DAY #1
My heart stops as soon as I open my eyes. You know that feeling when you wake up and have no idea where you are, but you're really just in your bed?
I'm experiencing that same feeling except that I have absolutely no clue where the hell I am.
I sit up, covering my naked body with the loose sheets laying across the bed. The after taste of liquor rots my mouth as I slowly feel a headache coming on. I see my phone lighting up on the carpet next to me, the time only being three in the morning. Dizziness strikes me the moment I stand up. Am I still drunk? I gag slightly at even just the thought of alcohol.
It's more than a gag.
I charge towards the little room next to the closet, throwing my head in the toilet and letting whatever I ate a few hours ago come up, along with some of that alcohol. After flushing, I wipe my face and rinse out my mouth with some water. Who the fuck did I even sleep with? I tiptoe out from the safety of the bathroom and squint to get a closer look at the sleeping boy on the bed. I start to feel dizzy again, the darkness not helping at all. Steering myself around the room, I hunt for all my stuff.
Phone and wallet. Check.
Underwear. Check.
Jeans. Check.
Using the flashlight on my phone, I navigate my way out of the strangers bedroom, turning it off as the hallway lights lead me through the apartment. I creep around the corner, noticing my shirt and heels in the living room. Flopping onto the couch, I snatch my shoes and attempt to shove them on my feet.
"Excuse me?" A stranger's voice echoed through the silent apartment. I jump in my seat, scared half to death.
"Shit! Um, I'm uh, I'm so sorry. I...I'm leaving right now," I can't help but stammer, launching myself off the couch and turning towards the voice's source.
A boy, probably in his early twenties, shoots me a puzzled look from his stance in the kitchen. His dirty blond hair somewhat shaggy, probably because he just woke up. I think I recognize him from somewhere. He holds a bowl of cereal in his hands as he glances down at my body. I twist my head out of confusion before a recollection of why I was in the living room in the first place kicks into my mind. I gasp and throw my arms over my partially naked torso, only a bralette protecting me from the nude. While I'm standing there awkwardly, I think he notices my struggle to stand up in my heels.
"I don't do this with most of my roommates 'girls', but can I get you, like, a pair of actual shoes and maybe a sweatshirt?" He places his cereal down on the counter and approaches me.
"Um. Yea..Yeah! That'd be great," I stutter, letting myself fall back onto the couch to now pry my shoes off. The familiar-stranger walks down the hallway where I originally came from, entering a different room. I put my phone and wallet on the ground next to my feet before sitting up and continuing to cover my body. He comes out with a black hoodie and a pair of old converse. I slip my feet into the flat shoes, sighing happily as they soothe my overused arches. "Why'd you get me a sweatshirt to wear if I already have a shirt?" I hold the maroon tube top up to the boy.
"You're telling me you want to put that on and walk through Los Angeles at three AM alone?" He sternly jokes, still trying to prove a point. I snicker at his remark.
"You're right. Thank you, again," I slowly slide the sweatshirt on, suddenly distracted by the strange design inked onto the front of it. "Is... Is this a foot going through a table?" Pinching two sides of it, I hold the design up to the fellow. He grins and nods. "I'm afraid to ask."
"It's a stupid joke, you're fine," I grab my phone before he offers his hands and helps me up. "Are you just gonna call an Uber, or do you want a ride home?"
"Uber is fine. Maybe next time you can drive me."
"There's gonna be a next time?" He asks, raising his eyebrow at my statement. Chucking, I shake my head at him.
"Nah, I'm fucking with you." He shares the laugh for a moment as I order an Uber. We sit in silence for a few minutes. I snap my head towards the wall nearest the apartment's terrace, a strange sound coming from that area. Leaning over to see past the couch, I am greeted by a cage with a little white fluff inside. I gasp at the sight of the creature. "You have a bunny?" I ask, my tone overflowing with excitement. The boy laughs and walks over to the cage.
"You want to pet her?" He picks up the bunny calmly, tracing his steps back to me as it snuggles against his touch.
"What's her name?" I reach out slowly and stroke down her back gently.
"Bailey," he responds, looking down lovingly at the rabbit. While mid-pet, I get a notification from my driver letting me know that he's here. I pout, knowing that I must now leave the precious little bunny.
"Is it alright if I take a picture of her real quick?" I hover my finger over Snapchat. He hesitates for a moment before nodding his head and replying with a soft 'yeah'. I snap of pic of the sweet rabbit's face before shoving my cell in my pocket. "Thank you so much, again," I emphasize, smiling a the boy. He returns my gesture with a grin.
"No big deal. This is probably the earliest I've ever met one of my roommate's girls," he chuckles. I laugh as well, but can't help but feel awkward that he keeps referring to me as that. I start my journey towards the door, the stranger placing the bunny on the ground and walking me out. "Have a good rest of your morning," he cheekily says to me as I make my way through the door.
"Yeah, you too," is the last thing I get out before he shuts the door.
As I hop into the car and give the driver my address, I open up Snapchat again, the picture of the bunny still sitting there waiting to be sent. I post it to my story, because the world should be aware of such an angel.
The minute I step foot inside my apartment, I strip and jump in the shower. Am I going to have to return those shoes and that sweatshirt? I think to myself as I scrub my body down. He can have the shoes back but I'm kinda into that hoodie. I dry myself off before grabbing an ice cold Gatorade and an aspirin, hopping into bed and preparing for whatever this hangover has in store for me later.
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