'The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of disassociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.'
Juliet chewed on her lip, her eyes raking across the paper slowly. Engrossed in her book, the sound of the bell tolling made her jump. She looked up, sighing when she realized it was already 7. She quickly closed up, and was pulling up outside the Clearwater house just over 20 minutes later. To her surprise, though, Charlie's cruiser was also sitting outside. Juliet hurried through the rain into the house, kicking off her muddy shoes on the porch before stepping inside. She was immediately hit with the strong, wonderful smell of Sue's cooking, though she couldn't quite place whatever it was. The tv was on so she peaked into the living room as she pulled her coat off, seeing Billy, Charlie and Seth sitting around.
"You're back, finally!" Seth smiled, hopping over the couch to greet her. "You'll never guess what happened today." He whispered as soon as he reached her.
"Hey, uh, Jules?" The pair looked behind Seth, seeing Charlie standing up. He looked slightly awkward, slightly on edge. "We need to talk about something." Juliet shot a glance at Seth before looking back at her dad.
"Okay." She nodded, hanging her wet coat on the hook. "You wanna talk on the porch?" He nodded, shuffling over. Juliet noticed the wide berth Charlie gave Seth, who just shrugged and moved back to the living room, flopping down onto the sofa again.
"Be quick, we're almost ready to eat!" Sue called as they stepped onto the porch. Juliet could feel the anxiety radiating off him as they stood there, both staring out at the rain beat down on the forest.
"So..." Juliet sucked in a breath. "What's up, dad?" Charlie was silent for a minute, opening his mouth a few times to speak but closing it each time after a few moments.
"Today, I saw a boy I've known for 16 years then into a giant wolf." Charlie's hands were stuffed in his pockets as he stared ahead of him. Juliet, on the other hand, was now looking at her dad with a shocked looked. "And I saw Bella, she's different too. Can't exactly figure it, but she's different alright. Met the baby, little Nessie." Juliet could barely believe her ears. "All I wanna know is, and don't tell me specifics I don't need them, but all I wanna know is if you're changing too. Like, can that...?"
"What, turn into a wol—?"
"Yes, that!" Charlie interrupted. "Like I said, no specifics." Juliet chuckled lightly. This was a conversation she for sure never imagined herself having with her dad.
"No." Charlie finally looked over at her, relief radiating from his body. "That's reserved for certain tribe members only, I'm a normal human, just like you."
"Good, good." Charlie mumbled, now looking ahead again.
"How was Bella?" She couldn't help herself. She also couldn't figure how Charlie could've seen her, met Nessie, since Bella was only a day old.
"Different, like I said." Charlie spoke. "But fine. She looked...good. And that baby, whew." Charlie let out a low whistle. "I hate to say it, but she's the prettiest baby I've ever seen. Even cuter than you and Bells were." Juliet chuckled.
"Can't argue with you there." Charlie looked back at her. "So...what exactly do you know, dad?"
"Bella was sick, and now she's better-and different." Charlie said. "She knew what she was getting herself into. Nessie is...well, she's something. Public story is she's Edward's orphaned niece. Got Bella's eyes though. So pretty." He sighed. "Jake, Seth, and I'm sure some others can...turn into wolves. That's about it."
"I won't tell you anymore than that, then." Juliet nodded. "It's best you don't know much anyway, dad."
"I'm assuming you know it all?" Charlie asked, and she nodded. "Figures." He mumbled. "Can Leah...?" He trailed off.
"Yeah." Juliet nodded again, her heart rate quickening. "Yeah, she's how I know about...everything." Charlie nodded, looking back out. "Hey, dad?"
"Yeah?" Charlie sounded wary.
"I uh...I have something to tell you, too." Charlie looked at her nervously. "Nothing bad, nothings changing, I promise." He nodded, still wary. "Leah and I...we're not exactly...just best friends, you know?" Charlie's face was unreadable. "We're like...together."
"Together..." Charlie mumbled. "Oh...oh!"
"Yeah." Juliet sucked in a breath. "I know you said no details, but just know that kinda has to do with her being a wolf and all."
"You're happy?" He asked.
"Completely." Juliet nodded quickly. "Leah's...well, she's perfect. To me, at least. Trust me, we're...we're soulmates."
"Soulmates, huh." Charlie let out a breath. "Well, as long as you're good, and you're not changing or going anywhere?"
"Promise." She chuckled. "I'll be right here dad, forever."
"Good, good." He nodded. He hesitated before pulling her into a hug. Juliet hugged him back, glad to have a moment to compose herself so she didn't start crying. They pulled away after a few seconds. "Well, I'm sure Sue's about done." He was back to his usual, awkward self. "Wanna head in?"
"I'll meet you inside." Charlie glanced back at her before moving inside. She moved over, sitting down on the top of the stairs. The door opened and closed a few seconds later, and she felt warmth radiating next to her. Leah's arm snaked around her waist, and her chin rested on Juliet's shoulder. "I wanna go see Bella tomorrow." Juliet looked down at Leah. "Please."
"Okay." Leah's face wore a light frown. "But I have to be there the whole time, and I'm allowed to pull you out if I think it's too dangerous."
"Fine." Juliet relented. "Hey, it'll be okay. Charlie's completely fine."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Leah sighed, moving closer. Her face pressed against Juliet's neck, the heat sending goosebumps all over Juliet's body. "I would just prefer it if you stayed human. I'm not big on vampire smell." Juliet chuckled, one of her arms reaching over and resting in Leah's lap, her hand rubbing against Leah's leg.
"I love you." Juliet mumbled, giggling lightly when she felt Leah's face nuzzle into her neck.
"I love you too, Juliet." Leah's lips brushed against her skin. "So much."
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