Chapter 69
I spent every day of Spring Break with King. We did the beach for a few hours a day but also did other things. While Gay and his friends wanted to party with all the other Spring Breakers, King and I were content with just us two.
We drove around South Beach to see different sites and eat at really cool places. King was always a gentleman and at times it still felt like we were just friends.
Until he would kiss me.
If I had to rank kissers, in the little experience I have had, King was number one by a long shot. I was not even going to compare the other two.
"I think I should cancel my plane ticket and ride back with you and Gay." This was our last night before we headed off, and we sat watching the night sky like our first night there.
"It's a long drive. We start early and get back pretty late."
"At least I will have you with me."
"Aaa!" I leaned over and kissed him. "And Gay."
His friends were mad at him that he canceled his flight, but they were cool with me so they got over it quickly. I had gotten to know his friends well and they were nice guys. It was good that he was surrounded by good guys, even though Will had a girlfriend. Gay told me all they did was kiss a bit and claimed it was not cheating.
I don't know what her definition was, but it was cheating to everyone else in the world.
She and her brother were definitely on different ends of the spectrum with that thought. Diallo thought simply talking to a guy was cheating. Gay would go all out with a guy and think nothing of it. Neither Gay nor Will was trying to get out of their current relationship, so yeah, it was weird to me.
The drive back to Columbia was better with King. We talked and laughed and had so much fun. It took less time to get back home, but I was super tired when we made it there.
I was not ready for our break to be over. It went by so fast.
"You want to hit me up later tonight after you get situated?" King asked when I dropped him off at his residence hall.
"It's already late bro!" Gay jumped into our conversation.
"Yeah well, I want Rave's voice to be the last thing I hear before I catch my Zs."
I blushed so hard but Gay was a hater and smushed King in the back of the head from her spot in the backseat.
"I'll call," I said to him before giving him a peck on the cheek although I wanted to do more. Gay was in the car and I did not want to show out. I even told King upfront I kissed Gay before but only because I was only curious. He had no issues with that, nor did he make a big deal about it.
Like ask for a freaky menage or something. Guys were idiots. Not King.
After we reached our suite and put things away, we both wanted showers and to do nothing but lounge out. Gay was immediately on the phone with Felix so I got in my bed and called King.
"You're all situated now? Thanks for calling."
"I said I would. How can I be so glad to be back but miss it already?" I was going to miss waking up hearing the ocean and digging my toes into sand, but at least I still would be able to see King every day.
"I did not miss school at all, but here we are."
We talked all night. I was happy and nothing could ruin my week.
Except of course there always was something. I was working the front desk Monday night when who showed up? The person that was banned from showing up in my residence hall. I immediately got on the phone with my Hall Director before Todd was anywhere close to the front desk.
"Rayvn, wait!" He tried to stop me from making the call but I was already connected.
"Can you come out here, he's here," I said to the Hall Director who was very aware of the situation.
"Rayvn listen, I'm going to leave you alone I just came to tell you I'm leaving school."
Why did I need to know this? I did not care. I also texted King that Todd was here when he should not be. Not that King could make it here and scare him off for me. He was across campus at his place.
"Okay, that's fine, now leave," I said to him.
"Don't you want to know why?" He was right up at the counter, glaring at me and it was like he was another person. Not the smart, funny guy ingot to know.
It was something about the way he stared at me that gave me the creeps. My heart was racing and my head pounded. He was going to make me have another panic attack. I could not even utter another word to him, I just wanted him to leave.
Where was the Hall Director?
"I'm leaving because of you!" he yelled. "You're trying to ruin my life."
Now I was super scared and tensed up. There was no one else around, the cafeteria closed an hour ago and no one was coming in and out. I had been by myself the last thirty minutes not seeing anyone come and go. I needed to call security as well, or even 911. Todd may do something crazy.
"I hate you!" he yelled at me, and I jumped up from my seat and ran to the mailroom.
I felt like an idiot, but at least I was far away from him.
Finally, the Hall Director came rushing over to the front desk.
"Young man, you need to leave. You've already been warned about coming here and now I have to report this to Student Affairs."
"I don't care, I'm leaving this stupid school anyway!" he yelled.
"Let me escort you out." As the Hall Director started to escort him out, campus security arrived as well. The Hall Director must have contacted them.
Todd started to argue with them saying it was a free country, he could go anywhere he wanted. He yelled about no one took his side on things. Called me so many bad names and threatened the Hall Director. He went on about he hated Mizzou and that the teachers were unfair, the people fake, and everyone was a joke.
He kept ranting and kicked over a collection box of canned goods we had out front. That's when security finally grabbed him up and put cuffs on him, dragging him out while he still yelled at them.
I stayed in the mailroom but I could sort of see and I could hear everything. I stayed there until he was gone and the Hall Director came to get me.
"You okay?" she asked.
I shook my head no.
"Go on, go upstairs and calm down, I'll get someone else to cover for you."
I hate it here. I wished I was home with my daddy and stepmother. Crazy things like this would not happen if I was with them. What did I ever do to deserve something like this? I did not lead the boy on. I told him I only wanted to be his only friend, why couldn't he be happy with that? I gave him multiple warnings to leave me alone. I didn't want to report him to the school but he would not leave me alone.
When I made it to my room, Gay and Felix were there making out on the couch. I was not mad, she did not expect me to be back in the room so early.
"Hey, why are you-" Gay started to say.
"Todd came and tried...I don't know, he went crazy!"
"Girl, let me go down there and beat his ass for you!" Gay jumped up, slipped on her shoes, and did not look back as she headed to the door.
"No, they took him away," I said, stopping her before she left.
"Let me know where he stays, I'll handle him for you," Felix offered.
"No, it's okay, I think he's leaving the school. That's what he said. But..."
There was a loud knock on the door and I jumped nearly out of my skin. Gay came over to me to hug me.
"Poor thing."
"I'll get it," Felix said and walked over to the door, peeped out the peephole, and then opened it. It was King.
"Hey!" He walked in and over to me and Gay. "I ran over when I saw your text."
I went into his arms and let him hug me.
"That boy needs to be stopped!" Gay said. "I cannot believe he is acting like this over little Rave...I don't mean it like that, you know what I mean."
I knew what she meant. I was nothing special. There were about a thousand other girls on campus he could want to date, why me? What made me the one? I was not that pretty. I was a clumsy, dorky, poor, little girl that barely stood out. I was nice to him, that is the only thing I could think of.
"Want me to go deal with him?" King asked then kissed my forehead.
"No, no, he's leaving school. I mean, I guess dropping out."
"Girllll," Gay said. "It's like the bogeyman in a movie, they always come back. I don't trust that."
"I'm with Gay," King said. "I'm staying the night here with you. You don't need to be alone. What if he comes back and they just let him up?"
"Our doors are locked unless you have a pass," I said. And there was always someone at the front desk, twenty-four-seven. With a picture of him posted for all employees to see they knew he was not allowed there.
"When there is a will there is a way," King said to me, whatever that meant.
Surely this was all over now. He was escorted out by security. He was gone. This was over.
A/N: I wanted this situation to be reminiscent of Angel and her ex-husband. It will not have that type of ending though. But since these books are in the same world...and Angel and Hook never told her about that situation. They need to.
Gay was ready to knuck if you buck!
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