A Date to Remember
This chapter is a little different. I got this idea from Cupcake_Reads The reader can choose their own decisions. If you see / or A), B), ext then you can make a choice (with the A),B),C) stuff comment your choice)
It's Saturday... This week passed by so fast. You honestly spent all week worrying about the... You know
You were worried that something would go wrong and Lincoln would hate you or you'd just embarrass yourself in front of 13 people... Either way it sucked.
You looked at yourself in a mirror and smiled you had chosen...
A) A red dress and black high heels
B) A White shirt, a jean jacket, a pink skirt and slip on shoes
C) A purple sweater and jeans
D) Any colored T-shirt and jeans and sneakers
... You thought it looked cute! You left your room and ran into Peter who was wearing a sloppy hoodie and jeans with holes in the knees.
"That's a bad impression! Change." You say. He scoffed, "No you're overdoing it. They're our neighbors. We're close. It'll be fine."
"Especially you and Lynn!" You tease. He pushed you and put the hood on his head and ran downstairs. You came after him.
"Come on, guys. It'd be rude to be late." Your dad says. Your mom is holding Maxine who says, "Loud! Loud house!" You chuckle, "Yeah..."
When you we go inside the house Ms. Loud invites us in. "Dinners at 6 so go play for a few moments, okay?"
Peter goes outside with Lynn (obviously) and Maxine and Lily go play. I really don't know what to do.
"Hey, (Y/N) come here! Can you please play with me?" Lola says. I look at her and smile, "Okay fine... Just for 5 minutes." She squeals and jumps in my arms, happily.
"Thanks, (Y/N)!" We run up to her room and she sets out a chair for me and her toys. "Here ya go! One or Two sugar cubes?" "One/Two please..." You say, with a forced/ sincere smile.
She puts some imaginary cubes in your cup of water. You smiled and stuck your pinkie out and drank the water. You 2 talk for a while until you check your watch. 5:25... You, a 10 year old girl, had played tea party for 25 minutes... Humiliating.
"I gotta go. Maybe later, okay?" You say and walk out the room. You hear small cries from the bathroom. You stop and open the door, "Lana?"
"Go away... You..." You look at her and ask, "Lana... Did you want to join the tea party?" She looks up at you and wipes her face, "I... I just wanted to play with her but you came and replaced me!" You hug and smile at her.
"Do you want me with you...? We can make... Mud." You gag inside but smile on the outside. She smiles, "No..." You looked offended and confused. Lana pushes past you and Lola is standing outside the door.
"Wanna play tag?" Lola asked Lana. "I'll be the mud monster!" Lana said, happily. You smiled. For little kids they were pretty cool.
You run downstairs and decided to help out with dinner. You didn't want to be clingy so you left Lincoln alone for a while.
Finally it was 6:00. Everyone rushed to the table. Kids at one table, anyone over 13 at the next table.
You sat next to Lucy and Lincoln at the table. "Oh pizza! Classy!" Peter said, taking a bite out of pizza dripping cheese everywhere.
Lucy looked at him and said, "Ugh! You people don't understand, the food has feeling! The sauce represents the pizza's blood and cheese is the soul! You're killing it, Pete!"
Peter laughed and Lola asked, "What about the pepperoni?" "That, however, is nothing more than pepperoni." Lucy says.
You take a bite of your pizza and Lana says, "(Y/N)! Say CHEESE!" She sticks out her tongue and spits cheese out all over your shirt/dress. "Lana!" Lincoln yells.
You blush but say, "It'll come out. She's only 5. She doesn't know any better." "6!" Lana yells. "She knows better." Lincoln says, glaring at Lana.
Lola grabs her vegetables and says, "Let's have a food fight!" "Yeah!" Lana says throwing a chunk of her potatoes at Maxine who just giggles.
Lily clapped and threw food at Peter. "Food Fight!" Peter laughs. Everyone is making a mess and throwing food everywhere.
I look to my side and see Lincoln laughing and throwing food, too. Mashed potatoes hit your chest and no one seems to notice.
You get out your chair and run into the living room. You leave the house and go to your house. Thank goodness we live so close... You climb the ladder up on to your roof and sigh.
You lie your head down and look at the sky. Stars are already coming out. You hear clatter and think your mom or dad is coming to scold you but notice it's... "Lincoln?"
He sits next to you and for a while not one of you says a word. "How do you live like that... All those sisters... I'd die." Lincoln looks at you and chuckles, "Well... They're my family. I have to get used to it. I think you should, too. They all like you."
You look at Lincoln, "I know that's a lie." Lincoln rolls his eyes, "What's your problem? Do you have low self-esteem?" You looked at Lincoln and turn away.
"No... I don't think so... Maybe? Ugh! No. It's just... They're all so cool. They all have amazing ability's and stuff but I can't do crap!" Lincoln looks into your eyes.
"You're an amazing gamer... You have pretty eyes, you're nice and are one of the sweetest people I've ever met. You are awesome!" He gives you a smile. You look at his freckles, that puff of hair that always stood out and that cracked tooth.
"Why are you so nice, Lincoln?" You ask. "I don't have any reason to be mean, as long as I have hope I have a reason to be happy." You laid closer and so did he.
He hugs you and you hug him back. "Let's get down..." You nodded, "You're my best friend, Lincoln." "You're my best girl friend. Ah! I mean friend.... Who's a girl. Heheh not girlfriend. Girl. Friend. Not like..."
You press your lips on to his. He looks surprised then shuts up. "I understand. We're best friends." You 2 get off the roof and go inside to help clean up.
Is this going to fast? No! They're not dating!! But how am I doing so far, really?
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