Back, Louder & Prouder
Wow! I feel really guilty now... I had this ready a while back and couldn't post because of lack of internet, laziness, crappy chargers, school and so forth... Here's the chapter:
Wow. It's been so long. By so long you mean at least a month since you'd seen Lincoln and his family.
Okay that's a lie because you'd seen them almost every day playing outside but just not Lincoln.
You growled to yourself, "One month is long enough!" You walk out the door of your house and knocked on the Loud house's door.
"Greetings..." The little Loud Lisa says. "Can I come inside?" You ask.
She scoffs and says, "Well of course you can."
I stare at her and she doesn't invite me in then I finally get it.
"May I come inside?" I ask. She nods, "Certainly. Excuse my humor. Come inside."
I chuckled but roll my eyes and come inside.
"Is Lincoln home now?" I asked.
Lisa nods, "Upstairs, down the hall, straight across from the bathroom."
I run upstairs and knocked on his door, "Link? Are you up here?"
He opened the door and said, "(Y/N)? Hey long time no see!" You blush. Does he not remember?
Lincoln opens the door, "Come on in! Wanna play video games or something?"
You just grin and walked inside, "So... What's up?" He looks at you, "Eh nothing really. Why'd you wanna come over? It's been a long time."
You can't believe him... Obviously it was because of the kiss! "Because of... Schoolwork/ Sports/ STUFF!" You say/blurted to him.
He stares at you and shrugs, "Well you're here now."
"And I have to go now! Bye!" You run downstairs and stop before tripping over a small Loud. "Ah! Sorry Lily!" You say.
She giggles and watches you run out the house to next door.
You sit at the table in the kitchen and sigh. Peter walks in and says, "Guess what happened?" "You lost your ability to speak? Oh, obviously not.../ What happened?" You say.
He glares/ smiles at you, "Well... I asked Loud number 7 out! She said yes!" You looked confused, "Lucy? Good for you... I guess."
"What!? No Lynn! Did you ask Lincoln considering his the only boy, unless you're into girls and that sort of thing." You scoff, "Shut up!" And go upstairs to your room.
You hear your mom talking to Lincoln's mom on the phone. That's a brilliant idea. It'll be great for this house your mom says. You hear muffled speech from Lincoln's mom. Isn't next month a little soon? Well... I can't wait! You're right, I'll do it!
You feel slightly concerned... Something new was going to happen and it would affect you because she said "this house". What was it...? "Mom! What were you talking about on the phone?"
"I'll tell you later, (Y/N), I'm busy with dinner." She said, throwing an apron on. Peter walked in holding Max and said, "Oh pasta!" Mom nodded. "Papa!" Maxine babbled. "No it's called pasta!" Peter laughed.
"I'll be done in an hour. Why don't you play with the Loud family? I'll call you when it's done." She said. Of course, you leave and are thrown right back in their house.
You, Peter and Max walks next door. You decided to avoid Lincoln for an hour and just find some other Loud to hang out with for an hour, which wouldn't be hard. Not Lily or Lynn but that still left 8 girls.
"What are you thinking about?" "Ahh!!" You bounce and fall down, seeing Lucy stand right next to you. Uhg... Why not!?
"Lucy do you wanna hang out?" You ask, heavily hesitating. She smiles, "Why not? Do you like spooky things? It's my favorite color." You stare at her and say, "No.../ Yes./ Kind of," and then just walk up to her room.
You 2 sit on her bed and she grabs a poem, "(Y/N), would you like to hear it?" You smile and nodded. She cleared her throat,
Spooky out, Loving in
Emotions like a storm crashing within
Personality isn't outer deep
I am Lucy and I am unique
Lucy turned away and looked red, "I'm not finished with it. I apologize. I just thought-" You hug Lucy and smile. She seems surprised and confused. "Hey, c-cut it out!" She said. You began to laugh and squeeze her.
She begins to laugh, quite a bit actually. She falls off the bed, knocking her bangs off her eyes. She has blue eyes... They're beautiful honestly. Very shiny? "Lucy!" You gasp and grin. She fixes her hair and looks at you. "Whatever..." She leaves the room. You grin and look at her. Personality isn't outer deep.
You leave and go downstairs and check on the other Louds. You decided to give Lucy some alone time so you decide to hang out with Luan because like you said earlier Why not!?
She's in her room looking in the mirror. She sees you and turns around, "(Y/N)! Wanna hear some good old jokes?" You sit on her bed, "Sure, Luan."
"*ahem* These are jokes that people who spend a lot of time online would get! Haha..." She chuckled. "Pap's date didn't go well did it? I knew it! It was a non brainer!"
You look at her and look confused. "Hey I have a wide variety of jokes!" She defended. "What else?" "Operator! Operator! What's the number for 911? Classic huh?"
You nod. "And finally my last joke. Never take a job as a security guard in winter because Spring is just around the corner! Ha!"
You chuckled and said you have to leave. You got 1/ 2/ ALL of the jokes but still had to leave. You went home and sat down for dinner. Your mom was in her room, changing the baby.
You look at a sheet of paper. Normally you wouldn't look at your mom's stuff but something on this peeked your interest. One big fat word that killed you...
Remember to make a choice when it says / and also who actually got my random fandom references in Luan's jokes? Lol
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