Chapter 13.
When Vergil woke up, it was because there was knocking at the door. He sat up and yawned, still very tired. He looked around and saw he was in his playpen in the shop, he also saw Dante take two pizza boxes and pay the guy at the door. He walked over to his desk and set them down, turning to get his baby brother. When he saw he was awake he smiled and said "Good, you're up, let's eat." Vergil looked out the window and saw it was still nighttime, in Hell it seemed like daytime.
Dante picked up Vergil and carried him over to his desk, sitting him down on it.
"Okay, I got pepperoni and Hawaiian," Dante said and opened the two pizza boxes, letting Vergil take his pick.
"I know I said we would go out but you were sleeping and you looked like you really needed it. Besides, late night dinners are usually crowded. But I promise we'll go out for breakfast." Dante said and grabbed a slice of pepperoni. Vergil smiled and grabbed a slice of Hawaiian and immediately started eating.
Dante saw his brother scarf down the pizza and mumbled: "Bet the bastard didn't feed you." The baby cambion licked his fingers and smiled, he hadn't had pizza in awhile.
"You know, you can have more than one slice," Dante said and grabbed his second slice. Vergil smiled and grabbed pepperoni this time. This pizza was loaded with pepperoni and had more cheese than the Hawaiian. Vergil took a bite and saw that the cheese was really stringy, causing him to giggle.
As soon as Vergil finished his second slice Dante asked him "Full?" when he nodded he asked "Tired?" Vergil shook his head that time and Dante said: "Perfect, let's go have some fun." Dante took care of the pizza and grabbed Vergil, heading out the door.
"Where are we going?" the baby cambion asked, Dante, smiled and said "The park. It's exactly 1:30 A.M. In 30 minutes there is going to be a huge nighttime fall festival. Let's get there early and enjoy some peace and quiet and you can play on the playground while we wait." Vergil bounced eagerly in his big brother's arms and said "Yeah!"
It was only a 5-minute walk to the park, and when they got there it was quiet and serene. Dante sat on a bench and set Vergil down, saying "Go play on the playground, have some fun." Vergil looked at the old, wooden structure and felt unsure.
"Don't worry, it's safe," Dante assured his little brother. The baby nephalem decided to trust him and went off to the playground. The swings were the only thing that was new, plus they were made of steel, not wood. Vergil would like to play on that except he's too small for the seats and they don't have any of the special seats for him. He sighed and went over to the castle.
Vergil climbed the steps to the first floor. Fine, no problem, just some creaky steps. He noticed that there were pillars and old style windows. There were even stained glass paintings on the walls. Vergil smiled and ran up the stairs to the second, third, fourth and finally the top of the castle, a balcony that looked over the entire park. Vergil found his brother and waved, who waved back and smiled. Suddenly a hard gust of wind knocked Vergil back into the wall, and that was it.
The wall gave away and broke, pieces falling to the ground 20 feet below. Vergil squeaked and backed up against the railing.
"Vergil! Quickly, get down here!" Dante shouted, Vergil ran towards the steps, only going down four before the rest gave way and collapsed, leaving the baby half-breed stranded on the balcony while other parts of the structure collapsed. Vergil ran off the stairs and onto the balcony and gripped the railing, fear coursing through his veins, his heart pounding in his ears, he closed his eyes tight and started to cry and sob.
"Vergil!" the baby hybrid heard Dante screaming his name but didn't open his eyes.
"Vergil! Vergil, open your eyes!" Dante shouted. The baby cambion opened his eyes and looked around, there were only 3 beams supporting the balcony, most of everything else had fallen away from it and the beams looked like they would give out at any moment. He looked down and tried not to scream. If he was to fall over the edge or if the beams gave way also, he would surely die. Vergil started to cry harder.
"Vergil, jump!" Dante shouted, Vergil just shook his head and clung to the railing for dear life, the old wood splintering his hands.
"Vergil, I promise I'll catch you! Jump, hurry!" Dante shouted. Vergil was crouched on the floor, scared to stand up in fear he would shake the weak foundation.
"Hurry up!" Dante screamed. Vergil slowly stood up, his fear coming true and the foundation shaking. Still gripping the foundation, he looked down and saw his brother waiting right below him with his arms open.
"I'll catch you! I promise! Please, jump!" Dante shouted. Vergil shook his head and kept crying, not trusting his brother to catch him from a 20-foot drop.
"I'm scared!" Vergil cried out.
"I know, I'm scared too but you have to trust me. If you don't trust me and don't jump then you're gonna die when that finally collapses." Dante shouted, completely calm this time in hopes it would calm down his little brother.
Vergil looked at Dante for a second before jumping over the railing and screaming, expecting to be nothing more than a stain on the ground. When he felt himself thud into someone's arms and cradled, he knew it was Dante, he clung to him and started bawling. Dante rubbed soothing circles on his little brother's back and said "Shh, it's okay, you're okay. You're safe." Suddenly Vergil bit down as hard as he could on Dante's shoulder, breaking the skin and drawing blood.
"You bastard! You told me it was safe! I could have died because of you!" Vergil screamed.
"I know, I'm sorry, I feel horrible. I promise I'll try and make it up to you." Dante said and kept rubbing Vergil's back. He only comforted him for a few more seconds before pulling away and saying "Okay, I'm gonna check you over for injuries." as soon as he said that, Vergil presented his hands.
"Oh shit," Dante said, shocked at all the splinters and how some of them were bleeding.
"Okay, I'm gonna remove the splinters, but I don't have any tweezers so I'm gonna have to use a knife. Be still and don't move and I promise I'll try and be quick." Vergil sniffled and whimpered but nodded.
Dante sighed as he pulled out his pocket knife, flicking his wrist and the blade opening. Vergil tried to pull away but Dante had a strong grip on his wrist. The elder cambion positioned the blade and dug it slightly under the skin, causing the younger cambion to whimper loudly. Dante quickly dug the splinter out and said "There, first one out. Not so bad." He dug out 3 more splinters before he heard people approaching. Looks like it was time to set up the festival. Dante sighed and tried to remove another splinter but a woman immediately ran over and said: "What happened?" She saw the destroyed playground and knew something bad had happened to Vergil.
"I'm trying to remove my little brother's splinters, " Dante said, annoyed.
"I can help, I've got tweezers, disinfectant, and bandages in my purse." Dante moved aside and let the woman help out his brother.
After the splinters were removed, the woman pulled antiseptic spray out of her purse and started to spray Vergil's hands, causing him to cry out in pain.
"What the hell is that?" Dante snapped, the woman flinched and said: "It's a strong disnfectant, it's supposed to be better than the other brands." She quickly finished disenfecting the cuts and then bandaged the baby half-breed's hands. She smiled and said "There, all better. Oh, and here." She handed Dante two paper tickets and said: "I'm pretty sure your son was a victim of the playground collapsing so this ticket will let you get you three free plays at any games stalls and the other one will get you free snacks and drinks at any food stall."
"Thanks. And he's my brother." Dante said and picked up his baby brother, moving to a bench so everyone can set up the festival.
As Dante watched everyone set everything up, he thought about how he would make it up to Vergil. Would the festival be enough? Maybe. Maybe he could give Vergil the time of his life at the festival and come morning he'll take him out to get a nice breakfast. Yeah, that's what he'll do.
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