Chapter 52
Back to school.
Back to my reality. A day early to handle my move. I wished I would have asked my father to come and help. Now I had to move my things in several trips to my car and the new residence hall.
When I arrived at my floor, it was so quiet. No one was there yet, which was good and bad, Bad, there was no one to help me. Good, no one to bother me and ask why I was moving. Not that I talked to many others on my floor. I needed to make new friends.
I took a baggage carrier from the first floor so I could load up as much as I could in one trip. It was good that I had no big pieces of furniture or anything. I still had to get my new key once I went to the new residence hall with my things.
I texted Gay and she was on her way back to Columbia soon. We were both excited.
After I loaded my brand new car I received for Christmas with about a third of my things, I headed to my new residence hall which was quite a distance from my old one. This residence hall had a smaller cafeteria that many did not use, but I was looking forward to the change.
Then I made it to my new place, McAllen Hall, checked in, filled out some paperwork, and obtained my new key and door pass. The pass opened my suite as well as the main door, similar to a hotel. The key was to my bedroom door.
I loved the new suite, smaller, but cozier, and we each had our own bathroom. The floor was not co-ed like my previous floor, this one was all girls. I dropped off all my things, had no time to relax, and headed out of my room, just as the suite door opened.
"Well hey, roomie!" Gay stood there and rushed over to hug me. She looked so different! She'd shaved her hair bald. "This is about to be so cool I was so excited over break, I actually could not wait to get back to school."
"I know, right," I sort of lied. I was looking forward to this new chapter, but no rush to get back.
"We have to decorate our common area cool. I promise not to smoke my special stash and stink up our place. My last roommates hated that, but I don't care about them. I respect you more, I won't do all of that."
I looked behind Gay and Diallo was standing there. Just great!
"Hey Rave, I love the braids."
"Thanks." Why on earth was Diallo's hair braided back in cornrows and it made him extremely hot? As if he could get any hotter. I was a goner.
"Oh, Diallo is here to help me move all my things, that's it, that's all, right?" Gay said to her brother.
"Sure." He never took his eyes off me, and I never took mine off him.
Gay pulled me away, breaking our trance. "Focus! Do you have more things to get?"
"Uh...yeah...I mean, I was just headed out for more things."
"Nonsense, no need to do it all by yourself, let me help," Diallo said.
"Wait a sec, you're supposed to be helping me," Gay said, giving her brother a push.
"How about we do all your things, the three of us, and then we can do all Rayvn's things," he said. "I mean, I feel responsible Rayvn is leaving my floor. I wish you would stay."
If I would stay, I would be close to him, making me choose him by default.
"No, I need this change. I'll help Gay, and then we can move my things."
Gay lived in the same hall so it was easier to move her things just to another floor. She did not have much compared to me. She said she did not have many clothes, and most of the things were her artwork and sculptures she made since starting school there. I had never been in her room so I did not know she had so much art stuff. It was not her major. She was a mechanical engineering major.
Then we headed to my old room to get the last of my things. At least it would only be one trip now. I was glad everything was all packed and not too messy. Once everything was packed and loaded, I did one last sweep of my room and the bathroom of any of my things. So long Dorchester Hall room 511.
"You can come back to visit anytime," Diallo said as we walked to the elevator.
"I don't think I will."
Gay coughed, letting us know she was right there, listening in. I ignored Diallo and did not answer the question. I did not have an answer. Three weeks to ponder it, and I still had no idea if I wanted Diallo back or start something with King.
I was so happy after we hauled the last of my things into my room. It still would be a long night as I put everything away and made my room look like mine again. Diallo was hanging around as we decided we were hungry and needed to eat something.
"On me, let me buy my sister and my...I mean, and Rayvn dinner. Whatever you want."
"Oooh, big spender," Gay said. "Burgers and fries, and make mine veggie."
"Yeah, me too...I mean, meat for me, I eat meat." I sounded like a dweeb. Why was I so nervous talking to Diallo? I wanted to be passed that.
"I'll be right back," Diallo said and left our suite.
I headed back to my room, needing to hang up all my clothes, but Gay pulled me back out.
"Do not get back with my brother," she simply stated, shaking her head.
"Uh...okay." Why did she hate her brother so much? What did she know about him that I could not see? Sure, he dumped me, but that was a misunderstanding, and he saw his wrong in that now.
"You're not listening to me, Rave. Do not! Get back! With my brother!"
I had not even told her that he wanted us back together before break. Had he discussed it with her? They were pretty close.
"Gay, I like your brother. He apologized for dumping me before and-"
"You think anything would be different? He's controlling, manipulative, and a narcissist!"
"What? I don't see any of those things in Diallo. He's so sweet and caring and we had so much fun together and-"
"Will you listen to me? He's my brother and I love him no matter what, but he can't help himself. He gets it from our parents. Please don't fall for him again."
She was too late for that. I still had feelings for Diallo, I will not lie. Seeing him again just made those feelings stronger. I was over what he did, and so was he. Why couldn't I try again with him?
Because there was King.
I had not gotten to know King as well as Diallo. I did know that King had not broken my heart into a million pieces. King and I had a great friendship, and I feared dating him would ruin that. We should just stay friends.
But Diallo...
I was still unsure when Diallo came back with our food, plus a Starbucks caramel macchiato for me. He sat them on our little table while we sat on the couch, deep in conversation about our class schedule. I smiled at Diallo when I saw the drink. Just like old times.
"I figured you needed a pick me up, you're going to be up all night getting things sorted."
I picked it up and took a sip. It was much needed for sure. Today was Saturday, and not many were back on campus. Tomorrow, everyone else would return and I would still be sorting through my things for sure. I had to get it all done before classes on Monday. I had a full schedule this semester because I felt I could handle it.
"Aaaw, that's so sweet! Now bye!" Gay jumped up and pushed Diallo toward the door. "My roomie and I need to get settled and bond and all that. Just us. I will see you later, bro."
"Hey wait, Rayvn, do you want me to stay?"
Now they were placing me in the middle of them. I did not like this at all.
"Uh...I'll see you later Diallo, thanks for the food and my drink. Gay is right, we just need to get settled before classes begin in two days."
"OK. I'll text you."
Gay all but slammed the door in her brother's face. I had to hold in a laugh at her.
"I have a feeling you are going to do what you want to do, get back with my brother. Hey, I'm not my brother, I'm not controlling. But remember I warned you."
I had not decided anything, but she sure was making the decision tougher for me.
A/N: Diallo is trying to wriggle in strong. He has the upper hand over King at this point. Let's hope our girl listens to his sister, she knows him best.
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