Juliet's hands were clutched white around themselves as she listened to Charlie's panicked phone calls. Bella was gone. She'd left a note saying that she left with Alice because something was happening with Edward, and that she'd be back. Charlie was angry that she left, worried that she hadn't called, and just wanted to find her. Juliet, on the other hand, couldn't help but think of the worst. She wanted to run back to La Push, back to Leah, but there was no excuse good enough she could think to give Charlie. For now, she'd just have to wait.
"Leah I'm terrified." Juliet admitted. "What if something happened? What if she's dead?"
"It's gonna be okay, Jules." Leah's voice was soothing, but it didn't do much for Juliet. "Why don't you come down here? That way you can get out for a little while, come see me."
"Where are you?"
Pulling up to Sam and Emily's house made Juliet's nerves spark, though in a different way. She realized, for the first time, that the pack would've definitely already known about Leah imprinting. The thought of someone else knowing about her and Leah upset her. Part of her selfishly wanted to keep it a secret, and the rest of her was just worried about what people would think. However, when she saw Leah walk out of the house to greet her, her nerves slipped away.
"Jake knows what happened." Leah said as soon as Juliet was out of her truck. Her eyes widened, and her heart began to race.
"Where is he?" Leah nodded back towards the house and Juliet followed close behind her. Inside, Sam, Emily, Jared, Paul, Embry and Jake were all gathered around the table. "Jake what happened?" Jake looked up, his expression almost guilty.
"Jared, Embry and I went over before the funeral." Jake began, and Juliet slipped into the seat across from him, Leah at her side. "Just to see how long the bloodsucker was staying, if the others were back." Hate dripped from his voice, and he took a moment before speaking again. "It had left, but came back while I was there. Apparently it can see the future, and it saw Bella jumping off that cliff and thought she'd killed herself."
"Wait, wait, wait." Juliet's eyebrows furrowed together. "When did Bella jump off a cliff?"
"She didn't tell you?" Juliet shook her head.
"We don't talk." Juliet glanced down at her hands, almost feeling guilty herself. "Not a lot anyway."
"She was cliff diving, it was so stupid of her." Jake sighed. "Anyway it saw her and thought she died so it came here. Anyway it came back to the house while I was there. Apparently something was happening with him, Edward." Just saying his name made Jake look like he wanted to be sick. "He thought Bella was dead so he was going to kill himself or something. Bella left with the other one to Italy, to save him."
"Italy...?" Juliet breathed, sitting back in her chair. It was a lot to absorb. She'd barely come to terms with Alice, Edward and the rest being vampires. But now Alice could see the future? It was almost too much.
"I tried to stop her, Jules, I did." Jake frowned. "But she wouldn't listen. She just told me to take care of you and Charlie before she and the bloodsucker drove off." Juliet sighed, running a hand over her face.
"What can we do?" Juliet nervously eyed the rest of the wolves, though mostly Sam. "There has to be something."
"There isn't." His words shattered her, and it was very apparent on her face. "I'm sorry, Juliet. We just have to wait." She nodded, staring back down at her hands. Tears pooled in her eyes, though she tried to fight them. The silence that fallen over the room was becoming more unbearable by the second, almost suffocating. Her hands began to shake to she clutched them tightly together, and her breath began to quicken. Without saying anything, she quickly got up and darted back out the open door. She only made it halfway to her truck before the first sob finally left her body. She felt arms wrap tightly around her a few seconds later.
"Jules, I need you to take a deep breath for me." Leah's voice was steady, though hurried. "Jules?" Juliet nodded, trying to take a breath. Leah turned her around, taking Juliet's face in her hands. Juliet looked up at her, though it was hard to see through the tears. "Breathe with me, okay?" Juliet nodded, unable to speak. After a few minutes of taking deep breaths, Juliet's sobs had become nothing more than hiccuped cries, though they didn't stop.
"What do I do, Leah?" Juliet asked, her voice breaking. "What do I tell my dad?"
"I...I don't know." Leah frowned. "We'll figure it out, okay? We'll figure it out." Juliet nodded, wrapping her arms around Leah and burying her face in Leah's neck. "I'm so sorry, Jules."
Juliet had finally convinced Leah to go run her patrols, as she hadn't gone out all day. The sunset cut through the trees, sending sunbeams into the small backyard. Juliet sat on the stairs, her legs pulled up to her chest. She didn't hear the back door slid open, but she feel the vibrations of the deck as someone walked over and sat next to her. She glanced, seeing it was Sam.
"I'm sorry we can't do more." He apologized. "I wish we could."
"It's okay." Her voice was small. "It's not your fault. If Jake couldn't stop her I doubt any of us could've." They sat in silence for a few minutes. "I'm sorry, too."
"For what?" She turned back to look at him.
"I've been horrible to you for years." She sighed. "After what happened I...I just wanted someone to blame. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize." He shook his head. "I broke her heart, you had every right to hate me. It's not like you knew about imprinting then, it was impossible for you to understand." She nodded lightly. "I hate myself for it everyday. I wish I hadn't hurt her like that." His face was sad, as was his voice.
"It wasn't your choice." He looked at her, surprised. "You're right, I couldn't understand it-but now I do. I..." She trailed off. "I don't blame you."
"Thanks." He said weakly. "I just wish she could see it that way."
"I'm sure she will, in time." She encouraged. Another silence fell between them. She looked back out to the trees, the breeze making them rock back and forth.
"How long?" He asked quietly. "How long did you know?" She sighed, knowing what he was really asking.
"Too long." She frowned. "Probably my whole life, to be honest. But I only realized it when you asked her out." He couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"Don't tell me you were jealous that whole time." She snorted, looking back at him.
"Don't flatter yourself, I've never been jealous of you for a single second." He laughed again. "No, I...I wasn't jealous. Maybe because I thought that there was no way anything could happen. I definitely would've been jealous if I knew that I had a chance." She chuckled. "But I didn't like you."
"Yeah, I always got that feeling." He nodded. "I...I do still love her, you know. I just want her to be happy, like she used to be."
"I do too." She nodded. "And I promise I'll do everything I can."
"You've already done so much." He breathed. "More than I ever could, anyway." They looked at each other for a few moments. "It's weird, how much we really have in common."
"Yeah." She nodded. "Maybe if I hadn't been so caught up in hating you we could've been friends this whole time."
"Well, it's never too late to start." He held out a hand. "Friends, hmm?" She took his hand.
"Two friends in love with the same girl." He laughed, nodding and shaking her hand.
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