Chapter 3.
Dante woke up in the night to Vergil squirming, he was still asleep though. He quickly brought him to the changing table and changed him. He then went back to bed and held Vergil close, he hopes Vergil will be okay in the morning, though he doesn't think he will. He slapped him twice in one day and he reacted horribly to both. Dante held Vergil tightly and fell asleep feeling sad.
In the morning, Dante stretched and sat up in bed, he yawned and looked down at Vergil who was still sleeping. Dante picked Vergil up and got him dressed into day clothes. He wrapped him in a small blanket to keep him comfy and set him in his crib. He got dressed into his usual attire and picked Vergil up again, carrying him downstairs and outside. He decided to treat Vergil to a nice breakfast. As he walked, Vergil woke up.
Dante looked down at his little brother with his sleepy eyes and says "Hey there, you doing okay?" Vergil just looked down and didn't respond. Dante frowned and walked into the dinner. He grabbed a booster seat and went to a table. He set Vergil in the booster seat and sat down next to him. Dante handed Vergil a menu but he didn't pick it up. Dante frowned and pulled Vergil out of the booster seat and onto his lap, rubbing his back and saying "Come on, order something. You can get whatever you want." Vergil just rested his head against Dante's chest and remained silent.
Dante knew he screwed up big time. Vergil would never act this way, never. Dante held Vergil close and started to silently cry. When Vergil felt the tears falling on him, he inwardly smirked. He's acting, he's still got his strong mind. He just wants Dante to feel bad. Vergil decides to lessen this a bit. He can't let Dante know he is faking, he would be in a lot of trouble for that. Vergil slowly wrapped his arms around Dante. Dante smiled lightly and continued to hold Vergil for a few more seconds.
Dante may not admit it, but Vergil is very important to him. He set Vergil back in his seat and waited to see how he acts. Vergil picked up the menu and looked through it. He got another evil idea. He's gonna see how bad Dante feels, if he feels bad enough to actually let him get whatever he wants and get the most expensive item on the menu, a Belgian waffle with whipped butter, whipped cream, and maple syrup with a side of hash browns. Vergil is gonna play this game as best as he can.
Vergil set the menu down and put his head down on the table. Dante rubbed his back and was about to talk but a waiter came over and said "Are you ready to order?" Vergil was gonna put his head up but Dante quickly spoke and ordered for him.
"My little brother will have the Belgian waffle and chocolate milk, I'll have eggs, bacon, and hash browns with coffee." The waitress nodded and said "Coming right up" She quickly left, leaving Vergil with his head down and very surprised. He didn't have to trick Dante into getting it for him. He forgot about how precious he is to Dante.
Vergil put his head up and smiled lightly at Dante, who smiled in return. A woman walked over and grabbed Vergil's face gently in her hands, saying "What happened to this sweet little baby?" Vergil wanted to bite the woman. He hates being called a baby. Vergil quickly lied to save Dante's ass.
"Daddy hit me, big brother took me away from him" Vergil said in a convincing sad tone. The woman smiled lightly and kissed Vergil's forehead. She walked over to Dante and said "I love men who are kind to kids, especially their own younger siblings" she slipped her number into Dante's coat pocket and walked off, but not before she kissed his cheek. Dante grinned, he then turned it into a smile and tussled Vergil's hair, saying "Thanks, Vergil" Vergil just smiled and put his head back down on the table.
Soon a waitress came over and gave the two boys their food and drinks. Vergil put his head up and looked at his food for a second, admiring it. It looks delicious. Vergil picked up his fork and started eating, however slowly. The waffle was soft instead of crispy like other waffles. Vergil knew this was better. His teethe are barely in so he wouldn't be able to eat the crispy waffles. Vergil ate 1/4 of his waffle before he started to get full. He decided to eat his hash browns now, he wanted the hash browns more than the waffle anyway. Vergil knew he had to play the little kid act otherwise people would get suspicious so he picked up one of his hash browns with his hands and started to eat it like that.
Dante gave Vergil this look, but when Vergil gestured his head towards everyone, Dante understood and let Vergil eat like a little kid. Vergil glared as people were looking at him, some were smirking, thinking he is a little idiot for not using his fork, while others looked at him like he was the cutest baby ever. Vergil sighed inwardly and finished his first hash brown and went to grab his second one. As he grabbed it, a 4-year-old came running by and snatch it. Vergil growled and got off his seat and ran after him, tackling the four year old.
The four year old let out a cry as he was tackled. Dante quickly picked up Vergil and the parents of the four year old came running over. The mother picked him up and the father said "You little brat, no one tackles my son." he quickly slapped Vergil on his bruised cheek, causing the little hybrid to wail loudly. Dante quickly grabbed the guys arm and broke it roughly, causing the man to cry out in pain. He quickly got him on the floor and kicked him in the ribs. Dante growled at the man and left the diner, walking quickly down the street and bouncing Vergil in his arms to calm him down.
Vergil clung to Dante and cried so hard he couldn't breathe. Dante was so pissed, he should have killed that man. Dante saw that across the street was an old candy shop, candy bars cost a dollar and anything smaller than that was 50 cents. Dante smiled and bounced Vergil more, saying "Hey, Vergil, look, across the street." Vergil tilted his head a bit and looked through blurry, tear filled eyes. When he made out the candy shop his crying lessened, he even smiled a little. Dante smiled too and walked across the street and into the shop.
The woman manning the counter looked at Dante and Vergil and her eyes went wide.
"What happened to that little boy?" She asked with sorrow and anger. Again Vergil played his act.
"First daddy hits me and now a stranger" Vergil said and buried his face in Dante's shoulder. The woman stepped out from behind the counter and held her hands out slightly to Vergil, looking at Dante and saying "May I?" Dante thought about for a bit before decided she wouldn't hurt him. He handed Vergil over and the woman happily took him. She smiled down at him and said "Hey there, little guy. My name is Marie. I've got something to stop the pain." She took him into the back room. Even though Dante trusted Marie, he still followed her.
Marie had grabbed a little black bag and pulled out a small tube. She uncapped it and poured some gel on her fingers. She held her fingers an inch from Vergil's cheek and said "It's gonna feel pretty slimy but it will numb the pain" she then started to apply the numbing gel. Vergil squirmed a bit, pretending like it bothered him. Marie finished and wiped her hands on her little apron. She handed Vergil back to Dante and said "Okay, feel free to browse and shop around. Just please, do not enter the door that says Stay Out. It's where we make the fresh candy and I could get in a lot of trouble if you guys go in there. A lot of people like to sneak in and see how the candy is made. My friend lost her job because she couldn't keep everyone out." Dante nodded and said "We'll avoid it" he then walked around the shop.
Vergil looked around in awe, there was so much candy. They had so many brands plus the candy they make themselves. There were little plates with pieces of different kinds of candy, if you are unsure about a candy you can take a piece from the plate to see if you like it. Vergil grabbed a big square of a cookies and cream chocolate bar. Vergil couldn't really bite it, he took a small piece of the corner and chewed. He smiled at the taste, it was almost sickening at how sweet it was. There were lots of cookie pieces and the chocolate tasted like the cream in Oreos except sweeter. Vergil held onto the square, trying to bite more off but was unsuccessful. Dante grabbed the square and broke off a good size piece for Vergil, who smiled and ate it. Dante smirked and finished off the square. A bond almost all siblings have is drinking from the same cup or even taking a bite out of something they bit.
Dante grabbed two bars, one for him and one for Vergil, which is a bad idea. The bars are huge, Vergil would go through a major sugar high. Dante didn't care though, he thought the kid deserved the sugar. Vergil's eyes went wide when he spotted something on the top shelf of the aisle they're in. Vergil grabbed a shelf and tried to climb it but Dante quickly pulled him off the shelf and said "Whoa, calm down. What is it you want?" Vergil pointed at this 1 1/2 foot long candy bar. It was salted peanuts around a semi soft vanilla cream. Dante had to admit, it did look good. Ha grabbed it and said "Good eye."
Besides the cookies and cream bars and the nut roll, Dante had grabbed homemade chocolate powder made to make either homemade chocolate milk or hot chocolate, a two pound Reese's peanut butter cup, a big jar of sweet, bite-sized peanut butter balls, and four small tubes of squeezable gel candy. One watermelon, one cherry, one blue raspberry, and one black raspberry. Dante paid for the candy and went back to his shop.
Once Dante entered, he set Vergil in his playpen and set the bag of candy on one of the couches. Vergil stood up and grabbed the edge of his playpen, quietly saying "Can I have my chocolate bar?" Dante went to bag and grabbed the cookies and cream bar. He smacked it against the desk a few times. Vergil's eyes started to fill with tears until Dante said "This should make it easier for you to eat." He opened the package and handed it to Vergil, who smiled at all the little pieces and immediately started eating.
Dante was reading a magazine, waiting for a customer to call. He was halfway through the magazine when he heard Vergil whimper. He looked over and saw that Vergil had eaten all the chocolate in such a short period. Dante knew what was gonna happen next. He sprung from his chair and ran over, quickly snatching Vergil up and rushing to the bathroom. He held Vergil so he could throw up but the little half breed was fighting it. Dante patted his back and that was enough.
Vergil started to throw up everything he had eaten. Once he was done he started to cry lightly. Dante patted his back and said "It's okay, it's over now." Just then Dante got an idea. He rushed to the playpen and set Vergil in it, he grabbed his phone and dialed the number for the girl. On the paper it says her name is Amanda. When she answered, Dante was quick to talk.
"Hey, it's me, Dante, the guy from the diner. I'm good, and you? Good. My little brother is sick, I was wondering if you would come over and help me take care of him" When he heard Amanda say she would love to, he smiled and gave her the address. He then hung up, sighing in relief.
Dante walked over to Vergil and said "Amanda will be coming over, she'll help me take care of you." Vergil sighed and laid down in the playpen, but as soon as he did, Dante picked him up and carried him upstairs. Vergil noticed he was carrying the bag of candy and he tried to reach for it. Dante quickly put him in his crib and said "Try and take a nap." Vergil whimpered, he felt like he was gonna throw up again. Dante picked him up and said "What's wrong?" Vergil felt the bile coming up. He tried to push himself away from Dante, Dante held him back and said "Come on, what's wrong?" Vergil answered by throwing up again, luckily it fell on the floor. Vergil tried to talk but his voice was hoarse and it was painful.
Dante set Vergil in his crib and said "Don't talk, I'll clean this up." Dante went to get stuff to clean it up and Vergil smirked a bit, knowing Dante isn't gonna like this. He laid down and curled into a ball. He closed his eyes and slipped into a restless sleep. When Vergil woke up, he smelt something cooking and he wanted to throw up. It smelt good but Vergil couldn't stand the smell of food at the moment. He sat up and realized he had wet himself again. He sighed, starting to go from disliking to hating his new body. He heard Dante and Amanda talking, it sounded like they were getting along. Vergil decided to be nice and let his brother have time with Amanda. He laid back down in his crib and tried to sleep. Maybe if he slept the wet diaper wouldn't bother him as much. Vergil closed his eyes and after 2 minutes was able to fall asleep.
Vergil awoke to a horrible, burning pain in his lower region. Vergil let out a loud cry of pain and started to sob. Dante and Amanda came rushing him. Dante knew what was wrong as soon as he saw Vergil squirming. He picked him up and brought him to the changing table.
"I never knew a baby could cry so much over a soiled diaper" Amanda said. Dante set Vergil on the changing table and said "It's not just a soiled diaper, he has a rash. He's gotten one before and this is the same way he reacted when he first got it." Dante tried to remove Vergil's pants but he was kicking and squirming like crazy. Dante thought that maybe if Amanda left he would comply better so he looked at her and said "Can you go get a bottle of chocolate milk?" Amanda nodded and quickly left.
"Okay, she's gone." As soon as Dante said that, Vergil's kicking and squirming lessened. Dante quickly removed his pants and diaper and rubbed the rash cream in. The rash from before hadn't fully gone away and now it is worse than before. Dante kept rubbing in the cream until Vergil had stopped crying. Dante used a baby wipe to get the cream off his hands and used some disinfectant. Vergil immediately covered himself as Amanda came back in the room. She just smiled and said "Aw, the little guy is embarrassed." Dante took his red trench coat off and then his shirt and quickly put it on Vergil so everything would be covered.
Amanda handed Vergil the bottle but he pushed it away. It is bad enough that Dante is putting him through this, but he refuses to do this in front of another person. Amanda frowned and said "What's wrong? It's chocolate milk, it's yummy" Amanda tried to give him the bottle but Vergil pushed it away again and turned his head.
"Sorry, he gets incredibly fussy after crying so much." Dante said and reached into the bag of candy. He grabbed the watermelon gel candy and gave it to Vergil, who smiled lightly and took it. He opened the cap and squeezed a little into his mouth. Amanda frowned and said "That can't be good, he's still sick" Dante nodded and said "I know. But he's had a horrible past few days. I thought that maybe this would make him feel better."
"Oh, I forgot, his father was abusive?" Amanda asked, Vergil spoke up and said "He gave me this bad bruise" Dante nodded and said "And then this man in the diner we were in slapped him because he tried to get his hash brown back from his kid that stole it" Amanda frowned and said "Oh, poor baby"
"Big brother kicked his butt." Vergil said and giggled, he was doing his act very well. Amanda smiled at Dante and said "Aw, you were protecting your little brother, how sweet." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek again.
Vergil covered his eyes, still playing his act. Amanda broke the kiss a few seconds later and said "I gotta go check on the soup, wanna come with me? Or do you wanna stay with your little brother?" Dante smiled and said "I'll stay with Vergil for a bit" Amanda nodded and left for the kitchen. Vergil smirked and looked at Dante, saying "Am I believable?" Dante returned the smirk and said "Very. Why are you doing this, anyway?"
"Just returning the favor." Vergil said and ate more of the gel candy. He closed the cap and set the tube down.
"Thanks" Dante said and gave him the bottle. Vergil sighed and drank from the bottle, he didn't want to but he was thirsty.
"Will you be okay by yourself for a bit?" Dante asked, when Vergil nodded, Dante placed Vergil in his crib and and went into the kitchen.
Vergil sighed and laid down, holding the bottle in one hand. He hopes he returns to normal, soon.
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