At The Party
Emily's POV
It was after 8 at night and the gang and I are about to attend the pool party at school. Sarah and I walked while the guys drove. I wanted to tell her everything about Lilith but I was refrained for some reason. I had to tell someone sooner or later. What if something unexplainable happened to me. No one would know what to think. "You ok?" Sarah broke away my reverie. I nodded but she knew something was wrong. "Emily, talk to me" She protested. She was determined to find out. I sighed in defeat "It's about Lilith" I didn't know how to explain everything all at once but I had to try whether she believes me or not. "I know right. She gives me the creeps too but don't worry, we will put an end to that tonight!" She reassured me and I was confused. We continued walking until the school came into view. It was dark with only a few people lingering around the compound. It doesn't seem like a party to me. "Where is everyone?" I asked Sarah. "It's just us but we invited one extra person" She told me. She pulled something from her pocket and held the lock on the gate in place. "How did you get the key?" I asked. "I have my ways" She winked at me as she unlocked the gate. We entered the school grounds and I saw Jake, Mason and Dave. What was going on? Sarah walked over to Jake and whispered something in his ear. Jake nodded and handed her something then they both made out for a short minute. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I turned to Mason who was busy on a computer. "Hey." I waved at him. "Hi" He simply stated without taking his eyes off the device. Since Lilith came into the picture he claimed that I become distant and secretive so he broke up with me for a week now. I was never one to hold back a person from what they want so I gave him his space. "What's all this for?" I asked him while watching what he was doing. "It's a camcorder Emily" He said in a duh tone. "Well, what's it recording?" I asked him raising my voice at his arrogance. He sighed refusing to answer my question.
I kissed my teeth and walked away but I felt his hand grip my wrist. "Emily, don't be like that" He said. I refused to look at him. "I miss you" He said sweetly. I looked into his eyes but was distracted by a sudden movement on the computer screen. It was a girl. She was undressing to go into the pool. "Lilith?" I asked in disbelief. Mason looked closely at the screen and his mouth was agape. "What is she doing here?" I asked him. "I have no idea, I swear" He defended. "I invited her" We were interrupted by Jake's gruff voice. "Why?" I shouted. "To teach her a lesson" Dave butted in. We all gathered to watch her. Mason and I were shocked while Dave, Sarah and Jake were smiling. She took her clothes off revealing her naked body. She dived into the pool and swam around. She doesn't even know that she is being filmed. I ran out of the room to the pool sanatorium. I had to inform her of what was taking place. I heard Sarah screamed after me but I didn't care and ran anyways. I barged open the door and Lilith jumped in fright. "Emily, what are you doing here?" She asked puzzled. I gave her a towel to wrap around her as she got out of the water. "I'm not a part of this! I didn't know what they were doing I swear!" I confessed. "What are you talking about?" Lilith's voice became crotchety. On the spur of the moment, the doors barged open and Sarah, Jake and Dave came in laughing at her. Dave brought his camera recording her up close. Jake grabbed the towel off her and threw it into the water. She started to cry in shame. I stood there not knowing what to do. "Stop!" She begged but they didn't desist.
"You really thought Mr. Clarke wanted you. You whore!" Dave laughed at her. Mason punched Dave in his face but Jake held him and punched him back. Mason fell unto the ground and I comforted him. "Sarah, do something!" I shouted at her. "Ok" She said with her voice void of any emotion. She walked over to Lilith and slapped her across her face. Lilith held her cheek then punched Sarah in her nose and she fell. Lilith pushed Dave and he hit into the wall. Jake ran out of the room leaving me and Mason alone. She walked over to us. "Lilith please. We didn't do anything!" She held Mason by his foot and threw him into the water. I watched as he fought to swim. She started walking towards me slowly. "I will bring you back to the dead where you belong for this" She snickered through gritted teeth. I began pacing backwards from her but she held my throat by force. I tried to break free but she held unto it tightly. I had to defend myself. I held her hand and my nails scraped her hands and she let me go. I got the chance to ran away but she jumped on me and I fell with her hovering over me. She began strangling me. I fought but she was too strong. She was about to kill me. I used my knee to push her off me and I heard a loud thud. I got up to see Lilith's head bashed in by the concrete. I guess I pushed her too hard. Her eyes were widened in shock with blood spilling across her face. Sarah walked over to her and pressed her finger against her neck. "She has no pulse." She announced. I began to panic. "I killed her" I whispered trying to come to terms with the situation. I knew I was doomed now. "What do we do?" Sarah shouted. "Shut up!" Jake shouted louder. He raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. His face suddenly lit up with an idea. "We bury her. In the woods" He announced. "No! Let's just call the police" I spoke up. "And tell them what exactly Emily? That we broke into the school after hours? That we invited her here to publicly humiliate her? Oh! and let's not forget that you pushed her and bashed in her head!" Jake shouted at me. "For all we know, this was an innocent accident." He continued. Sarah and I started to cry. "Dude, am not going back to jail" Dave butted in. Everyone took a moment of silence. "Hey. If anyone has a better idea, am all ears but time is running out!" Jake argued. "Bury her" Mason said. I looked at him with a confused look. I can't believe he agreed to this. "What about you Sarah?" Jake asked. "Bury the bitch" She snapped. "That's my girl" He hugged her then looked at me raising the same question. I simply nodded in agreement.
The boys struggled to bring her lifeless body up to the woods. Sarah and I followed behind with the shovels. "I can't believe this happened" I exclaimed in shock. "It's gonna be ok Em. We're gonna bury her someplace no one will ever find her. Not even the dogs." She reassured me. It was a bit comforting but I couldn't help the guilt. "You don't understand. Lilith's a..." "Right here!" Jake shouted interrupting me. They dropped the body and we all began digging. We dug the hole very deep then they dropped her body into it and covered it quickly. "Any last words, Emily?" A snorting voice asked me. I looked around and saw Lilith standing beside me with worms and maggots eating her skin. She was drenched with her own blood and her eyes were rolled over. She opened her mouth and dirt and blood poured out. She stretched her hand towards me that was crouched into a fist. I opened my palms and she dropped something in it. I looked at it and it was a piece of crumpled paper. As I looked up, she was gone. There was no one around. "Sarah?" I called out but no reply came. I was all alone in the woods. "Mason?" Still no answer. I turned and turned but I couldn't see anything. The place was dark. I started to run although I didn't know where I was going. Suddenly, I bumped into something. A dark figure. It was tall and had wings. I screamed then I finally woke up. I was in my bed. I looked around and saw the sun peeking through my windows. I sighed in relief as it was all a dream. At least I hope so!
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