Chapter One: Fighting Back
I finally pulled up to a large looking home that was located exactly where the secretary said it would be. It hadn’t been hard to march into his office and ask for his address. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t set foot in his company before.
I sat before the steering wheel simmering for a few minutes before I got the guts to barge in. I forced myself not to breakdown and really look at what was happening to me. I tried to make myself forget the yelling and accusations from Andrew. I worked to make myself cold and numb. It wasn’t that hard, since it was what I had been doing my entire life.
It was back to the old Minerva. I was going to fight to get what I wanted again, and I only hoped it wouldn’t be like before when everything pushed me back.
I wrapped my coat tighter around my body after parking the car and making my way to the huge doorway. To say I was practically in front of a five story mansion was just the icing of the cupcake. I tried not to be intimidated by the expensive air around me and tried to focus on wringing Martin’s neck. If he thought I was going to just sit around and let everything fall around me, then he had another thing coming. Martin Vance had no clue who he was dealing with.
The door was finally opened by a short plump woman in an apron. I practically loomed over her, which was kind of funny since I was only five feet and a half in my flats. I figured that the height could come to my advantage if I was going to force myself in.
“Could I help you Ma’am?” The older lady asked me courteously. I gave me a tight lipped smile before pointing over to my parked Ford Focus.
“Indeed you can! We could start off by getting someone to carry in my bags.” I said with fake cheer. I was going to act as if it was my goddamn right to barge in.
“Your bags?” The shorter woman wondered, clearly not following.
I sighed and half rolled my eyes. Addressing the maid with the same pleasant attitude, I said, “ My name is Minerva Fen-Ashton and yours?”
I tried a new tactic, trying not to flinch at the thought of using my old last name.
“Great! Well, it’s very nice to meet you. Now if you could just get someone to carry in my luggage that would just be amazing. You can’t expect me to live here without my things, now do you?”
“Mr. Vance didn’t say anything about company?” The woman was sounding more and more confused by the minute, and I almost felt bad for her. It was good, though, that she was confused. It just made things that much easier.
“Of course, he didn’t. I’m inviting myself over. Now in the meantime I’ll be having a word with him while my things are brought in!” I said all of this quickly with a smile, before sliding in between the bigger woman and the doorframe with ease.
“Ma’am you can’t do that! Mr. Vance has company at the moment! Ma’am, please come back!” Carmela kept stuttering behind me, while I found my way through the mansion. She was too short and heavy to really catch up to me, but I still prayed that she wouldn’t call the police or something. People didn’t normally barge into a mansion with ease. I passed by rich looking paintings and marble statues in a blur until I reached a large set of stairs. I didn’t know how huge the house was and in the back of my head I was regretting not finding out where Martin was, but there was no going back. I had to go with my gut feeling to find him. I realized with vague interest that I was probably pulling the craziest stunt of my life. Eh, it wasn’t as if I had a marriage to take care of anymore.
The floors where white marble and made it a little slippery when I tried to climb the stairs, much more then because for such a big woman, Carmela was starting to catch up to me. I could hear her wheezing voice closer behind me asking me to leave.
“I am asking you to leave! Mr. Martin does not want company and you are a crazy woman!”
I giggled a little at Carmela’s comment, before focusing on my goal again.
I chose to pull open the only set of two doors which were located at the end of a richly carpeted hallway. The last three floors below me had looked much too empty for them to be the place Martin occupied. My gut told me that I was finally on his floor when I saw the double doors. My gut was rarely wrong, by the way. Plus, there had been no other doors similar until those.
With a big pull, I grabbed hold of both handles and opened.
Carmela stopped running and wheezing at the same time that I stared wide eyed into the room.
This time the older maid and I were both in a state of shock.
The room was huge, with a dark brown canopy bed smack in the middle. The color scheme consisted of dark reds and browns, which was completely different than the rest of the house that was brighter and full of marble. My eyes immediately flew to the bed, but that wasn’t where the action was happening. It was happening on the leather couch located before the bed.
“Mr. Vance! Pardon us! Oh, dear…” Carmela sounded totally taken aback. I was too, but now wasn’t the time to show it.
I tried to keep the shocked wide-eyed look off of my face, but it was no use. Could you blame me for not expecting to walk into Martin Vance’s private lap dance?
I had immediately been greeted by a pair of butt cheeks in a black lace thong, which was why I had stopped dead on my tracks. It took a few moments for the woman on Martin’s lap and him to notice Carmela and me.
Instead of covering herself up and trying to regain her dignity, the slut had the audacity of giving me the meanest look on the planet. Which was damn fine by me since it served to remind me why I was there. I was not going to be shocked at the fact that there was a topless woman in a thong looking at me.
“Whoops, am I interrupting the fun?” I asked innocently, as if this wasn’t the weirdest experience of my life.
The topless girl sighed before turning towards Martin Vance and pressing herself on him. The only one who didn’t seem to be affected by the whole situation was Martin Himself who was looking at me with a small smirk and a brow raised.
“A little,” He had the balls to say, finally breaking out into a smile. Why wasn’t he shocked? Why wasn’t he asking questions or yelling at me to leave? Instead, he was looking all pleased and shit. I swear, he was the most infuriating man on the planet.
I was about to say something, before Carmela cut in.
“Sir, I will have her removed. My sincerest apologies for interrupting you and your lady friend. I don’t know what to say!” I looked over to see Carmela fanning herself and practically almost bursting out into tears. It wasn’t her fault though, and I wanted to tell her that. No one could have kept me from letting myself in.
I smiled at Carmela, before making a big show of plopping myself on the leather couch beside the one Martin and his ‘Lady Friend’ were occupying, before speaking.
“No need, Carmela. I’m here to stay!” I said the last part with a flourish.
At my blatant statement, Martin looked over to the topless slut and helped her stand. I tried not to look at either of them, including Martin who after pulling his friend off him, had left his amazing six pack in full view. Did I say amazing? It wasn’t as if I really looked, I was only guessing it was amazing. Alright, it was pretty impressive. There, I admitted it.
It still didn’t make him any less of an asshole and now a man whore.
“Why don’t you be a doll and wait for me on the second floor?”
The topless girl whimpered like a three year old before looking at me with her eyes narrowed into slits. I made a show of wiggling my fingers at her in a half wave before giving her a sweet smile.
Just like that she was gone, walking past Carmela who only started to fumble with herself at the sight of the girl’s bare chest.
“Nice rack.” I commented casually after the slut left. I was really playing it up, but I didn’t want Martin to know just how flustered I was.
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he sprawled himself on the couch beside mine.
“Yours are better.” He said pointedly. Oh my god, for a second I felt like my cheeks would catch on fire, but I was a grown ass woman. I was getting divorced for god’s sake! Plus, why wasn’t he demanding to know why I had crashed his little party? Ignoring his crude comment, I gave him another mock smile. It might have wobbled a little, but I set it in place.
Obviously my boobs weren’t better than hers…
Before I could be an idiot and start comparing, I spoke.
“Good, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of them.”
I watched as a smirk crept into Martin Vance’s lips and the seductive look he started to give me.
“Glad to hear that.”
“Wait, no! Not like that – I meant…” I started to correct, finally betraying how flustered I really was. Hating the fact that I practically cracked my solid layer of ice, I tried to regain myself.
“What I meant to say is that if I’m going to be living here you’re going to be seeing a lot of me.” There! I had finally claimed it. I tried to keep the sudden butterflies that came to my stomach at bay, but I was actually kind of nervous. What if he forced me to leave? Or called the police and pressed charges?
Wait, he couldn’t do that. If he did than I would just work harder at making his life hell. I had nothing else to do with myself but bring him down. I was going to stand my ground.
“Is that so?”
“Damn Right.”
AAAAAAAAND here is the first chapter! What do you guys think? :D Minerva has Lady balls, I’ll tell you guys that right now! I hope you guys liked it! Thanks so much for reading! :D
Oh! And a picture of Minerva and Martin on the side :3
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