018 | george's interlude
George tilted his head back from where he lay sprawled across his bed on his back. Fred was upside down in his vision, determined grin paired with a decisive swing of his fist into his palm. They'd been trying different tactics for days, and nothing was working; Albany Bronwen was refusing to talk to them.
George wasn't sure why exactly they were so intent on getting her attention, as she had made it pretty obvious that she was uninterested in hanging out with them any more. He supposed it kind of stung, in a way; just as he was beginning to consider the girl a friend, she cut them off without warning and didn't look back. Then there was the added curiosity of her becoming the Hogwarts champion when he distinctly recalled her saying she would "certainly die" if she was chosen. All in all, the Slytherin girl's situation was a fishy one that the twins were set on solving, and doing so carried the extra benefits of possibly regaining her friendship.
"Let's hear it, Freddie," he said cheerfully. "As long as this plan doesn't involve pranking her like your last one did, because I guarantee that will result in the opposite of our goal."
"You made that much clear," Fred teased him with a grin. "So while this does of course involve pranking, it doesn't necessarily mean we'll be pranking your girlfriend."
George sat up so fast that he nearly fell off the bed as the blood rushed from his head. "She's not my girlfriend," he said, and folded his arms when he turned to face Fred and Lee, who were making kissy faces to each other. "Oh, sod off."
Lee laughed at him. "You do seem to care a lot about some Slytherin chick you just met."
"Nobody says chick, Lee," George waved him off ("Yeah they do! I've seen it in Muggle movies!"). "And it's because I'm a nice person, unlike you two gits."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Georgie," Fred teased, and laughed at the frustration in his brother's expression. "Anyway, do you want to hear this plan or not? It's top-notch genius stuff, you're missing out."
It didn't take much explanation for George to agree to immediately, and though Lee also seemed excited at the idea, he insisted that he couldn't afford to miss his last class. The finer details were yet to be discussed, though winging it was a Weasley specialty, and George spent the entirety of Herbology looking forward to the grand event. He gave Albany a final chance to speak to him, but didn't let disappointment get to him when she refused. That simply meant the plans were to be put in action; so at the break of class, he caught up with Fred and they set off to work their magic immediately.
As much as George didn't want to admit that Fred's plan was anywhere near "top-notch genius", he couldn't deny that casting Melofors on none other than Cheater Skeeter herself was absolutely something to cross off the bucket list and cherish in his memory forever. He hadn't overheard much of the interview that Albany had been subjected to, but judging by her expression and just the general reputation Rita had, he assumed it could have been nothing but unpleasant. Now, the girl stood in a state of shock as she stared almost fearfully at the two boys, trapped in the broom cupboard where they blocked the door.
"Surprise!" Fred exclaimed, and took a bow. "Weasley and Weasley, at your rescue."
Albany's mouth opened and closed without sound as she attempted to process the situation, cheeks a bright red. Skeeter was struggling to stand behind her, head weighed down by the pumpkin it was encased in.
"Well, come on," George said, beckoning the girl, "stick around much longer and we're going to get caught."
He grabbed onto her hand for extra convincing, and that was apparently enough motivation to get them moving. The three began a mad dash through the corridors, which were beginning to fill with students at the break of class.
"You could get expelled for this!" Albany managed to point out between gasps for breath as they ran.
"They wouldn't dare," Fred assured her with a laugh. "This place would be way too boring without us."
Albany could only shriek in response as she was pulled into sliding down the bannister of a moving staircase after the boys; it clicked into place just as they jumped off at the end, and they continued running with whoops of glee.
"Mad bastards," George heard Albany mutter under her breath as she was dragged along after them, and he grinned.
They didn't stop until they were outside and alone on the castle grounds, and even then, continued walking down along the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, ensuring that nobody had followed them. It was as Albany struggled to catch her breath, leaning back against a tree trunk, she began to look nervous again and George felt his burst of joy sobering.
"So," Fred began, placing his hands on his hips and quirking one side of his lips in a playful smirk, "it seems you're talented at more than just pranking, Allie."
The girl regarded the twins with a wary gaze, and folded her arms over her chest defensively. She looked as though she wanted to talk, but was still breathing heavily through her nose; where the twins had experience in running from the scene of a crime, Albany did not.
"You've been avoiding us," Fred accused her, raising an eyebrow. "And successfully." Her gaze immediately dropped to the floor, and he relaxed a little. "Hey, we just wanna know why."
This brought her eyes back up again rapidly, the dark blues swimming with obvious confusion. "What-" She paused, taking another moment to breathe. "What do you mean, why?"
"Because obviously, we're dumb and missed the point," George clarified with a grin.
Albany stared at him, mouth agape, completely dumbfounded. "How - I thought - are you serious?"
The twins exchanged a glance, and now it was their turn to be confused; Albany had seemed awfully nervous about this confrontation, and now apparently knew important things that they did not.
"Wait, what do you mean?" George asked, eyebrows knitting together.
Albany swallowed hard, gaze falling to the ground as she reached to the tree trunk behind her to pluck at the moss. "I thought.... So you don't know?"
"Don't know what?" Fred asked carefully.
The girl shifted her weight uncomfortably, and after a long moment of tense silence, she reluctantly spoke up. "I... I put my name in. Instead of yours and Lee's.... I didn't want to, but I just panicked and didn't know what to do - and now I've been chosen when I didn't even want to be but you both wanted it so badly, and I lied and fucked everything up-"
"Hey, woah! Slow down there," George interrupted quickly, before she could wind herself up any more. He raised his hands in an attempt to calm her, and she trailed off to glance up at him worriedly. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. "That's really it?"
She frowned further. "Yeah?"
Fred raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Really?"
Albany folded her arms, eyebrows knitting together. "Yes, really? I don't see how this is funny-"
"Oh Allie, you didn't really think we'd stop being friends with you because of that, did you?" Fred laughed.
Albany blinked. "I - how are you not angry? Or at least upset...?"
George felt a slight pang in his chest and offered her a gentle smile. "Hey, of course we wanted to enter the tournament, but our friendship with you is worth more than any prize money."
He swore he saw a tinge of pink cross her cheeks, though considering the amount of running they had just done, he waved it off.
"Friendship?" she echoed sheepishly, a shy smile creeping through.
Fred grinned. "Yeah, that's generally what you call it when a group of people get on really well and want to hang out."
This time she truly beamed at the twins, and George felt a blossom of warmth in his chest as she straightened with confidence and brushed a strand of dark hair behind her ear.
"You want... to hang out with me?" she asked, grinning.
George felt a huge smile light up his own expression. "Obviously," he laughed, "especially after the effort we went through to save you from Skeeter. I mean... if you'll let us?"
Albany's face was alight with pure joy. "Of course I will," she said, and grinned. "If we can consider it a pranking truce."
She extended a hand, and George shook it gladly, before shooting his twin a pointed look.
Fred rolled his eyes in amusement, and shook her hand as well.
"Fine," he agreed, though the mischief in his eyes betrayed his ulterior motives. "If... you agree to relax and prank with us. I think it would do you a world of good right now."
George nodded in agreement with his brother. "Fred has a point, actually. You seem kinda stressed out, and I have a feeling you'll take to the hobby pretty quickly." He grinned.
"You can't exactly blame me," Albany pointed out, smile fading. "What with my imminent death and all that."
"Now that's a bit dramatic," Fred laughed. "You're not dying as long as we're around. We're genius masterminds."
"Yeah, maybe I am, not sure about you," George argued with a mischievous grin.
"Oi, you shut it," Fred retorted, and then smiled at Albany. "So consider it this way.... We'll help you win the tournament in exchange for your help with our pranks. It's a win-win, really."
Albany raised an eyebrow. "Don't bite off more than you can chew," she warned lightly. "Surviving the thing is all I really need right now. And realistically, the absolute best I can do."
"You underestimate our combined genius," Fred said. "You'll win it, don't even sweat."
Albany seemed incredibly skeptical, though rolled her eyes in amusement. "Whatever you say, Ferdinand."
George snorted.
"Oh, don't start this again-"
"And all I have to do is help you... prank people?" Albany continued.
The twins nodded enthusiastically.
"Precisely," George confirmed, with a broad grin.
The thought of another person joining their small group of mischief-makers was exciting, and he was eager to see what else the girl had in her. Usually, it was just himself and Fred who planned and pulled the pranks around school, and though Lee joined them often enough, neither Angelina nor Alicia had any interest in tagging along. Well, Angelina had once, but narrowly escaping a detention with Snape and getting goo in her hair had put her off for life, and she'd most likely warned Alicia and the rest of her friends. He didn't mind that, as long as she never tried to stop them - which she didn't, almost certainly because she appreciated their humour and found the pranks funny but would never admit it because of her pride and reputation. So not that he ever got lonely while pranking, but he was curious and keen to have Albany join them.
"If it helps, consider it beneficial to our business," he added cheekily.
She quirked an eyebrow. "Right. Your... business."
"Plus it's just really fun, and we've got half the school left to get," Fred said with a grin. "You don't even have to prank everyone... just tag along for a few. But be warned... it's addictive."
Albany rolled her eyes in amusement, though shook Fred's hand when he outstretched it, grinning like the Chesire cat.
"Alright, Weasley and Weasley, we have a deal."
❃ a/n:
oh my godddd this chapter is so late i'm sorry!! i have one more week left of school though and then i am finally finished with assignments and exams for the summer!
though ngl the real reason i've been busy is because dragon quest xi is a good game and i've clocked 80 hours in the past 2 weeks-
sorry for the major delay, thank you so so so so much everyone for your patience and reading and love and support because oh my god there's so much and it is making my day every day ♡♡♡
- A x
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