He knows
~Y/N's POV~
-time skip-
I woke up with the sun shining right into my bed. I felt weak, tired and depressed.
I stood up and walked to my closet slowly and rubbing my eyes, I opened it and looked for something decent. My eyes stopped on my grey tunic with it's long cloak. I wore it and walked down to eat breakfast, I heard arguing downstairs and sighed.
Of course, Ghirahim was arguing with Zant again. Great. So fucking great.
I went down softly and looked at the kitchen, that now was a mess of different types of food here and there.
Ghirahim was angrily complaining at Zant. Zant was hardly dogging all the food that Ghirahim was throwing at him madly.
-Zant you fuckhead!!! I told you my clothes look fabulous enough like this!!!
-Ghirahim!!! Jesus christ!!! STOOP!!
I rolled my eyes and and grabbed a bottle of Lon-Lon milk while I huffed.
-Y/N!!! Make him stop!!
-Y/N!!! Tell him he is a jerk!!
I just walked away and sat on the couch, slowly sipping the milk from the crystal bottle. I couldn't stop thinking if Link could be injured or something...
I looked up and saw my brother looking worriedly at me, I kept the tears for myself.
-Y/N...please tell me whats worrying you please...
I started crying and covered my face slowly, lightly shaking and sniffing with a loud sob. My brothers eyes widened and he sat next to me, wrapping his strong arms around me and rubbing my back.
-Y/N, please don't cry little sis...
He kept hugging me until the tears stopped.
-Y/N, what's wrong
I sniffed and looked at him whipping my eyes.
Can I tell him the truth?
-Dark....You wouldn't forgive me...
I started crying again and stood up running away from the castle, from him...from everyone
I got my cloak and wore the hoodie while I ran as fast as I could away from them. I could hear Dark shouting my name, but I didn't care.
I entered Faron Woods and ran into Faron's Spring and sat on front of the water. I couldn't stop sobbing and curled up on the muddy ground, not caring about anything anymore.
~Link's POV~
I walked out of Hyrule Castle after asking Zelda if she would lend me her magic to get healed faster, she of course said yes and I thankfully smiled.
I was really tired and didn't feel like searching for Dark Link today or anything like that, maybe ride around Hyrule F-
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud sob coming from near the Spring. I couldn't let someone be hurt or sad, thats my job as a hero isn't it?
I walked there and when I arrived I couldn't believe what I was seeing...
The girl from yesterday
She curled up crying on the floor, with her hands covering her face. I kneed down next to her and tilted my head.
She jumped a little a looked up at me, again, I couldn't see her face, she had the hoodie covering her face.
She tried to back up but I grabbed her wrist.
-You are the girl that healed me the other day right?
She looked around and shacked slightly
-You shouldn't talk to me, please go away...
I smiled and looked at her
-Why? There is no reason for me to leave a girl here, and I need to thank you too
-Link, seriously, you don't know who I am, you have to get away from me
Away from her?
I could not just leave her there right? I was not a nice thing to do...
-Can I at least have your name miss?
She sighed and sat up, wiping her eyes and sniffing her nose.
-I-I'm Y/N...
-Y/N...that is a pretty name
She blushed a little and looked away
-Where is your house? Did someone abandoned you?
She shook her head slowly, revealing a thin stray of (h/c) hair.
-I ran away...
-Would you...like to stay with me meanwhile?
She looked at me with a bit of fear and sympathy on her face.
-I really shouldn't....
-Please Y/N....I can't let you here alone
She sighed and smiled a little
-Fine....but just for a while...
I smiled and helped her up
-Could you take your hoodie off? I can't really see your face...
-I'll take it off when I trust you completely
Well....I'll have to wait
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