050 | final preparations
Albany's breaths were deep and laboured as she focused hard on spreading her concentration over her various tasks. One was swimming, which, in her beginner stages, was separated into several different things: kicking her legs, alternating the strokes of her arms, and directing her body to keep it beneath the surface. The other was maintaining her Bubblehead Charm at the same time, and was by far more difficult. George's words of encouragement were muffled given the water that separated them, and though appreciated, they were unfortunately distracting; Albany went to curse as she lost focus on her magic, but swallowed a mouthful of lake water instead.
She resurfaced with a choked cough, and began paddling back over to waters shallow enough in which to stand.
"You did great that time!" George praised her, grinning broadly as he waded over to meet her. "You held the charm for like, a whole thirty seconds!"
"You distracted me!" Albany accused him, and then spat out another bit of lake water, making a face. "I totally could have held it longer."
George grinned apologetically. "Sorry," he said, "you totally could have."
"Yeah," Albany agreed, shivering in the cool air before wading back out again. "I'll try again, look, I'll show you."
George snorted in amusement at her determination. "You're so cute," he chuckled.
Albany blushed crimson and whipped around to face him again. "There you go again, distracting me!"
George raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk crossing his lips. "Oh? You find it distracting?" he teased.
Albany mumbled a flustered curse under her breath before marching back into the lake. George laughed.
"For real though, your swimming has come on so well!" he called out to her, grinning.
"Stop complimenting me!"
The second task was tomorrow. Albany was nearly grateful for the numerous activities she had to focus entirely on while practicing her swimming; it helped distract her mind from panicking completely over the next day's events. The very thought made her stomach want to empty its contents — and the memory of what had occurred last time she was facing a task the next day was not one she wished to relive. That said, easing her anxiety was as impossible as avoiding tomorrow's task.
Especially given that she was still a total beginner at swimming, and thirty seconds was her record with the Bubblehead Charm.
The clock was ticking, and her denial of the fact that she had little hope for success was the only thing keeping her going.
She had explained to McGonagall, after some prompting from Carly, her situation; and while the professor was unable to aid her with anything, she did grant her and George the week off from classes provided they used their free time purely for practice. Albany was surprised by this kindness, but perhaps her nerves had shown through more than she'd thought and the woman had taken pity.
Normally she despised pity. This time, she had far larger concerns.
She surfaced again once the charm had flickered out, head pounding from the effort. How the fuck she was supposed to hold this for an hour while swimming and searching the lake for treasure, she had no clue. And if the charm failed while she was deep underwater, well....
"That was at least forty seconds," George called to her, still smiling. It was nearly assuring. "You're improving fast."
Albany frowned, paddling over. "Not fast enough," she muttered, teeth chattering as a breeze chilled her soaked t-shirt. "And my swimming's still clumsy. I barely get anywhere in those forty seconds."
"But you stay beneath the surface!" George enthused, throwing a hand over her shoulders. "You're too hard on yourself."
"I'm not, though," Albany argued, glancing up at him in worry. "George, it's... it's tomorrow. I can't — I don't know if I can—"
"Hey," George said softly, facing her directly. His expression sobered. "You've pulled crazier things. I believe in you, Al. I don't call you Lionheart for nothing."
Albany cracked a small smile as he gestured to the necklace hanging over her collarbones. He lay a hand over her heart, and she met his eyes. A thousand emotions swirled in the warmth of those hazel irises, but not one of them was doubt. She trusted him.
"It's all in here," he assured her, patting his hand where it lay. "Once you believe in yourself, nothing's impossible. Hell, you're Merlin's descendant! If anyone can do this, it's you."
Albany blushed, lips curving upwards. "You ever considered motivational speaking as like, a profession?"
George chuckled. "What, reckon I'd be good at it?"
"You're pretty convincing," Albany responded with a grin. "I'm gonna keep practicing."
George gave her an affectionate clap on the back as she turned to wade deeper once again. "You've got this."
"I've got this," Albany echoed under her breath, and gripped her wand tighter before diving beneath the waves.
Albany was dreading the time she would have to call it a day and head back up to the castle, but eventually, George insisted she needed rest. She hated that a part of her agreed, but her arms and legs ached, and her temples were throbbing painfully. If she continued to practice, it would likely hinder her chances of survival, rather than increase them.
"You did really well today," George said, keeping his back respectfully turned as Albany pulled on her robes, trembling like a leaf. "I'm so proud of you. You've come on so far this week."
Albany didn't reply, occupied with swallowing the rising bile in her throat. With her clothes back on, as well as Fred's gifted magical temperature scarf, she didn't have much reason to be shivering from the cold, but she was shaking regardless.
"You decent, Lionheart?" George called, turning around warily. His face fell into an expression of concern as he took in her state. "Albany?"
Albany wished she could will away her trembling, or the pounding in her head, or the churning in her stomach — she wished she could will away her participation in the entire godforsaken tournament. Yet none of it left her. It was still happening. Tomorrow.
Not again.
"George," she called, despising how her voice failed her, no louder than a whisper. "I think—"
George hurried closer, face falling. He reached out to lay a hand on Albany's shoulder, but the girl received a sudden stab of fear through her chest, and stumbled backwards to avoid it.
"Don't," she choked, mind tumbling out of control. Her eyes welled. "I'm sorry, I'm...."
George smiled sadly. "It's okay, you're alright," he murmured, and gently crouched down under the hanging branches of a willow tree. "Sit with me?"
Albany took a shaky inhale and complied, clumsily settling herself on a thick root. Tomorrow, tomorrow, her thoughts screamed, ringing in her ears and straining against her skull. She winced in pain, clutching at her head and struggling for breath — no way is this happening again, why me, why does everything hurt, why is it so hard to breathe, why—
"Albany," George murmured; his voice sounded distant in the overwhelming buzz of her head, yet his words were clear. "You're going to be okay, you hear me?"
"Sorry, 'm sorry—" Albany was rambling, the words pouring from her mouth out of her control. She tasted blood on her tongue and gave a particularly violent shake, eyes welling. "George — Merlin—"
"Albany," murmured the familiar calming tone, the sorcerer she had summoned without fully intending to. He took in the situation quickly and acted accordingly, crouching down in front of her. "Hey. This will pass, okay? You've survived this before, you'll do it again. Every time."
"Tomorrow," Albany choked out, clutching at her robes as she began to grow clammy beneath them. Her heart was pounding in time with her headache, rapid and loud against her ears. "It's tomorrow, Merlin—"
"I know," Merlin murmured, and though George couldn't see him, he must have gathered what was happening and remained quiet in the background. "You're stronger than you think, Albany. Can you breathe with me?"
Albany managed to nod, though following his slow, deep breaths was difficult in her panic. The thoughts were relentless and deafening; of how she couldn't swim, of how usless her magic was, of the danger she would be in. She felt hot tears roll down her cheeks, and turned her head, humiliation rising like fire throughout her body.
Like fire... dragon fire. And Merlin was right, she had done this before, and survived before, and sure the odds were stacked against her favour but that didn't mean it was impossible, right? That she didn't have some chance?
And slowly, but surely, she breathed.
"Is Merlin here?" George asked softly, after a long while.
Albany glanced up, slightly embarrassed, and met the sorcerer in question's gaze. Merlin smiled kindly at her, and she reluctantly returned it.
"Yes," she told George, who smiled.
"Thanks," the boy said, attempting to follow her gaze, "wherever you are."
"You're in good hands, I trust," Merlin said to Albany with a smile. "Will I leave you?"
Albany smiled; she didn't mind the wizard's company in the slightest. On the contrary, she appreciated it, particularly during these moments. But she appreciated her quiet moments with George, too, and if Merlin had somewhere to be, she wouldn't stop him.
"I'll be okay," she said. "Thank you."
"Not a bother, kid," Merlin replied with a grin, and disappeared.
George moved to sit beside Albany, glancing to her in question; she nodded that it was okay and he took his seat softly. An arm snaked around her shoulders and she found herself leaning into him for comfort. The shakes hadn't left her yet.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, voice slightly hoarse, though George only pulled her in closer. "That you had to see that. I don't know...."
"Al, you have no reason to apologise," George said softly. "I know it's scary, but I want to help you however I can."
Albany smiled as a gentle warmth blossomed in her chest, and she lay her head against the boy's shoulder, worried only that her wet hair would get his robes damp. "Thank you," she murmured, exhausted but safe. Safe for now.
George's free hand crossed the front of his body and reached for hers, giving it a comforting squeeze. Albany let their fingers interlace, and he didn't pull his hand away. They remained in comfortable silence this way for some time, watching the low sun glitter on the grey waves. Her head was rioting, still throbbing in pain, yet the world was peaceful. George was peaceful.
"Albany," George began softly, and Albany could feel his pulse in his fingers every time he squeezed her hand. "Can I... can I tell you something?"
"Of course, George. Anything."
George seemed to falter, the words catching in his throat. "I...."
"Albany! George!"
The excitement mixed with a French accent was unmistakable, and Albany sat up straight, turning to see Carly speeding downhill towards them. George gave her hand one last squeeze before they separated as they stood up, and she felt her cheeks warm.
"Hey Carly," she greeted the curly-haired girl softly, as she skidded to a stop before them.
"It's done," Carly announced, eyes huge and shining with glee. She glanced to George, nodding vigorously as his eyebrows raised in surprise. "I finally finished it!"
"That's amazing," George remarked, a grin slowly creeping across his face. "Merlin's shiny left knee—"
"What's finished?" Albany asked quietly, trying to save her hoarse throat while voicing her confusion at the same time. "Am I missing something...?"
"It took forever to get right," Carly was explaining rapidly to George, her entire body practically buzzing with energy. "Because I only had me to practice on, and there is not many existing spells to work off of—"
"What's going on?" Albany asked again, and Carly finally turned to acknowledge her, the biggest grin lighting up her features.
"I made a new spell," she announced dramatically, and then reached out with her index finger to poke the tip of Albany's nose. "Just for you!"
Albany blinked. "For me?" She glanced suspiciously to George. "Did you know about this?"
George grinned down at her. "We all did," he admitted.
"Surprise!" Carly exclaimed, wringing her hands with excitement. "I started working on it right after the first task, because Fred told me you got kinda freaked out the day before and I felt really bad that I wasn't there to help so I decided to help my way even though it was very difficult and took me ages — but it's done now, just in time for the second task."
Albany stared at the girl in surprise, almost moved to tears by her compassion and kindness. It still completely baffled her; how she had found friends this year that truly cared so deeply for her and expected nothing in return.
"What's finished?" she managed to ask, voice a little choked.
Carly beamed. "A calming spell!"
Albany's heart must have melted on the spot. "Carly, you didn't have to—"
"I wanted to!"
"Thank you so much," Albany said, and Carly launched at her into a hug.
"Do you wanna try it?" Carly asked as soon as they broke apart, bouncing where she stood. "Do you wanna try it right now?"
And who was Albany to deny her the excitement of seeing her work put to use?
"Sure," she laughed, and Carly began vigorously flipping through her notebook.
"Ah! Here it is," she announced, brandishing her wand, "Crainte Abeo!"
Albany couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped her lips as a pleasant, relaxing warmth flooded her entire body. It felt as though honey was running through her veins, soothing the aches in her muscles and waving away the trembling in her hands. Her upset stomach was put to bed, and her hoarse throat became less apparent; though the spell did little to quench the anxious thoughts that continued to plague her mind, their physical grasp on her was lessened considerably. The relief that came with the sudden and pleasant feeling was immense.
"Holy shit," Albany breathed, taking a deep breath and letting the tension seep from her body. "That feels amazing. Do you two feel like this all the time?"
Carly grinned. "More or less," she replied cheerily. "Though I'll for sure be using it on myself."
"Don't mind if I do, either," George chimed with a laugh. "Hey, maybe we could make it into a sort of sweet, like a Weasley product...."
Carly raised an eyebrow at the boy. "A Dubois-Weasley product," she corrected him.
George grinned. "Of course, can't steal all the credit." He nudged Albany with his elbow. "You ready to head back up to the castle?"
Albany bit her cheek as she glanced up at the looming building, silhouetted against an evening sky.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
❃ a/n:
blessing y'all with an extra chapter this weekend :) hopefully the next will be out soon! as always, thank you for your patience and support ♡
- A x
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