you should listen to me." Vergil was on the verge of tears, hoping Dante would stop, he wouldn't be able to handle another swat.
Dante landed another extra hard swat and Vergil started crying, saying "I'm sorry! Please stop!" Dante sat Vergil up in his lap and held him close, rubbing his back and saying "It's okay." He kissed Vergil's forehead and started to bounce him on his knee to calm him down. It helped to calm him down and he even giggled a little, though it sounded funny because of the bouncing. Dante smiled and stood up, keeping Vergil in his arms and heading to the bathroom.
Dante already had a bath drawn, knowing Vergil would try and escape while it was running. Dante undressed Vergil and set him in the bath, causing the little half breed to growl. Dante smirked and started to wet his little brother's hair while he squirmed. Dante poured some shampoo in Vergil's hair, scrubbing it in and trying to keep it out of his eyes. Vergil tried to get away but instead got a ton of shampoo in his eyes.
Vergil let out a loud wail and started to lash out, hitting everything in an attempt to get out. Dante grabbed Vergil but he hit him in the eye. In a small, short state of shock, he dropped Vergil. He rubbed his eye for a second before grabbing Vergil's head and holding it under the faucet. He turned on the cold water and it poured over Vergil's face. Vergil kept squirming, unable to open his eyes, instead he rubbed them furiously. Dante had to pry his hands away and said "Open your eyes."
"I can't! It hurt's too much!" Vergil cried. Dante sighed, he let go of Vergil's head and said "Stay still." When the little hybrid listened, Dante pried open his eyes, water gushing into them.
After a little bit, Dante pulled Vergil out from under the water and pulled him close. All the shampoo had been washed out of his hair, luckily. Dante wrapped a towel around Vergil and asked him "Are you okay." Vergil didn't respond, instead he looked around, at first slowly then becoming a bit frantic. Dante got a worried look, scared something is wrong with his little brother. Dante gently tapped his non bruised cheek and said "Hey, look at me." Vergil turned his head towards Dante, not fully looking at him and saying "W-Where are you?"
"What are you..." Dante cut himself off, suddenly fearing the worst. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and said "Vergil, can you see me?" When Vergil shook his head, Dante immediately snatched Vergil up and sprinted towards his room.
Vergil fisted Dante's shirt and said "What are you doing?" Dante didn't answer, instead he got him dressed and wrapped in a small blanket and rushed him outside. He got on his motorcycle and set Vergil in front of him. Vergil was about to talk but Dante revved up his motorcycle and sped to the hospital. Vergil cried out "Where are we going?" Dante didn't answer, he just kept driving, focused only on getting to the hospital.
All the while Dante drove, Vergil kept crying out for Dante, wanting to know where they were going, what's going on, and for comfort. Dante parked right in front of the emergency room entrance. He quickly rushed Vergil inside, running past people and shoving them out of the way.
"Where are we?! Big brother!" Vergil cried out, starting to thrash. Dante held his little brother close and restrained him, saying "We're at the hospital, we're gonna get you help." A doctor came rushing over and said "What is going on?" Dante put on a calm demeanor and said "My little brother went blind after getting a lot shampoo in his eyes." The doctor nodded and said "We'll take a look at him."
The doctor grabbed Vergil, all hell broke loose. Vergil screamed at the top of his lungs. He kicked and scratched the doctor, shouting "Let go of me! Let go of me! Don't touch me you damn bastard!" Everyone in the room gasped at hearing the little half breed swear. The doctor ended up dropping Vergil but Dante quickly caught him and held him close. Vergil clung to his older brother and shook like a leaf, not being able to see scaring the living hell out of him. Dante rubbed Vergil's back, it worked to calm him until a nurse stuck a needle his shoulder. Vergil let out a scream as the nurse tried to take him away from Dante.
Vergil started to cry and he said "Dante, don't let them take me! Don't leave me!" Dante held onto his little brother, not letting him go as his cries started to die down. Vergil's grip became loose, his eyes were open to slits. He rested his head on Dante's shoulder and said quietly "Don't leave me." Dante stroked a stray hair out of Vergil's face and said "I won't." at hearing that, Vergil gave in to the sedative and fell into a deep sleep. The doctor took Vergil away, the nurse leading Dante to where he can wait.
Dante sat down in the chair and put his head in his hands, a few tears falling. He felt awful, lying to his brother like that. He just hopes he'll be there for when he wakes up.
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