Chapter 12.
Abigor was trying to get Vergil to drink some Powerade, but the baby cambion was being fussy and refused to drink. Vergil didn't want to drink because he was depressed, but he was giving off the perfect impression that he didn't want to drink because he was in pain.
"If you try and drink, I'll have my best chef make you whatever you want to eat," the demon said in an attempt to get his captive son to drink. Vergil just decided to relent. He will never leave Abigor, he will never leave hell, and he will never see Dante again. He just might as well try and get used to it. Vergil took the rubber teat of the bottle into his mouth and slowly drank, which caused the demon holding him to smile.
The baby nephalem drank half the bottle before spitting out the teat. Abigor patted Vergil's back, the baby half-breed knew what he was trying to do so he forced out a small burp to get him to stop.
"Do you feel any better?" Abigor asked. Vergil felt worse but he pretended to be okay and nodded. The demon smiled and said "Good. Now just tell me what you want and my best chef will start making it right away." Vergil couldn't think of anything so he was silent in thought. The demon could tell his baby hybrid couldn't think of anything so he said "How about chicken pesto? I had a son before you, his name was Castiel. He would always insist on chicken pesto being made for dinner. He absolutely loved it and I'm sure you'll love it too." Vergil's eyes went wide. Castiel? Could it be... No, there's no way. Abigor looks too young to have had a son as old as the Castiel he knows. What Vergil doesn't know is that Abigor just doesn't age.
Vergil noticed the pain in Abigor's voice, he really misses his son. Vergil thought that maybe Castiel was around his age, which is why Abigor wanted him as his son. The baby nephalem felt compelled to try and comfort his new father so he hugged him and said: "Can I have that, daddy?" Abigor was so surprised to hear Vergil call him 'Daddy' Though as surprised as he was, he felt a warmth in his chest, glad to hear him say it. He smiled and said "Of course you can." he kissed the top of Vergil's head and carried him to the kitchen.
As soon they entered the kitchen, Vergil smelt something repulsive cooking. The baby hybrid gagged and buried his face in Abigor's chest.
"Sorry for the smell of liver, a lot of my servants like it," Abigor explained, Vergil wanted to gag, even more, he has smelt beef liver cooking, and that is not what was cooking. He knew it was human liver. Vergil trembled, not wanting to be around these demons anymore.
"The little brat figured out what kind of liver we're cooking, I can tell by the way he shakes."
"Maybe we should cook up his liver, I bet his liver would be more delicious than human." At hearing that, Vergil screamed and started lashing out on Abigor, hitting him as hard as he could while screaming "Get me out of here! Get me out of here!"
"If any of you harm a single hair on my son's head, I'll torture you for weeks without end. And remember, I'm the only one that can get the food you love so much from the human realm. If you guys even go near Vergil, I'll cut off the supply of all human food, then you guys can all struggle to find food in this barren wasteland. Not much humans have been brought here lately, so you'll all have a hard time finding fresh meat." Abigor shouted, causing Vergil to still and the demons to hold their breath, knowing he was serious. The baby half-breed looked up at his new dad with shock, he looked pissed, which then made Vergil feel fear. All of the demons fear him, so he must be brutal.
Abigor looked over at all the mortified demons, glad to see the fear in their eyes. He cleared his throat and said "Now then, Moira, I want you to make a batch of chicken pesto for Vergil." the female demon nodded and immediately went to work. Vergil smiled when all the other demons frantically went back to work when Abigor cleared his throat again. He smiled more when his new father grabbed a cheesecake cookie from one of many cookie jars and handed it to him. The baby nephalem happily munched on the cookie as he was carried off to a giant play room.
Vergil looked around, seeing many things to play with. A haunted Victorian mansion doll house, rocking horses with padded saddles, there was even a small T.V. with two cute controllers with wires hanging from them. One was Spongebob themed and the other was Scooby-doo themed.
"Plug the wires into the T.V., flip the on switch and the controllers' lets you pick from different games to play with." Vergil smiled lightly and kept munching on his cookie. Once he finished his cookie, he looked over at a jolly jumper, but it was different. There were colorful buttons on it, all in different shapes. Abigor noticed what Vergil's attention was on and he brought him over, setting him in the jolly jumper.
He pushed a button that played a sweet melody played on a piano, the second button played a music box melody, and the third button made the jolly jumper vibrate softly.
"It's supposed to gently massage and calm down babies," Abigor said and pressed the fourth button, which made the jolly jumper start flashing pastel lights. Vergil laughed at the absurdity of it and started bouncing. He was enjoying himself very much until terrified and pain filled screams pierced the air, then Vergil went still and his eyes went wide.
The screams of terror and pain terrified Vergil, what could have happened? Who.. or what could be doing this? Abigor picked up Vergil and said, "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." Abigor said and quickly opened up a portal. Before they could go through, the door to the playroom was kicked down, revealing Kenton and Castiel. Abigor's eyes went wide, he couldn't recognize Castiel in his human form because of how much he'd grown, how different his hair was, and because of the piercings. But now that he's in his demon form, he recognized him in an instant.
"... Cass? Is that you. Oh god, you're hurt!" Abigor said in awe and then fear. Castiel had a gash on his arms that was still bleeding. Kenton looked over at Cass and said: "You know this guy?" Castiel morphed into his human form, and in this form, he has tears running down his cheeks. He ran over and hugged his father as tight as he could. Abigor was shocked but then overwhelmed with joy. With his free arm, he hugged Castiel tightly and kissed the top of his head. Kenton was shocked but then happy and said "Cass is my friend, and he already has a family in the human realm. But, I'll make some excuses if... You give Dante his little brother back." Abigor looked down at his two sons, he had always loved Castiel and he has also grown attached to Vergil, not wanting to give up either of them.
Vergil looked up at Abigor and said: "You should give all your love to your real son." Abigor nodded and kissed Vergil's head, handing him to Kenton as well as a pearl pendant, saying "This will let you get back to the human world." Cass looked up at him with shock but his father quickly said "It's okay, I can easily make another and we will be able to go to the human realm any time. Now then, let's start the life we had where we left off." As soon as the demon got done talking, he placed his hand over his Cass' forehead and concentrated his magic, causing the teen to glow bright purple. He started shrinking until the light had dissipated, revealing a 4-year-old Castiel.
Castiel looked amazed at his body, he was exactly how he was before the rebellion. Abigor took his child into his arms and kissed his forehead while Cass started crying and said how much he missed him.
"I know, I know," Abigor said started to bounce Cass in his arms. Kenton felt like he was intruding and he needed to get Vergil back to Dante. Kenton sprinted out of the room and down the halls, calling out "Dante!" They passed by the stairs Vergil hid under and Dante jumped down from the balcony. The sight of Dante with ripped clothes and blood stains had Vergil freaking but he was also so relieved and happy to see his big brother again. "Dante!" Vergil cried. In one swift move, Dante was in front of Kenton and his little brother was cradled in his arms.
Vergil was clinging to his older brother and crying hard,
"I thought I'd never see you again!" Vergil cried,
"I would never leave you and I would never let anyone take you from me," Dante whispered to his baby brother and rubbed his back. Kenton showed the pearl pendant and said: "We use this to get back to our world."
"Wheres Cass?" Dante asked,
"He's staying behind." Dante didn't question, he just took the pearl pendant and slipped it over Vergil's head. When the portal opened up in purple and red swirls, Dante kissed the top of his baby brother's head and said: "Let's go home." Dante and Kenton stepped through the portal and in an instant they were back in their world in Dante's apartment.
Vergil smiled but kept crying, he was so happy to be back home and with his brother. Kenton quickly morphed back to human and said "Welcome back little guy." he tussled Vergil's hair and left. As soon as Kenton left, the baby cambion's stomach growled. After the whole ordeal, finally reuniting with his brother and coming home, and only managing to keep down a cookie, he was starving. Dante set Vergil in his cradle and said: "Let me get dressed and we'll go out to eat." Vergil nodded and watched his brother leave the room before laying down and closing his eyes, exhausted. He curled into a ball and immediately fell asleep.
When Dante came back into the room, he heard light snoring and knew it was Vergil. Smiling, Dante picked him up and carried him downstairs, deciding to just order out.
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