chapter 1. Bella Dancerella!
CHAPTER 1 ... part 1
(The House of Wolves - Bring Me the Horizon)
"JJ!" Francesca Jameson yelled out, hastily packing two brown paper bags. "You'd better be downstairs in the next thirty seconds, or you'll make your cousin late!"
In front of her sat Peter Parker, her nephew only through her cousin (more-so sister) May Parker, awkwardly eating a bowl of cereal.
"It's okay Aunt Frankie-"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" A young boy comes in, his unruly blonde curls disheveled atop his head, steps clumsy as a bolted down the steps, quickly stuffing the brown bag into his backpack. He shoved a piece of toast in his mouth as he hastily began shoving on well-loved adidas.
"JJ please, we have a guest."
"Ma," JJ groaned, moving to sit next to his cousin, "this is like Pete's second home, he's used to it."
She rolled her eyes at her son, looking towards her watch, moving quickly as she noticed the time. "I packed you a PB&J with some apple slices, cheese stick and a granola bar. Head over to your Aunt May's after school and don't forget to do your homework."
"I know Mom." He smiled up at her, making her ruffle his hair and plant a kiss against his forehead.
"I'll pick you up at 5 and we can go to your favorite for dinner?"
"The burger joint on 3rd?"
"You know it! Pete, ask May if you guys can tag along?"
"Probably not tonight, I have a big project due for physics and May's helping."
Frankie nodded, shoving her ballet slippers into her bag and moving to hug both boys. "I love you both so much, make good choices and remember not to do anything me or your aunt would do!"
"Have a good day Aunt Frankie!"
"Love you to Ma!"
She gave them a grin before running towards her beaten down car. Luckily for Frankie the commute from her apartment to the ballet studio was rather quick, under 10 minutes.
She exited the car and walked quickly towards the entrance, shoving pins into her hair and chugging the last of her thermos coffee.
When she entered the practice room, there were (at the very least) 5 people already stretching as she made way to put her things away.
"Good morning." The sing-song-y voice of Clementine Auclair rung through the changing room, her slim arms wrapping about Frankie's neck. If there was way to describe Clem it would be, in short, perfect. Never a hair out of place and a smile always presents with a beautiful body and alluring voice to pair. In a way, Clem reminded Frankie of her younger self, to her present self if were being truthful.
"Morning, when did you get here?"
"I arrived around 6:30, wanted to get some extra practice in."
Frankie just nodded, pulling out her phone that had a 'good luck!' text from JJ, the soft smile that procured her lips had Clementine asking,
"What's got you smiling?"
She showed her the text, "God, what did I do to get such a good kid."
Then, jokingly, Frankie added, "Probably a reward from all the praying."
Like a phantom response, Frankie's hands reached up to touch the cross that lay about her neck, nervously toying with it. In her mind, she recited a prayer, still hoping God would forgive her.
Clementine laughed, unknowing to Francesca's inner turmoil. She began to make her excited, only stopping to turn to Frankie and say, "And by the way, break a leg."
After her audition, Francesca sat in a coffee shop during her lunch break, looking through her emails. Amidst the spam and letters, there was one that caught her eyes.
SUBJECT: Need a Lawyer?
Are you or a loved one in need of legal help?
Call Nelson & Murdock today or email us!
State Street
She couldn't believe her eyes, was this really Matthew? Her Matt? Francesca wasted no time, immediately writing out an email and sending it before she could second guess herself.
SUBJECT: How are you?
RECIPENT: Matthew Murdock
Hey Matt, It's Francesca! I know it seems odd that I'm reaching out after however long it's been, but to be honest I've been trying for years. You're a very hard person to reach.
I won't dally with any small talk and just cut to the chase; you have a son Matt. By the time I had found out you were long gone, and I had no idea how to contact you and no one knew where you'd gone.
We've been living in Queens for the past few years, and he's decided he wants to get to know you.
He's 14 and his name is Jack Jr. but prefers JJ. He's on track to go to Midtown like his cousin Peter and holds the fastest record for swim laps at his school.
I understand if you don't want any part of this, truly I feel awful to have kept this from you for so long, but JJ really wants to know his dad.
Francesca Jameson
"Christ Matt," Foggy groaned as he read out the email, "really beating the man-whore allegation's huh?" Even if his words were meant to be light, there was still an underlaying tone of exasperation, it practically buzzed against Matt's ears.
"It was my – our, first time. I wasn't exactly thinking of the aftermath."
"Better start thinking about it because you've got a 14 year old kid."
Matt let out a groan, a migraine beginning to form beneath his red glasses. He didn't think much about Francesca, only a stray thought here and there but he never gave it a second thought.
Foggy then clasped his hand on Matts shoulder, a futile attempt to comfort his friend. "The catholic guilt is eating you alive man."
First things first, please tell me at least one person knows what I'm referencing with the chapter title, Bella Dancerella was my childhood omlll.
Second, what do we think of the first chapter?
Hope y'all enjoy!
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