a/n : one month anniversary!!
hey gang, welcome to the first (and probably only) authors note of the fic!
i honestly wasn't even planning on making any until the whole thing was over, but i just realized that it's been exactly one month since i started publishing this fic! the fact that ive been able to release a chapter everyday, and the fact that im actually proud of how this fic is going is genuinely a shock to me.
the amount of love ive received for this fic totally reignited my love of writing, as this was the first fic i published and didn't delete immediately in three years. it was an idea that came to me randomly one night while i was rereading the books, and i just went with it. and now, a month later, i feel better about writing, and my ability to write, than i have in a long time.
and that's all thanks to you guys! if no one had read or voted on or commented on this fic, i would've deleted it after a few days and stopped writing again. so thank you all for the incredible amount of support you've shown this fic, and thank you for helping me regain my love for doing this. genuinely, every vote and comment mean more to me than you'll ever know.
i wanted to do something for the one month, but then i forgot and suddenly it was here so whoops, sorry, nothing special lmao, just me gushing at you and probably repeating myself a million times. and also! thank you so much 8k!! it's amazed me to no end that the views just continue to climb on this fic, faster than anything ive ever published before.
thank you guys again, seriously this whole experience has meant so much to me. but don't worry! it's not over yet, not for a while anyway. i don't have any of breaking dawn written yet, but we are nearing the end, sadly. i'll really miss juliet, ive grown very attactched lol.
see you all tomorrow, much love and thank you again 💛💛
-ig 🌸
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