Karin & Yuzu Kurosaki
The camera was zoomed in, on a crayon drawn picture. In the picture was a giant soccer ball, and a stick figure on either side of the soccer ball, one obviously male, the other obviously female. Matsumoto's voice came, a tad bit concerned. "Karin-chan, don't you think that you need to write something on your sign."
"Like what?" came the females voice. The tone of voice stated that the young Kurosaki girl felt the question wasn't something that should be asked.
"Your sign should say, 'what Karin likes about Hitsugaya taicho'," Matsumoto sighed.
"But I don't call Toshiro that," the girl stated, as the camera suddenly zoomed out. Karin's mouth curled into a curled pout. "Plus, it's weird calling your friends by their last names."
This caused a chuckle to suddenly come from the side, as Orihime couldn't keep her mirth in. Matsumoto let out a sigh. "But why didn't you write that then?"
"Because, the pictures good enough. Toshiro isn't stupid. He's also not stupid enough to forget what I look like," the tomboy stated, putting her sign to the side. "So, why are you making this video about things that people like about Toshiro? It seems weird, and you didn't tell me the reason."
"It's because Toshiro-kun doesn't like himself." Orihime's voice had a sad flare to it.
"See... Orihime-chan calls him by his first name to," Karin complained. "I don't get why Toshiro doesn't like himself. He's pretty cool, a lot more mature then the other guys my age."
Suddenly, a blue puppet popped up into the viewing area. "Hitsugaya Taicho doesn't like his height, or his hair color, eye color, lots of things..."
"I don't think taicho's zampaktuo would tell everyone what he doesn't like about himself," Rangiku sighed, while Karin's eyes simply grew wide, and the corner of her mouth turned up.
"Those are cool things about him though. I mean, he's got a different hair color, like Ichi-nii, and he never lets people get to him about his hair color. Plus, it's nice knowing a guy who isn't way taller than me," Karin stated, just as the door opened.
"Oh... kay..." Matsumoto stated, then looked at the door. "Uhh... whose she?"
The camera suddenly turned towards the door, revealing another young girl around Karin's age. "Karin, what are you doing in Ichi-nii's room? Why's the camera floating in the air?"
"Ah, Yuzu-chan. We're making a film, trying to make one of Karin-chan's feel better about himself," Orihime stated.
"Um... Karin... whose... Yuzu is..." Matsumoto's voice sounded concerned.
"She's my sister Matsumoto-san," Karin piped up, her voice sounding as if she was shrugging off the comment.
Yuzu popped over to the camera, pushing her face right into the camera. "Hi Karin's friend! I'm Yuzu's twin sister! I'm sorry your sick!"
This caused a held back chuckle from Karin. A brown cat puppet popped onto the screen. "Toshiro-kun's not sick with a cold. He's just not feeling good about himself."
Another laugh came from Karin. "Whose idea was it to add in the puppets?"
"Mine..." Orihime muttered, a little bit upset.
"Hey... can I play with the puppets?" Yuzu suddenly asked. She was quickly handed the puppets. Both talked at the same time. "Hello."
The Hyorinmaru puppet spoke up first, in a squeaky voice. "My name is Kiko. How are you doing."
Haineko spoke up with a deep voice. "My name is Kenji."
"Oh... kay," Matsumoto's tone reveled her hesitancy.
"Hey, Matsumoto. We were going to also ask all females what they think of Toshiro's romantic interests," Orihime piped up.
A sudden thud could be heard from the side, and a rancor of laughter. Yuzu suddenly raised an eyebrow. "Aren't kids our age too young to be even thinking about that kind of thing? I mean, Ichi-nii isn't old enough either."
Matsumoto turned the camera towards Karin, who tried to pull herself back into the computer chair. "Toshiro is going to kill the two of you!"
"Why?" Orihime asked, her voice filled with confusion.
"You mean, there is another person here?" Yuzu's emotions indicated she was upset. "The camera isn't floating because of magic, but because there is a ghost person here. Not fair... how come I can't see them like you and Ichi-nii can."
Karin finally pulled herself back into the chair. "Sorry Yuzu. I really don't know why. You would like Toshiro though."
"You mean Toshiro-kun is also a ghost person?" The second Kurosaki twin suddenly popped up next to Karin.
The Hyorinmaru puppet suddenly spoke up. "You always make the ghost friends."
Yuzu then disappeared out of the camera range. It was Orihime's turn to speak up. "I don't see how the question is inappropriate. A lot of girls your age talk about guys."
"They do?" Yuzu suddenly spoke up. "I guess Karin does, as she talks about all her guy friends are annoying."
"That wasn't what I meant." Inoue had a sad tone to her voice.
"I know what you meant," Karin muttered, irritation in her voice. She also had a scowl on her face."You were talking about how a lot of girl's gossip about guys that they think are cute, and so awesome. They argue who will get to marry a certain movie star, when the guy is way older then them."
"So... what do you think, they would think of taicho?" Matsumoto asked Karin, causing the girl to wince.
"A guy who is our age," Karin closed her mouth tightly, as if she didn't want to answer.
"I forgot that most of the guys girls that age talk about, are older, way older," Orihime piped up.
"I guess that question wasn't a good one to ask," Matsumoto sighed.
"She said most," Karin muttered.
"What do you mean by that Karin?" Yuzu suddenly asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
"I don't think..." Matsumoto started, only to have Karin explain what she meant to her sister.
"Toshiro is the kind of guy they would talk about. His hair and eyes make him stand out, and they would say he had good looks, because that is cool. He's also really good at sports, and my guy friends think he's practically awesome. He's smart, and mature for his age. He's basically Mr. Perfect."
"Well, that wasn't a bad answer to the question," the blond teenager laughed.
"Of course, they would overlook the fact that he isn't perfect thought," Karin suddenly blurted out. "He can be a grouch sometimes, but I can live with that. Oops..."
Karin suddenly shrunk down into the computer chair, a sheepish look on her face. The door clicked open, and Matsumoto spun the camera to the door, revealing a rather annoyed Ichigo. "What the hell are you guys doing in my room? Yuzu, what did you do to my socks!"
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