Chapter 1.
Vergil groaned and sat up. He remembers fighting Dante and then this white light appeared, then he blacked out. He heard Dante laughing. He looked up to glare at him, but realized he was much bigger.
"Look at you, you're a little brat!" Dante said and laughed again. Vergil stood up and grabbed the hilt of his sword, he tried to pick it up but it was to heavy. He tried but just couldn't. He then noticed Dante walking towards him. Vergil started to back up.
Dante smirked as he saw the fear on Vergil's face. Vergil took another step back but fell on his bottom. He looked up at Dante, scared he would kill him. Dante smirked down at Vergil before quickly reaching down and grabbing him. Vergil let out a short, loud scream and closed his eyes tight, waiting for death.
Vergil slowly opened his eyes, he wasn't dead, in fact he was settled on Dante's hip. Vergil looked up at him with wide eyes. Dante smirked and said "Let's get out of here" he walked over to the portal that had brought him here and entered it. It took a toll on Vergil and he blacked out again.
Vergil rubbed his eyes as he woke up, he was on a couch. He doesn't remember getting here. He doesn't see Dante anywhere. Now he can escape. Vergil quickly got up and quietly ran to find the exit. He silently opened the first closed door he saw and saw it led to stairs leading down. He quietly descended the stairs, taking one step at a time.
Vergil trembled as he descended the steps, they were so big it was hard to get down them. There were so many too. Vergil gripped the railing for dear life. Just then he lost his grip and tumbled down the stairs. Vergil just laid on the floor and tried not to cry. He heard footsteps running in his direction. He tried to get up but fell on butt. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he saw Dante appear.
Dante smirked and said "Tried to runaway, huh?" Virgil just put his head down and wiped away at his tears. Dante frowned and picked Virgil up. He held him close and had the young half demon hybrid rest his head on his shoulder. Vergil was angry. He shouldn't be in this position, settled on his younger twin's hip and head resting on his shoulder. It's all because he is in this state, which he also shouldn't be in.
Vergil was about to bite Dante's shoulder but he was quickly set down. There was a knock at the door and Dante went to answer it. He smiled at this lady who was carrying lots of boxes. Dante grabbed them and set them inside. He thanked the lady and closed the door. Vergil glared, must be a friend of Dante. Dante locked the door and carried the boxes upstairs. Vergil decided now would be the time to escape. Vergil walked over to the door and tried to undo the lock on the door but he was too small. He couldn't even reach the doorknob. Vergil growled. He needs to find a way out of here.
Vergil walked around the room, trying to find a way out. Vergil looked down at himself, glad his clothes shrunk with him. He crawled onto Dante's chair by his desk and saw Ebony and Ivory. He grabbed Ebony and struggled to hold it up. He held it up for 3 seconds before dropping it and the gun firing. Luckily it only hit the wall. Vergil froze as he heard Dante running down the steps. Now he's in trouble.
Vergil got off the chair and ran to the jukebox, hiding behind it. Dante sprinted into the room and called out "Vergil, where the hell are you?" When Dante saw Ebony on the floor, he got mad.
"Get your ass in here, now!" Dante shouted. Vergil whimpered and curled into a ball, trying to go back further. He heard Dante tossing and throwing some of the furniture to find him. Vergil trembled and started to cry. He was trying to stay quiet but Dante heard. He stormed over and roughly moved the jukebox aside. He was pissed that Vergil touched Ebony. But when he saw him curled into a ball, shaking and crying, and the fact he was now a 2-year-old, made Dante calm down. He made Vergil stand, he swatted his bottom hard, causing Vergil to yelp, and said "Don't touch Ebony and Ivory" he then hugged Vergil. Vergil was still trembling slightly but he hugged back.
Dante picked Vergil up and carried him upstairs. Dante quickly set him in a playpen, causing Vergil to get mad and shout "You can't put me in here!" Dante smirked and said "Yes I can, you're just a baby" Vergil growled and called Dante a dick under his breath. Dante heard that and he grabbed Vergil, he made him stand and swatted his bottom again. Vergil yelped and shouted "Stop doing that!"
"Don't shout, it's annoying" Dante said and went back to setting stuff up. Vergil felt rage boiling up inside him.
"You can't tell me what to do!" Vergil shouted again except louder. Dante sighed in annoyance and said "Stop it, now. I'm not gonna warn you again"
"No, I will not stop and you can't make me!" Vergil shouted at the top of his lungs. Dante snapped. He turned around and slapped Vergil, causing the little half breed to fall. Vergil was stunned for a second before he started to cry and sob while holding his cheek.
Dante just stared for a few moments. He actually felt bad. Dante immediately picked Vergil up, he cradled him in his arms and kissed his forehead. Vergil didn't respond to any of it. The pain hurt immensely, Vergil could only focus on it. Dante bounced Vergil gently in his arms and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a rag and put some ice on it, wrapping it up. He set Vergil on the counter and removed the tiny hybrid's hand and placed the makeshift ice pack on his dark red cheek. He picked Vergil up and, instead of bouncing him, started to rock him gently. Vergil clung to Dante and buried his face in his shoulder.
Dante kept rocking Vergil till he had fallen asleep. Dante quickly set Vergil on his bed. He went through a box and grabbed a diaper and a dragon onesie. The diaper is mostly suppsed to embarrass Vergil, but also because Vergil used to be a bed wetter. Dante quickly undressed Vergil from his clothes and got him into the diaper and onesie. He set up the crib and placed the little mattress in it. He picked up Vergil and set him in the crib. Dante then started setting up the other stuff. Most of the stuff, the purpose is to embarrass Virgil. Dante is going to have a ton of fun doing this to his now little brother.
Virgil awoke to a stinging sensation in his cheek. He rubbed it gently and whimpered at the pain. He looked around and saw he was in a room with lots of baby stuff in it. Vergil growled, knowing this was all a plan of Dante's to embarrass him. Virgil growled and stood up, trying to get out of the crib. As soon as he stood up, he felt a wet sensation between his legs. He groaned, knowing he wet himself, but what makes it worse is that he knows he is wearing a diaper. Vergil felt enraged. He was going to get back at Dante for doing this to him. Vergil struggled to get out of the crib. He tried lowering the bar but it wouldn't work.
Dante walked into the room. He felt bad when he saw the bruise on Vergil's cheek, but when he saw that he was angry, he knew he had to mess with him. He walked over and picked him up, saying "Hey there, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Dante was using this mocking baby voice. Vergil growled and went to punch him but Dante quickly held him away and said "Uh-uh, naughty baby. Do you need a spanking" Vergil was so mad he shouted "Fuck you!" . Dante just smirked, the fun was beginning.
Dante sat down in a rocking chair and placed Vergil across his lap. Vergil struggled and said "Let me go, let me go damn it!" Dante smirked and landed a harsh swat to Vergil's bottom. Vergil yelped in surprise, he was stunned at first but then started to kick like crazy. Dante landed 4 more swats before saying "Are you going to say sorry?"
"Go to hell!" Vergil snapped. Dante kept smirking and landed more swats. The diaper Vergil was wearing negated some of the pain but now it wasn't helping anymore. Vergil kept kicking and soon started to cry. Dante landed an extra hard swat before stopping.
Vergil lay over Dante's lap, crying like a little kid. Dante decided fun time was over. He sat Vergil up in his lap and rubbed his back. Dante isn't going to be entirely mean to his brother. Vergil sniffled and looked down, he can't believe this is happening to him. Dante wiped away Vergil's tears and set him on the floor. He stood up and said "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere" he then left the room. Vergil just stayed still and pouted. The wet diaper he was sitting in was starting to give him a rash. It was becoming painful. Vergil squirmed a bit. He wanted to get out of the horrid thing but there were two problems with that. He would either have to take off it himself but he wouldn't be able to get the onesie off because the zipper is in the back. The other option, have Dante change him.
Vergil shuddered at the thought. He decided to just stay in his diaper. He liked this option better than the other. Dante came back into the room and noticed Vergil was squirming a little. He smirked and walked over, kneeling down to his level and saying in the same mocking baby voice from earlier "What's wrong? Does baby needs his diaper changed?" Vergil just glared and said "My ass hurts, you nitwit" Vergil decided to not call Dante any really offensive names, he doesn't want to be spanked again. Dante grinned and stood up, saying "Well, if you would behaved, I wouldn't have to spank you"
Vergil glared and looked away. He noticed a stuffed bear and picked it up. He grinned and threw it at the back of Dante's head. He just laughed and said "That the best you got, baby?" Vergil glared. He ran his tongue along his teethe. their all in but barely. Vergil sighed, he wanted to bite Dante. Vergil just sat on the floor, having nothing to do. He started to squirm more, the rash had turned from annoying to painful.
The more Vergil waited, the more painful it became. Finally it came to the point where it hurt so bad he cried out in pain and started to bawl. Dante came rushing upstairs, pizza box in hand. He set it down on a nightstand and rushed over to Vergil. He was worried, he hadn't done anything to make him cry and there should be nothing in here that could make him cry. Dante picked Vergil up and started to bounce him gently, saying "Come on, buddy. What's wrong?" Vergil tried to talk but couldn't, instead he squirmed. Dante had an idea on what was wrong.
He set Vergil on the changing table. He tried to remove his onesie but Vergil couldn't stop squirming. "It's okay, I know it hurts. Just try and stay still and I'll help" Dante said calmly to Vergil. Dante was acting in a way he would never act, only Vergil could make him act like this. Vergil tried his best to stay still, he was still squirming but not as much. Dante quickly removed Vergil's onesie and made him lay down. Dante bit his lip, hearing Vergil's pained cries was starting to hurt.
Dante removed the soiled diaper and threw it away. He quickly grabbed a tube of rash cream and poured a generous amount on his fingers. He quickly rubbed the cream on the rash. Dante frowned, the rash was hot and bumpy, it was really bad. Dante kept rubbing it in and the more he rubbed it in, the more Vergil's cries lessened. Dante rubbed in a bit more even though Vergil stopped crying. Dante wiped his hand off and picked Vergil up, who squirmed for a second, not liking being naked. Dante quickly set Vergil down and ran to a small dresser, he grabbed a mint green and brown shirt. He put it on Vergil and said "Sorry, bud. Can't wear pants or diapers, it would hurt the rash." Vergil just put his head down.
Dante ruffled his hair and went over to the pizza box. He set it on the kiddie table and went over to Virgil, picking him up and sitting him down in one of the chairs. He opened the pizza box and handed a slice to Vergil. Vergil smiled lightly and accepted the slice. Vergil only ate one slice, his little stomach not being able to hold more. Dante went to wash his hands before eating. Dante ate two slices and picked Vergil up. He carried him over to the changing table and applied more of the cream, saying "i want to make sure this doesn't start hurting again" As Dante applied the cream, Vergil inwardly sighed and thought "This is going to be a long day"
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