Zodiac Babies (Prepare yourselves!!)
Aries: The one baby that has the first word being "hell" when trying to say hello.
Taurus: The baby that eats everything, puts their mouth on everything, and you find legos or pennies in their poop.
Gemini: Crawls everywhere and hides from their parents.
Cancer: Is crabby when woken up from a nap, and makes the best grumpy face ever.
Leo: Is featured in all the cutest baby pictures with the best hair, best clothes, etc. And even when they cry, it's cute.
Virgo: The smartest baby who figures out how to undo the latch on the crib and gets out.
Libra: Couldn't find anything. (Sorry guys!)
Scorpio: The kind of baby that poops everywhere, bites everyone, but they know how to put on the innocent face.
Sagittarius: Nothing.... Couldn't find anything...(Apology)
Capricorn: The stubborn baby who chew on everything and rattles the gate of the crib at midnight, and cries just to annoy you.
Aquarius: Loves. Baths.
Pisces: Looks at everything and licks it and manages to get their diaper off.
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