DAY #2
Later that day, I wake up to the minor hangover that I expected. I hear my roommates scurrying around in the kitchen, preparing to leave for their jobs. I sit up in bed and stretch, thanking the Lord for giving me this Saturday off. I check the time on my phone and hop out of bed. I throw on my University of Southern California crewneck and head towards the living room.
"Damn, you both have afternoon shifts?" I ask as I layout on the couch, turning on the television.
"Don't be a bitch, Charlie," my friend Jen mocks, jealous of my entirely free day. I giggle in response, waving her and my other roommate Hailey off as they exit the apartment. I decide to make myself some breakfast considering I've been living off of Starbucks recently. After cooking my meal, I strategically carry my full course of eggs, bacon, and toast back to my seat and open Netflix.
The rest of my morning goes by pretty quickly. Around twelve thirty I get my daily dosage of Snapchats from friends and family. I reply to all with my usual funny expressions and face filters. As I scroll, I get a notification that my younger sister had "snap-messaged" me. I swipe right on the screen to see that she replied to my story from earlier that day.
that looks just like Alex Ernst's bunny!! Who's is it???
Tbh I don't know hahah what bunny are you talking about??
I study the picture, twisting my face as I recognize the boy in the pic she sent as the same kid from the night before.
Wait who is he?
Alex Ernst!! He's from the Vlog Squad
Wtf is the vlog squad?
they're David Dobrik's friends from his videos on youtube! are you dumb??
I quickly close Snapchat and search "David Dobrik" on Youtube. I watch one of his videos and immediately remember my previous knowledge of him.
Ohhhhh the youtube guy you're obsessed with
No I didn't meet him but I met the guy with the bunny
I'm pretty sure it was him hahaha
My sister continues to message me as I lock my phone. Pushing myself from the comfort of the couch, I prance over to the counter and check the grocery list my roommates left me.
"Of course we need Capri Sun," I laugh to myself at my friends' childlike cravings...but I'm not saying I won't buy it. I search around the kitchen for my wallet, unknown of where I last placed it. I enter my room and quest through my sheets and under the bed, my heart dropping when my mind admits that I can't remember the last time I had it. Did I even bring it home last night? Is it in the Uber? I rummage through my dirty clothes, checking the pockets of the jeans I left that boy's apartment wearing, as well as the sweatshirt I borrowed. Nothing.
I start to panic, trying to retrace my own footsteps in my mind. Facepalming myself, I remember that I must've left it on the floor of that kid's living room before I got to my Uber. I huff before falling onto my bed and looking up his name on Google. Instantly, his twitter, youtube, and instagram are offered for my choosing. I decide to direct message him on Twitter:
So, I'm that girl that was in your
apartment last night and I think I
may have left my wallet lol
I stare at my screen for five minutes awaiting a response before my eyes grow heavy and I fall back into a much needed sleep.
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