Chapter 1
One morning, seven got up from the sound of his alarm clock ringing for him to get up, he sat up and forcefully pressed the stop button from the noise being that loud and annoying. He got up, stretched his arms in the air, and walked outside to do his chores. He lived on a farm with his best friend Mono, they both have been friends scents they were little along with they're intelligent but small friend, Six, one day she was doing chores in the field, but then she vanished into thin air. Seven and Mono don't talk about what happened to her but Seven kept asking questions in his mind, what happened? He thought was Six taken by someone? Or...something? He tried to get over it, but couldn't help himself to wonder about it.
Seven walked across the field and started to plant some seeds in the ground, Mono was beside him watering the seeds after Seven planted them.
"heya Mono?" Seven spoke up "do you wonder where Six could be gone?"
Mono shook his head "no Sev, I don't"
"I think someone took her" Seven said in a curious tone "or something like...a wolf or..."
"ah stop ya blabbing Sev!" Mono spoke up in his country accent "if ya want to get us in lots of trouble just by bringing us Six's disappearance!.."
Seven hung his head down as he continued to plant the seeds.
"Sorry" he said quietly.
After Six disappeared, no one ever talked about it because they're boss told them "if the mouse disappeared, don't squeak a word" but Seven just can't help it. It was like the thoughts about it swim in his head like fishes, sometimes at night he would think that she was taken by a bear, or wolves, and they are chewing up her bones right about now, but that's to dark to think about it. Six was a smart one she is, she would solve anything that comes into her head, one time she fixed a tractor in under two minutes. Then the people in the farm started to call her the "Intelligent Fox", to Seven it fits so well to her, cause she can be as swift and can be very, very clever as a fox should be.
One night everyone went inside the barn to have some dinner, they were having rabbit stew with buttered bread, when Seven and Mono got there food they sat at a table together and ate. Mono will lift up his paper bag slightly to eat and keep his face covered. Two older boys walked by and snickered at Mono, then one of them chuckled for a moment and walked up to Mono. Mono let out a cold sweat and pulled his paper bag don't, Seven watched and toughen up his fists from under the table, ready for what will happen.
"Hey bag head!" the boy said making a trouble making smirk.
"h-heya..." Mono stuttered
"leave us alone Steve!" Seven said slightly furious, defending his friend.
Steve's friend snickered behind him.
Steve picked up Mono by his shirt collar, Mono shrunk his head in his shirt.
"what? Scared blind eyes?" He said sarcastically.
Steve dropped him one the floor and Mono's paper bag fell off his head, his dark chocolate hair shined in the light. Mono stumbled on his feet but falls back on the ground, the two boys laughed at him as Mono slightly teared up in his blind white eyes. Seven got up from his seat and pushed Steve to the floor, Steve fell on his ass and looked up at Seven with a disbelief look.
"I said leave us alone Bitch!"
Steve got up and looked at him one final time before walking off with his friend following him like a dog, Seven helped Mono up and gave him back his bag.
"are you ok Mono?" Seven said gently
Mono's tears streamed down his face as he gave off a small nod, Seven hugged his head to make sure Mono knows he's still here for him,
Mono wrapped his arms around Seven and cried quietly in his chest.
The thing is, is that Mono was born blind but he uses his powers to see, he was bullied by alot of kids because if it, Seven and Six were the only friends he has in his tiny world. That's why Seven made him a bag to put over his face so not alot of people can make fun of him, poor fella, he'd never wanted to be bullied, Mono is a kind soul and loves everyone he knows, no matter what they are.
(I will draw you guys a pic of what his eyes look like)
The news suddenly came on! Mono, Seven, and a whole bunch of people looked at the TV in pure silence.
"breaking news!..." it started off
"there is a massive virus luring outside the lab! Which is turning people into monsters, we advise you to go and stay at your home or in any building in your area until we find away to cure this virus-"
The TV quickly shut off, and at the same time people jolted out of they're seats and start to panic, mono and Seven ran to the middle to try to get out of the distribution of the people scared out of they're minds.
"alrighty! Everyone!! Calm down and listen up!!" a woman shouted
It was the boss, she has blond hair, white t shirt blue jeans, and black hiker boots, Seven and Mono turned around to face her, same for the others.
"now! Hears the deal! If you guys have places to go! Or something! Raise your hand! If not! Keep your hand down!"
A few hands when up, Seven then slowly raised his hand, Mono's too.
"Alright! The ones who choose to stay! Remain in your seats! The others! Follow me and lets get you ready!"
later, the sun was slowly rising up in the sky, Mono and Seven got in a Green truck and buckled they're selves in. The boss gave them some supplies, two packs of water, three boxes of crackers and three blocks of cheese. Mono put his bag back on and layed back, Seven rolled down his window to talk to the boss.
"Seven! Be careful out there ya hear!" She said with a smile.
"I will ma'am!" he replied smiling back
They started the truck and drove off down the rocky road into the street, in the car window he saw everyone waving at them goodbye
Seven drove down the street. Hours later the sun was up in the sky, the field was clear, nothing but grass and flowers, Seven then noticed that no cars or truck were on the road, only they're truck, it was going on in a minute and Seven was getting very scared of the silence.
Where is everyone? Why are there any cars driving by? What's going on? The questions start to bubble his mind as he drove on the empty road, then Mono spoke up in a scared tone.
"Umm...Seven...what's that?"
"what's what Mono?" he asked.
Mono pointed in the truck mirror, Seven turn his sight on it to see a small black dot in the middle of the road from behind them. Seven stopped the truck and walked out to get a better few, at first he though the suns raise was making the small dot move but no...the dot was moving! When the dot grow bigger and bigger, Sevens eyes grew, it was people a big group of people running down the road, but from what? Seven then got a good look of them, they were not human looking, they're clothes were ripped, some dried up blood on they're rotten blue skin, and some blood leaking out of some of they're mouths.
Seven's eyes widened in horror and jumped back in the truck, cause they are not running away from something, they are running to something, To him! Seven pushed his foot on the gas pedal and drove as fast as he could. Mono hugged his knees as he gets scared of his life, Seven turned the wheel into the forest and stopped the truck as the mob run by. Seven and Mono got out of they're truck and took a moment to catch they're breath, Mono took his bag off and said in pure disbelief.
"what the hell was that!?"
Seven turned his head to him.
"I think those were...Zombies!
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