Chapter One: Playing with Fire
The crack of Apparition startles me, directly causing me to whip around, my senses keen and sharp in the mid-afternoon spring sunlight. I dig my claws into the ground as I catch a whiff of something, something very powerful, directly causing my hackles to rise, my lip to curl, and a growl to escape from in between my fangs. I am vaguely aware of the black jaguar to my left, as well as the black bear to my right; they, no doubt, have heard the crack of Apparition as well, for dual growls on either side of me give it away.
The three of us go as silently as we can towards the edge of the woods, peeking through the trees and plants as we go, the soil soft underneath our feet. As we reach the edge of the trees, I see an elderly man, garbed in garish, silken robes which appear to be of the finest quality, a snow-white beard, and blue eyes, which are as cold as ice. I watch as a withered-looking hand rises towards the wards, placing the heel of the appendage on them, while the other hand methodically strokes his beard, as if considering.
Stunned, I see as he murmurs something, and the wards shatter, almost as if they've been made of panes of glass, their shimmering magic dwindling from around us all. The elderly wizard appears satisfied by this, and a wand falls from the sleeve of his robe, gripped in his hand now as he wanders towards the front door of Prince Manor. I feel my heart beating double-time, and, even as I hear my mother's growl of warning, I want nothing more than dart out from the trees, and towards the retreating back of the elderly wizard.
Come away, our mother urges, utilizing our Animagus bond to tell this to the two of us. We'll go to the other side of the house... You're underage; you shouldn't be here.
Mom, now is not the time to play the Auror, Al snaps. We want to help!
Not while you're fourteen and sixteen you're not, our mother answers firmly. You will stay in the house with Kreacher, Tiffy, and Titania, while the rest of us deal with this madman—
But who is he?! I demand looking over at my mother. You, at the very least, can tell us who he is, and why he's broken through the wards!
That is Albus Dumbledore, our mother says at last, practically spitting with rage. He was confirmed dead nearly a year ago, so how he is here, I've no idea. Now, we've got to get out of here while we still can—Cassia!
Mom, I have to go, I have to! I call back to her.
Cassiopeia Primrose Black, you come back here this instant!
But I ignore my mother as howl echoes throughout the space as I tackle the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, knocking him down as his legs snap from the impact, his wand arm becoming crushed as we collide. I meet his eyes, pinning him down to the ground, not even trembling for a moment as I gaze down at him with something akin to hatred at the notion that he would dare to bring harm upon my family. It is because of this that I don't see the beam of blue light coming out from his fingertips, which launches me into the air with an unforgiving strength, and I am systematically dropped in front of him, with all the grace a sixteen-year-old witch has at her disposal.
I violently tip my head upwards, my raven mane falling down my back, as my brown eyes still radiate the hatred I have for this man. "What are you doing here?" I growl at him, my wolf senses still at the forefront of my mind. "You're supposed to be dead!"
Albus Dumbledore regards me coldly; for some reason, he hasn't gone for his wand yet. "And you have the face of a man who was confirmed dead so long ago," he declares. "The only female Black family member I am aware of is Cressida Black, and you are not her."
"I am her cousin, Cassiopeia," I declare, feeling proud of my full name for the first time in the duration of my life. "Now, what do you want, Albus Dumbledore?"
The former Headmaster of Hogwarts looks stunned by this declaration. "But that would make your father Regulus Black, and he is dead..."
I narrow my eyes at him; I know entirely well that I cannot break out my own wand and fight him, due to the little rule about underage magic. In addition to become Animagi, my father had also ordered my younger brother, Al, and I do master wandless magic, and I hope beyond hope that it will not fail me now. "Incar—!"
Dumbledore side-steps my attempt at the spell to bind him. "As headstrong as your uncle," he declares, almost as if he is impressed, "however, equally as foolish."
I gritted my teeth; how I hated him! "Hey, at least I don't go around faking my own death," I snapped back at him.
Dumbledore's lip curled at that. "Perhaps, perhaps not. However, that seems to be your father's area of expertise—"
"Don't you dare talk about my father!" I shouted at him, the anger, rage, and fury practically dripping off me as I moved to face him again. "Petrificus—"
Again, he blocked my spell. "Ah, so you are the daughter of Regulus Black, then. The favored child, the thought-dead heir to the House of Black, the one actually loved in that incestuous union... It never should have gone ahead, mind you; second cousins actually marrying in this day and age..." He tsked, shaking his head. "Downright disgusting, if you ask me."
"So, that's your plan, is it?" I ask him, crossing my arms. "Slowly but surely eradicate the families that you think have a chance of standing against you?"
"Yes, and my plans have, thus far, been thwarted," he said softly.
I raised my eyebrows. "What?"
"I ensured that Regulus would hear that conversation which would lead him to the locket," he informed me simply, "as well as convinced your uncle that it would be seen as too logical that he be the secret-keeper for James and Lily Potter."
My jaw dropped at the declaration. "What?!" I cried out.
"Then, that aunt of yours stuck her nose where it didn't belong, and caught Barty Crouch Jr., while he was impersonating Alastor Moody, turning the Triwizard Cup into a Portkey," the former headmaster said, smirking. "If we couldn't take down Harry Potter that night, we would have settled for Cedric Diggory. One of them was meant to die that night in the Little Hangleton Graveyard, but, unfortunately, it didn't come to pass."
I felt the magic creep from my core, positioned at my heart, and slowly connect to the tips of my fingers without the man noticing. I, however, did notice him going for his wand, and waited for the last possible moment, as his fingers wrapped around it, for me to shout, "Stupefy!" the bolt of red light shooting from the tips of my fingers and wrapping itself around the body of the one-time greatest sorcerer in the world, before he fell completely backwards. I hurried forward and looked down at the man as I heard a door opening from nearby, along with screams and shouts, as the blue eyes merely stared up at me, seeing nothing.
"CASSIA!" came a shout, and I found myself in the arms of my father, before he pulled back and got a look at me. He let out a scream as he looked at me fully, and turned towards whomever had followed him outside, "Someone summon Madam Pomfrey, now!"
"What...what?" I whispered, dazed, as my legs threatened to buckle from underneath me. "Why do we need...? Who...?"
"She's the healer at Hogwarts," my mother explained quickly as she hurried towards me, and covering her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. "Oh, sweetheart..."
"That's the Elder Wand," my father was saying a moment later, staring at the wand that was lying on the ground beside Dumbledore. "You conquered him, princess, so, by all rights, that wand is now yours."
I swallowed, opening my hand and whispering, "Accio," and the wand came flying towards me, a sense of completement filling me as I wrapped my fingers around it for the first time. I was then dragged inside, vaguely aware of the flurry of activity as that young woman, Tonks, who I'd been told was another cousin, hurried outside with two tall men, and managed to cart Dumbledore away from there. I was made to sit in the antechamber before Severus's potion room, which I was told was the patient room of Prince Manor.
A kindly woman entered, dressed in Victorian-Era healing robes, and have me a soft smile, but it turned to shock once she got a look at my face. "It's definitely Confringo," the woman informed both my parents, leading to my mother letting out a cry of despair, and my father to quickly hold her to him. "I can heal the burns, of course, to prevent infection, but, unfortunately, the scars will be left behind."
"What about a Glamor?" my mother whispered.
"Because it was cast by the Elder Wand, I'm afraid that they wouldn't do any good," Madam Pomfrey said, regret peppering her tone. She gently took ahold of my chin, inspecting me more carefully. "It missed her ear, but it reaches a quarter of the way back around her neck, and, in the other direction, covers nearly to the top of her cheek. Thankfully, there seems to be no eye damage on that side... Can you see all right, Cassiopeia?"
"Cassia, please," I say softly, "and, yes, I can see fine, thank you."
Madam Pomfrey gives me a small smile, before gently snapping her fingers beside my ear. "And are you able to hear that?"
I nod at her. "Yes, I can hear, Madam Pomfrey."
Madam Pomfrey is about to say something further, when Severus walks into the room behind her, looking grave. "Oh, Severus," she says, turning to face him, "I think some Dittany would do Cassia some good. With your permission?"
"Yes, of course, Poppy," Severus answers softly, moving into the potions lab to retrieve it, before returning with a crystal-cut bottle of the stuff, as well as two clean flannels. "Here," he says to me, handing me one of the flannels as Madam Pomfrey takes the other, as well as the potion, into her hands, "bit down on this."
I know that I won't be able to take any Numbing Solution, or whatever it is that would be considered appropriate pain relief, and do as I'm told. I open my mouth, bunch up the flannel, and bite down on it, hard, before shutting my eyes. I feel the sting almost immediately as Madam Pomfrey does what she does best, distracting myself from crying by biting harder on the flannel Severus gave me. At the end of the day, I don't want salt rubbed into my wounds.
The flames licking at my skin came to me in my nightmares, as they did nightly, ever since I'd entered the halls of Hogwarts as a new student. However, I was almost immediately made welcome after I'd been sorted into Gryffindor, with my year mates, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger becoming fast friends with me. Hermione and I were also dormmates, along with Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Sally-Anne Perkins, who kept to herself. Lavender and Parvati, however, were joined at the hip, alongside Parvati's twin sister, Padma, and frequently went on and on about how simply lovely Divination was.
"Are you signed up for Divination, Cassia?" Hermione asked me tentatively, during breakfast in the Great Hall on the first day of classes.
I did my best to drink my tea as quickly as I could; the sleepless nights since my battle with the former headmaster were truly beginning to get to me. "No," I responded, noticing the clear relief on Hermione's face. "Advanced Ancient Runes, Advanced Arithmancy, Ancient Studies, Apparition, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Magical Theory, Potions, and Transfiguration."
"That's the same as Hermione's schedule!" Ron cried, his mouth full of sausage.
I raised my eyebrows, but didn't outwardly comment.
"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione cut in, shaking her head. "No need to scare Cassia on her first day of classes."
"Al's quite the same at the end of the day, really," I admitted, shrugging my shoulders and staring across the Great Hall, managing to catch a glimpse of my younger brother, sitting at the Slytherin table. "Eats anything, is always hungry, complains when he can't eat... Trust me. I'm used to it."
"You don't mind that he sorted Slytherin?" Harry asked quietly.
I shrugged. "Not really up to me, now is it? Our dad made us promise that we would listen to the hat describe the attributes of each house, and then its opinion on where we belonged. Apparently, Al and I agreed with it."
Hermione's gaze followed mine towards the Slytherin table, and she began to look a bit discouraged at what she saw. "Oh, no," she said, looking over at Draco, where he was speaking to Neville Longbottom. "Draco, we've got a situation."
Draco immediately was on the alert, looking towards where Hermione was looking, and his hands curled into fists. "Merlin, not him..."
"Who?" I asked, already aware that Al was speaking to someone, a young man, at the Slytherin table, but unknowing as to their identity. "Who is it?"
"That's Theodore Nott," Harry replied, shaking his head.
"Slick git," Ron practically growled, popping his knuckles, the sausage temporarily forgotten. "I can see it now—Nott sniffing around the next Black, wanting to recruit him..."
"The Notts are a Pureblood Death Eater family," Hermione reported to me, her voice soft, as if it was some great secret to consider. "I don't know how much they can get away with, now that Headmistress McGonagall is in charge, and we've got your mum and Tonks as the Auror Guardians, but..." She turned, regarding the burn mark upon my face, determination in her brown eyes as she chose her next words very carefully. "I... Well, we all know what Dumbledore did to you, before he was locked up in Azkaban, Cassia. Who's to say someone else, someone just as dangerous, won't try to pull something?"
"I manage to hear the whispers, especially whenever I go to Uncle Severus's storeroom cupboard to collect ingredients for Madam Pomfrey," Draco said quietly. "It's in Slytherin territory, naturally, and even though Professor Slughorn has taken over as Head of Slytherin, as well as potions professor, most of the stock still belongs to Uncle Severus..."
"What have you heard, mate?" Harry wanted to know, seemingly relieved to see that Ginny was visiting with Luna at the edge of the Great Hall, having finished their breakfasts.
"Oh, the usual; how they believe the bloody madman is a saint, and how they're all willing to ruin their lives to be branded with his mark," Draco said, shaking his head. "I'm just relieved that my parents and your parents are staying at Prince Manor," he continued, directing that next comment to me. "At the very least, they're safe..."
"For the moment," I responded bitterly, shaking my head. "If Albus Dumbledore can break through the wards around the place, who's to say anyone else can't?"
"Cassia, we've told you that it was due to the Elder Wand," Hermione whispered in a soothing tone of voice; she had made this abundantly clear, once I'd made my report to the headmistress, as well as to Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic, plus Alastor Moody, Deputy Minister and Kingsley's husband. "Now that you're its mistress, you, too would be able to dismantle wards from anywhere," she continued, as she had done when I'd been introduced to her, Harry, and Ron, as well as been invited into their friend group, which I'd accepted.
I pursed my lips; even though I was deemed as intelligent as Hermione was, mostly by Harry and Ron, though Professor Flitwick and Professor Lupin seemed equally impressed, I didn't often go into lecture mode with my peers, let alone my friends. "I've found a ritual," I confided softly to them, though loud enough for Draco to hear as well, "a ritual to destroy the Elder Wand—"
"What?!" Draco demanded.
"You can't do that!" Ron cried.
I fixed them both with annoyed expressions; I was related to them both, and we'd recognized that we were cousins from the get-go, the familial bond having formed quite quickly at the end of things. "Oh, I believe you'll find that I can," I responded, my tone clipped. "I don't want that kind of responsibility. I know my own wand snapped due to the impact of the Confringo that Dumbledore non-verbally cast at me," I said quietly, lifting up my fingers to drag them down the burn scars, knowing entirely well that I would have to live with them for the rest of my life, "and I have received special permission from Headmistress McGonagall to have a consultation with Mr. Ollivander about a new wand."
Hermione, meanwhile, looked a little surprised, but always strove to be supportive in times like these; I'd sensed it, from the moment we'd met in the early days of July, especially when it came to matters pertaining to both magic and practicality. "What do you need for the ritual, then?" she asked, clearly interested.
"Professor Lupin has agreed to supervise, as well as to intercede with Professor Slughorn for any potions ingredients we may need," I explained. "Severus has also agreed to search his stores for any outliers in that particular category. The ritual is going to take place in the Room of Requirement—"
"How do you know about the room?" Ron demanded quickly.
I gave Ron a small smile. "From Harry, of course. I simply requested a safe space in which to perform a ritual, with Professor Lupin's supervision. I explained about my tie to the Elder Wand and how it likely wasn't beneficial—wixen have died for its power, Ron!—and Harry agreed to assist me with the room's magic."
Ron turned to look at Harry, mouth gaping like a fish. "You knew?!" he cried.
Harry sighed, rubbing his temples. "Yeah, Ron, I did," he confirmed. "I understand where Cassia is coming from here; she doesn't want this, let alone need the Elder Wand, and I certainly don't think anyone of our age needs to harness that kind of power."
Draco considered this for a moment, before he finally nodded his head. "Harry and Cassia are right," he said after a moment, leading Harry and me to turn and regard him. "What? I'm allowed to change my mind," he said, scoffing slightly as if it was obvious, fingering the silver chain around his neck, which boasted an amulet of two different dragons wrapped around one another, an engagement gift from Charlie Weasley, an older brother of Ron's.
I smirked; Charlie had proposed to Draco after Draco had completed his OWLs last term, intending to marry him after he reached the age of seventeen, which would happen at the end of his sixth-year; Draco had initially declined, but, when he discovered that his parents had given Charlie permission to propose, he backpedaled, and accepted the proposal. "To answer your previous question, Hermione," I replied, turning to regard her, "the ritual entails burning the wand in hallowed fire, with a combination of holy basil and lavender, three dove eggs, olives mashed into a paste with a mortar and pestle, the juice of figs plucked on a waning crescent moon, and powdered baby elephant tusk taken once they've fallen off."
Ron wrinkled his nose. "But, wouldn't it smell bad?" he asked, obviously curious. "You're burning eggs..."
"Not if the fire is hallowed, Ron," Hermione told him patiently. "Hallowed is another term for holy, meaning that it's been consecrated, and created from a spell invented by Merlin. It ensures that, if used in a ritual, any ingredients added to it will not make it smell. And, given that all the ingredients mentioned are symbols of peace, it will likely smell of a combination of the lavender and holy basil."
"Severus will be witnessing the ritual as well," I put in, knowing that, even with the assurances of the ingredients, from the official Spell Book of Merlin, found in the Black family library, things could go wrong. "I checked to ensure that the Room of Requirement can provide a secure Floo connection, and it can. Professor Lupin will be Floo-ing in from his quarters, while Severus will do so from Prince Manor."
Hermione bit her lip for a moment, before asking, "Would you mind if I witnessed the ritual as well?" she asked quietly.
I smiled at her. "You're nearly seventeen," I said gently, "and Professor Lupin is our Head of House. I see no issue with it, but we'll have to ask him."
Hermione grinned. "I'll ask him," she said, practically bouncing in her seat.
We got to our feet a few moments later, as it was time for morning classes, with Charms being first on the agenda. Al and I had met with the teachers, once it was decided what classes we'd be taking, and I liked Professor Flitwick very much. I soon learned that he was in a very committed relationship with Amelia Bones, aunt of our year-mate, Susan, who had been sorted into Hufflepuff House. My dear cousin, Cressida, had been told that Professor Flitwick and Amelia were now expecting a baby, and intended to marry in the near future.
"Do you want to be partners for Charms and potions, if we're allowed to choose?" Hermione asked me, smiling brightly.
I nodded. "Yes, I'd love that," I replied, seeing already that Harry and Ron had paired up, along with Draco and Neville.
"Ron's not taking potions," Hermione whispered as we walked upstairs, "and neither is Neville, due to his apprenticeship with Professor Sprout. Draco and Harry have opted to be partners for that class," she explained.
Upon arrival, Professor Flitwick asked us to find our seats and select partners for the duration of the year, and seemed pleased to see me pairing up with Hermione. He asked those present to raise their hands if they could produce a Patronus Charm; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, a fair few others, and I raised our hands. I wasn't altogether surprised that Gryffindor had more numbers, although I was taken aback that Theodore Nott was, apparently, capable of it. The Head of Ravenclaw asked us to get to our feet, whereupon the desks were moved to one side of the room, piling up on one another to ensure maximum space, while all the while the diminutive man stared at us from his exceptionally high pile of books.
"We'll go alphabetically, shall we?" he asked, rubbing his hands together. "Those who are unable to produce one as of yet, may sit and watch for the duration of the lesson; notes are optional, but encouraged. Now, Miss Black," he said, checking his log of students, and I felt goosebumps erupting on my skin, "perhaps you would delight us first?"
I plastered a smile onto my face, as I felt the entirety of the Slytherin student body rake their eyes over me. "Of course, professor," I said, making my way to the center of the room. I'd asked for assistance in disguising the Elder Wand a bit, so that no one would see that I was now its mistress, and it had worked, though I was still worried I'd be found out before I had the chance to do the ritual. "Expecto Patronum!" I said, my voice strong, and the form of my Arctic Wolf flew out, howling for everyone to see.
Professor Flitwick looked mightily impressed, though he'd previously asked to see my Patronus before I'd been granted permission for NEWT-level Charms. "Excellent, Miss Black, simply excellent," he said, nodding with determination. "Ten points to Gryffindor!"
I chanced another uneasy smile before I hurried back to Hermione's side.
"Miss Brown," Professor Flitwick said, "would you care to go next?"
Lavender Brown cautiously stepped forward, her large blue eyes filled with uncertainty. She shut them in concentration for a moment or two, before she lifted her wand arm with a flourish, the wood resembling a pale mahogany, before they snapped open again, filled with concentration as she uttered, "Expecto Patronum!" and the marvelous sight of a sheep, likely a Cheviot, burst forth from the tip of her wand.
Professor Flitwick grinned with excitement. "Exceptional! Ten points to Gryffindor for Miss Brown!" he declared, waiting for Lavender to re-take her place beside Parvati. "Miss Davis," he continued, addressing a girl from Slytherin, "would you go next, please?"
"That's Tracy Davis; she's a Half-Blood, and her family seems neutral," Hermione whispered quickly to me, and I nodded.
Tracy had short, black hair and brown eyes, as well as expensively-cut robes in the latest style, leading me to believe that her family was comfortable financially. She tossed her hair, her aspen wand finding its way into her hand, and called out, "Expecto Patronum!" with little to no hesitation on her end, a dolphin making its way out for all to see.
"Oh, my!" Professor Flitwick said, nodding his head. "It's been a while since I've seen an aquatic creature! Ten points to Slytherin, Miss Davis!" he said, clapping his hands, before he said, "Mr. Finnigan!" once Tracy had returned to the Slytherin side of the classroom.
Seamus left Dean's side with a confident swagger, though there was nothing haughty about his demeanor, just pure, unadulterated excitement. "Expecto Patronum!" he yelled out, the sleek-looking red fox scampering throughout the room.
After Seamus was awarded a further ten points for Gryffindor, Hermione was summoned forward next, her Patronus taking the form of an otter. Daphne Greengrass, a pretty blonde Slytherin, went after Hermione, and her Patronus was an elegant Chamois, a goat-antelope, which whistled with excitement. Neville followed, his lion roaring for the entirety of the company, impressing nearly everyone. Draco was next, a mighty Hebridean Black taking shape, which made Ron roll his eyes, as I'd learned that this was Charlie's favorite breed of dragon. It was when Theodore Nott came towards the center of the room after Draco, however, that my attention was piqued, given that he'd been spending so much time with my brother, and, thus, made me concerned as to what he'd been telling him.
"Mr. Nott, whenever you're ready," Professor Flitwick said.
"Expecto Patronum!" Theodore said powerfully, his ash wand suspended midair, and the entire room seemed to go silent as the wolf Patronus flew forth, howling as mine had done.
"Merlin," Harry whispered from my other side.
"It's extremely rare to have matching Patronus Charms," Hermione breathed, watching intently while Professor Flitwick awarded Theodore Nott ten points to Slytherin.
I felt a lump threatening to develop in my throat as Theodore Nott stared at me for a moment, before he took his place back with the Slytherins. "Coincidence at best," I said quickly, once I realized that Harry and Hermione's statements warranted a reply.
"Miss Patil, if you would," Professor Flitwick called out.
"And at the worst?" Draco whispered.
I shrugged, watching as Parvati produced a Bengal tiger, much to everyone's amazement. "Best not to think about it," I said with a shrug.
Sally-Anne Perks was called up next, and produced a red squirrel.
"Mr. Potter?" called Professor Flitwick, after awarding Sally-Anne points.
Harry made a small smile at the Charms professor, easily producing his stag Patronus for all to see, before returning to stand with us again. Dean was summoned next, his aardwolf causing Seamus to smile in a moment of pride at his boyfriend. Next came Ron, his Jack Russell Terrier barking at some of the Slytherins who dared mock its form, and, finally, Blaise Zabini came last, producing a wild boar.
"Most entertaining!" Professor Flitwick declared. "Your homework assignments for tonight, for those able to produce Patronuses, are to write six inches on their benefits. For those of you who haven't managed to make one yet, don't fret—it's very advanced magic. Your task is to write six inches on what you believe your Patronus form would ultimately take, as well as practicing thinking of happy memories, and further attempts to produce one. Now," he continued, snapping his fingers and causing the desks to return to their proper places, "we will have a lecture on Patronus Charms as well as their history. Make sure you've got plenty of ink, parchment, and quills," he said, beaming excitedly.
"Six-inches!" Ron groused as we left Charms an hour later, rubbing his eyes. "Merlin..."
"Oh, come off it, Ronald," Hermione said, shaking her head at him. "He very easily could have assigned more, and you know it!"
"But Quidditch try-outs are this weekend," Ron moaned, "and since Harry's decided not to play anymore, it's fallen to me to take up the mantel of Captain..."
"You'll be great, Ron," Harry said softly.
Ron huffed. "Says you," he muttered.
"Hey, you have me as Seeker if my try-out goes well," Draco put in.
Ron rolled his eyes. "I suppose so..."
"Besides," Harry continued, "Bill's teaching Transfiguration now, so it can't be all bad..."
"You know entirely well that professor's aren't allowed to play favorites, Harry," Hermione reminded him, her Prefect's voice on point.
"Not to mention the notion that he's mainly here because of Fleur," I said, smirking at the notion of my cousin, Cressida's, adopted half-sister. "What has she been doing these days, Draco, now that you're taking lessons from Madam Pomfrey?"
Draco sighed. "She's still assisting her," he answered softly, "and I'll have to limit my time with her as it is..."
"Oh, because of the apprenticeship program," Hermione said, nodding her head.
"The what?" Harry and I asked together.
"Honestly," Hermione said, shaking her head as we continued towards Transfiguration. "Those who received only Os or EEs on their OWLs—"
"EAGLEs at Ilvermorny," I cut in, raising my eyebrows at Hermione, "and our grades there are E for Exceptional, T for Terrific, R for Reasonable, M for Mediocre, G for Grim, and W for Wicked," I said informatively.
Hermione looked amazed. "I'd never considered that," she said quietly. "Anyhow, all professors and Heads of Houses, plus the headmistress, will take the OWLs and EAGLEs, in Cassia's case, into account. Then, the professors will have a meeting with the headmistress about who they'd like to serve as their apprentice."
"But what if more than one professor wants you?" Ron asked, and Hermione shot him a look, which immediately made him roll his eyes at his girlfriend. "I'm not talking about me, Hermione, I'm talking about you. I mean, let's face it, more than one has to want you..."
Hermione sighed. "Before the reforms, the professors would duel, and whoever won would be awarded that student," she replied. "However, Headmaster Dippet discontinued this practice, as he believed it made the students seem like objects, or property. As a result, they simply meet with the headmaster or headmistress and state their cases. Whoever has the best case, as well as the better marks awarded to the student in question in that subject, gains the opportunity to work with the student of their choice."
I rolled my eyes as we crossed through the Middle Courtyard on our way towards the Transfiguration classroom. "Steward knows that I only arrived in England three months ago, and, while my EAGLEs were necessary to grant my admittance here, I likely won't be picked," I said as we wandered into the classroom.
Hermione placed her arm around my shoulders as she guided me to a desk; Draco and Neville sat at the one beside us, while Harry and Ron took the one at our backs. "I'm sure the professors have had more than enough time to take a good look at your marks, Cassia," she told me gently, "and they'll be chomping at the bit for a chance to work with you."
I shook my head with a smile. "You're eternally optimistic, you know that, don't you?"
The six of us entered the Great Hall that evening for dinner after classes, with Hermione practically skipping to get to the Gryffindor table. After Transfiguration, we'd had an hour of studying in the library, followed by Magical Theory and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Lunchtime had come and gone, and then we reported to History of Magic and, afterwards, to Care of Magical Creatures. This schedule would match that of Wednesday and Friday, while Tuesdays and Thursdays featured Double Advanced Ancient Runes in the morning, Double Potions and Advanced Studies in the afternoon, and Double Arithmancy in the late afternoon.
"Thankfully Apparition doesn't start until second-term," Hermione said softly.
"On Saturday," Ron groaned. "At least we won't be as bad as Charlie..."
Draco narrowed his eyes at his future brother-in-law. "I'll have you know that the Muggle woman who's shopping he accidentally interrupted was as horrible a gossip as your Aunt Muriel," he said sharply.
Just as Ron was about to counter, the telltale sound of a gentle tinkling coming from the head table filled the room, directly causing everyone to look over at it. Headmistress McGonagall got to her feet, and all went silent as she used a Sonorus Charm to ensure that everyone could hear her clearly.
"Attention, students," she called out, and Hermione gripped my hand, "before we commence with this evening's feast, I wanted everyone to hear the announcement about NEWT-level apprenticeships. The professors have made their requests known, and I have taken everything into consideration, and am happy to report that choices have been made and set in stone. All this leaves now is the announcement."
Students whispered feverishly throughout the Great Hall.
"Silence!" she called out, firmly but gently, as if she understood the excitement. "These apprenticeships will last from now until your commencement ceremonies next year. Now," she continued, snapping her fingers, an ancient scroll coming into her hands, "I am pleased to announce the apprenticeships. Mr. Draco Malfoy, who will be apprentice to Poppy Pomfrey in the hospital wing," she announced, and cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table. "Mr. Ernie Macmillan, who will be apprentice to Professor Edward Tonks for Alchemy." Further cheers came from the Hufflepuff table. "Miss Hannah Abbott, who will be apprentice to Professor Babbling for Advanced Ancient Runes." Hufflepuff's table cheered again. "Miss Hermione Granger, who will be apprentice to Professor Vector for Advanced Arithmancy." Our table cheered that time. "Mr. Dean Thomas, who will be apprentice to Professor Andromeda Tonks for Art and Muggle Art," she continued, and Seamus clapped his boyfriend on the back. "Miss Parvati Patil, who will be apprentice to Professor Hagrid for Care of Magical Creatures. Mr. Seamus Finnigan, who will be apprentice to Professor Flitwick for Charms," the headmistress went on, with Dean kissing Seamus on the cheek. "Miss Black, who will be apprentice to Professor Lupin for Defense Against the Dark Arts."
I felt my jaw drop as I turned to look at Harry, who appeared bitterly disappointed. "Oh... Oh, Harry, I'm sorry," I managed to whisper.
Harry shook his head. "It's all right," he assured me.
"Miss Lavender Brown," Headmistress McGonagall continued, "who will be apprentice to Professor Trelawney for Divination. Mr. Ronald Weasley, who will be apprentice to Madam Hooch for Flying."
Ron gaped. "Me?" he whispered, flushing pink.
"Mr. Anthony Goldstein, who will be apprentice to Professor Black for Ghoul Studies. Mr. Neville Longbottom, who will be apprentice to Professor Sprout for Herbology, while Miss Padma Patil, who will be apprentice to Professor Binns for History of Magic. Miss Susan Bones, who will be apprentice to Professor Charles Weasley for Magical Theory. Miss Lisa Turpin, who will be apprentice to Professor Arthur Weasley for Muggle Studies. Mr. Theodore Nott, who will be apprentice to Professor Slughorn for Potions. And, last but not least, Mr. Harry Potter, who will be apprentice to Professor William Weasley for Transfiguration."
"There you go, Harry!" Ron cried, thumping Harry on the back.
Headmistress McGonagall rolled up her scroll. "Now, I shall be the first to inform you that you cannot exchange apprenticeships with your fellow students for any reason," she informed the Great Hall at length. "However, if you are experiencing hardship one way or another with the selection, please see your Head of House immediately. If you don't believe you are the correct fit for the position, request a meeting with your Head of House and myself. Congratulations to those who were chosen, now let us feast at last!" she declared, the scroll vanishing from her hands, and all varieties of food appearing on platters on the table.
I somehow managed to get a piece of roast chicken, scalloped potatoes, and green beans onto my plate, but barely noticed them. I couldn't understand why I'd been picked for the position of apprentice to Professor Lupin over Harry. I liked Professor Lupin, of course, given that he was the best friend of my uncle, though something was eating away at me, telling me that it was because I'd defeated Albus Dumbledore.
"You have to eat, Cassia," Hermione said gently from beside me.
I bit my lip, dragging my fork through my potatoes. "It's because of the damned wand," I said softly to her, shaking my head.
Hermione gave me a small smile. "It's all right, Cassia..."
"It's not all right if Harry hates me," I countered.
"How can Harry hate you?" she demanded. "You brought down a great foe to the Wizarding World, Cassia. You've done nothing wrong here. It's not as if you specifically requested an apprenticeship at all—Merlin, you didn't even know about it until a few hours ago."
I sighed, rolling my shoulders. "No, I didn't," I agreed at last, staring through the Great Hall, with my hands automatically tightening on my fork as I saw Theodore Nott whispering something to Al again, "although something tells me that Nott knows something, and he's telling Al about it."
Hermione followed my gaze. "What are you going to do?" she whispered.
I shook my head. "Nothing yet," I said at last. "The last thing I want to do is make waves during my first week here."
"But, Cassia..."
"No, Hermione," I said firmly. "I need to bide my time and wait...though I suppose I could ask Professor Lupin to keep an eye on things, just in case."
Hermione smiled at that, nodding her head. "A very sensible solution," she agreed, "so it's no wonder you were picked for the program. Now, eat," she told me firmly. "If you're going to be an apprentice for a core subject, you'll need your strength."
I sighed, plastering a smile on my face as I took a bite of my dinner, the delicious food lingering in my mouth as I chewed it, before it went down my throat. "I can see my mom over there," I said after a few moments of silence.
Hermione followed my gaze again. "She's waving at us," she observed. "She probably can't wait to congratulate you after dinner."
I hesitated for a moment, and then owls came swooping inside from the windows provided up above—twenty in all. Hedwig, naturally, made a beeline for Harry, while Draco's owl came to him, and a plethora of others found their assigned person. Each held an envelope, which was cream in color, and had a red wax seal upon its back, holding it shut. Once my letter was dropped, I handed a piece of chicken to my delivery owl, who took it happily before flying off with the rest of them again. I broke the seal of the envelope and looked at it.
Dear Cassia,
Congratulations on being accepted as the official Apprentice of Defense Against the Dark Arts for your sixth-year.
I know it must have come as a bit of a shock to you, given that you are so new a student to Hogwarts, as well as a recent transplant to Great Britain. However, you must know that your EAGLEs at Ilvermorny were impressive, the best that they'd seen in close to three-hundred years. In comparison to here at Hogwarts, and our OWLs, the last person who scored so well was Albus Dumbledore in June 1899.
I nearly dropped the letter in shock, but forced myself to continue reading.
We may do our intended ritual on Saturday afternoon, if you are amenable to it. Severus has assured me that he is available that day. I assume you will wish to bring Hermione with you, as the two of you have become close quite quickly, and she is more than welcome. Severus will be getting all the necessary ingredients, as we've decided that obtaining them from Professor Slughorn's stores could be seen as suspicious and potentially dangerous.
I nodded my head as I read that bit; that was actually a good way of thinking.
Don't despair about Harry getting picked for Transfiguration; there is a good reason for it, and while I am privy to it, I cannot put it here. I can tell you, however, that Harry will likely tell you if you ask him for the reason directly. He did score exceptionally well on his OWL, although that is considered public record.
If your suspicions are that your selection has to do with you defeating Albus Dumbledore, as well as being the Elder Wand's current mistress, you are partially correct. However, I cannot tell you in the letter the full reason. I will tell you why upon our first meeting, which will take place in the Room of Requirement this Saturday, when we destroy the wand. I highly advise you not to tell people you don't trust about that, as you will effectively be wandless until you have your consultation with Garrick Ollivander.
I look forward to our professional relationship flourishing, Cassia. Please direct any questions you may have towards me regarding the program.
Congratulations once again!
Remus Lupin
Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts
Head of Gryffindor House
Deputy Headmaster
"Cassia? Are you all right?"
I turned to look at Hermione again, and, at last, shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know," I admitted at long last.
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