"He likes the sound of your voice too, Juliet." Edward mused quietly. "He recognizes you."
"Well good." Juliet smiled lightly up at Bella. "That kid better get used to me cause I'm not going anywhere if I can help it."
"Jules..." Bella mumbled quietly.
"We'll work up to it." Juliet spoke assuredly. "But nothing is keeping me from my family, got it?" Bella nodded silently. "I'm not leaving you, Bella. I promise."
"Thank you." Bella reached a frail hand over, and Juliet took it. "I just wish..."
"I know." Juliet could tell what she wanted. She wanted Charlie and Renee. "I know. But don't worry, okay? They'll be okay. I know they will." Bella nodded again, and her attention refocused on her stomach. Edward's head snapped up.
"Jacob's back." He said before standing up. Bella watched him leave, and Rosalie took his place.
"You should eat something, Juliet." Rosalie pointed out. "You haven't eaten all day."
"I'm not hungry." Juliet shook her head. It was a lie, of course she was starving, but she didn't want to leave Bella's side.
"Go." Bella nudged her lightly. "I'll be fine for five minutes." Juliet sighed, nodding and making her way to the kitchen with Alice close behind her. As she was pulling the fridge open, she heard Jake and Edward come inside.
"What are you having?" Alice leaned back against the counter.
"Dunno." Juliet shrugged. "I'm only doing this for Bella." Alice chuckled.
"You need to take care of yourself too, you know." Alice pointed out. "Because how do you think she'll feel if you start wasting away." Juliet snorted.
"Thanks Alice, great pep talk." Alice smiled.
"It's what I'm good at." Juliet rolled her eyes, deciding to just get some cereal instead of fussing to make a whole meal. Just as she shut the fridge, they heard crack come from the living room. Then, the screaming started. Alice was gone is a second and Juliet dashed around the corner. The vampires and Bella were gone, Jake was sprinting up the stairs after them, and all that she could see was blood. A pool of it where Bella had once been sitting, a massive pool, and a thick trail up the stairs. Juliet couldn't focus as she ran upstairs, not paying attention as she slipped a little on the blood as she scrambled up the stairs. She followed the bright red trail into Carlisle's office, where they'd set up a makeshift hospital room already.
Juliet's head whipped around as she stood next to Jacob, frozen. Bella was vomiting blood, Rosalie was speaking quickly into a Bluetooth earpiece, and Edward was yelling. It was only then that Juliet realized she couldn't hear them, only ringing. Bella began screaming something again, and Juliet only blinked before she was out of the room. Alice had grabbed her and shut the door, now holding her lightly against a wall. Juliet's face was blank as she stared past Alice, who kept trying to talk to her.
"Juliet!" Juliet blinked when she finally heard Alice say her name. She looked down, fear painted across her face. "Don't go in there, I...I have to go." She warned, and she was gone again. Now, Juliet could hear the screaming. A few seconds later, a whip of wind rolled past her, and she finally moved into the now open doorway. Rosalie and Alice were gone, and Edward and Jacob were with Bella. Another loud crack sounded and Bella stopped screaming. Juliet's hands braced the doorway as she stepped inside, the air thick with the smell of copper, of blood.
Juliet's ears had returned to ringing as she slowly took steps into the room, seeing Edward and Jacob's mouths moving. Jacob was trying to do CPR while Edward was using his teeth to bite through Bella's skin to get to the baby. Finally, Edward pulled the baby from Bella's body. She barely felt the whip of wind past her, and she could barely see Rosalie taking the baby through the blur of tears. Rosalie didn't look at her as she left the room with the bloody bundle in her arms. Edward pulled out a long, silver syringe, the one with his venom. He'd told her about the plan, to use morphine and a syringe of his venom to turn her instead of biting.
Juliet jumped like a shockwave had been sent through her body when Edward shoved the needle down into Bella's heart. Eventually Jacob straightened up, Juliet couldn't tell how long it had been. He slowly backed away, arms covered with blood, his eyes not leaving Bella. Edward began to bite Bella all over, and it was then that Juliet felt the arm around her waist. In a second, she was back in the living room, far away from Bella. Alice stood in front of her, her cold hands resting on Juliet's face. Alice was speaking, but Juliet couldn't hear her. She saw Jasper talking too, but couldn't hear him.
The only thing she could hear was the sounds of Bella screaming, the crunch of her bones. Then, everything was black.
"Nessie, no." Jacob's voice was the first thing Juliet heard. The next was Rosalie light laugh.
"She wants her family, dog, not you." Rosalie's voice was hostile, but not like it had been. It was almost playfully hostile. "It's only natural she'd like to meet her Aunt."
"Is that really a good idea yet?" Alice's voice was next, and Juliet could feel the flash of cold on her forehead-Alice's hand. "We don't know how she's feeling."
"Of course it's a good idea!" Rosalie said incredulously. "I know Nessie, I know. Soon."
"Carlisle." Jacob sighed. "Can we do anything?"
"Edward's told me what she saw." Carlisle's voice mumbled somewhere to her right. "She went into shock. We really should've considered Juliet in all this, I only hope she'll be able to forget it."
"That bad, huh?" Jacob asked.
"Imagine seeing one of your own sisters die, Jacob." Carlisle spoke, and Juliet felt his hand on her shoulder. "And especially like that. Edward says her mind doesn't leave the blood, and the screams. Even when Bella comes back, I'm not sure how much this will impact Juliet."
"She'll be okay." Alice's voice was closer now, nearly next to her ear. "She has to be." Finally, Juliet decided to crack her eyes, and all hell broke loose around her. She could make out Jacob, Alice and Carlisle's voices-but they all spoke over each other making it hard for her to catch anything.
"I'm fine." She mumbled, her throat scratchy. Suddenly she was pulled upright, and Alice's cold body was pressed to her right side. Juliet blinked a few times before things finally came into focus. She was on the couch in the living room. Alice was next to her, worriedly looking into her eyes. Carlisle was standing in front of her, a similar expression of worry on his face. Jake and Rosalie were off to the side, and Rosalie had a baby in her arms. "Bella...?"
"Edward did everything he could." Carlisle assured. "Her heart is even stronger than Emmett's during his transformation. It's only a matter of days now." Calm washed over her, but it didn't take her more than a second to figure out why. Jasper now stood next to Rosalie, his eyes focused on Juliet. She took a few deep breaths.
"Thanks Jasper." She mumbled, and he nodded his head once. "What happened?"
"You went into shock." Carlisle explained. "Don't worry, it hasn't even been a day. You haven't missed much." She nodded. "Sam and the others came, but uh, Jacob will explain." Carlisle was gone, and Jake now sat on the coffee table in front of her.
"Please tell me she isn't hurt." Juliet whispered. Jake laughed, shaking his head.
"No ones hurt, Jules. There wasn't even a fight." He said. "I...I imprinted, on Nessie." Juliet's eyes went wide.
"Huh?" She breathed.
"You know the rules." Jake waved his hand. "The pack can't hurt an imprint. So, when they all came, I told them. Sam and I...we have this like, mental connection. Not like we used to, we don't hear everything, but we can talk when we're both wolves. Something to do with us being Alphas, I guess. But I showed him, I explained, and he had no choice but to back down."
"Oh." Juliet nodded. Almost nothing was actually sticking with her, and she was sure she'd have to be told all of this again later. "How's the baby?"
"Fantastic." Rosalie now stood next to Jake, the baby in her arms reaching out towards Juliet. "She's got this amazing gift, would you like to see it?"
"Yeah." Juliet nodded, her eyes finally landing on the baby. She was beautiful, almost otherworldly. The first thing Juliet noticed was the eyes-Bella's eyes. Then, she realized just how big the baby was. She didn't look anything like a newborn. She had long, chocolate brown curls and smiled widely, revealing her full set of teeth.
"Juliet, meet your niece." Rosalie took a step forward, sliding the baby into Juliet's waiting arms. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen."
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