10 | Pet Names.
Throughout Friday Jared had convinced himself that what he was going to attempt to do with Darnell wasn't a big deal. He would just suck him off, and maybe if he was feeling a little confident, he would 'eat' Darnell's ass as Austin told him to.
It wasn't a big deal.
Darnell always did it for him, so why couldn't he do it for Darrell?
That's what he had thought, and that was the mindset he used to soothe himself all day. But now that he was hovering over Darnell in bed. Now that he was looking down at the person that made his stomach twist and swell with nerves, Jared didn't think he could do it. It wasn't because he didn't want to try. He just felt stupid. When Darnell sucked him off, he looked absolutely adorable doing it. Jared loved to look at his face and stroke his hair. Would Darnell want to look at him? Would he make a mistake and mess everything up? Would he look stupid? These were the questions that were plaguing his mind.
"Are you feeling alright?" Darnell asked, bringing Jared out of his thoughts. It was then the older man realized he had been hovering over Darnell and giving him a frown for a little too long. He relaxed his features, nodding his head in response to Darnell's question before muttering an apology for spacing out and scaring him. He didn't mean to frown. The frown was directed to his inner thoughts and not Darnell.
"I'm so sorry," Jared apologized again, moving his weight until he was lying on his side. He sat up, hugging his knees to himself as he let out a small sigh. "I was just — thinking."
Darnell stared at the older man, wondering what was on his mind. He sat up on the bed, scooting over until he was right next to Jared. He rested his head on the man's shoulder, closing his eyes as he let out a deep breath. "Talk to me," Darnell muttered, reaching out to take Jared's hands in his. "Please?" he asked, giving it a little squeeze. Darnell removed his head from Jared's shoulder, and the older man turned to face him with a slightly red face.
Jared shrugged. "I wanted to do something for you then I freaked out," he admitted, making Darnell raise a brow at him.
"Do what?" the younger man asked, letting go of Jared's hand before brushing stray strands of hair away from the man's face.
Jared's face turned redder as he opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again. He covered his face with his hand, looking at Darnell from the space between his fingers before speaking up. "Suck you off, and maybe something more. I don't know—" Jared trailed as his face heat up even more. Why were they talking about this like they were in relationship counseling?
"Oh, I just thought it wasn't your thing," Darnell said as Jared took his hand away from his face.
"It's not. Well, not that, but I've never done it," Jared explained and Darnell just nodded.
There was a pause as Jared tried to arrange the words in his head to make sense. There was so much to say, but very little ways to say them without being embarrassing. "D-do you want me to do it?" Jared asked. He just needed Darrell to be a little enthusiastic or even indifferent about the situation. He didn't want to do something that would make Darnell disgusted. That would defeat the whole purpose of doing it to please him.
Darnell smiled, leaning in before pressing his lips on the man's cheek. He leaned away, nodding. "Yes, I'd like that," he said, and that was all it took to make Jared's nerves unwind and free up his mind.
"I have a question too," Darnell said, making Jared look at him. The older man watched Darnell's brown eyes go a bit wary as the younger man nibbled on his bottom lip. "Can I call you pet names... like, babe? Not that specifically, but things like that," Darnell muttered, his voice fast and low. Jared almost didn't' hear him. Jared's lack of an answer made Darnell worry so he began to backpedal. "It's just, I'm really prone to saying things like that during sex, but I don't want to make things weird..." he trailed, looking away from Jared and adjusting the way he sat on the bed.
"I'm sorry, forget I said anything—"
"You can call me whatever you want," Jared said, cutting Darnell off before he could withdraw his statement. He did want Darnell to call him a pet name. He wanted it so bad. The thought alone made Jared's stomach warm up with unquantifiable feelings. Sometimes he would call Darnell a pet name in his head, but he was never brave enough to say it out loud to gauge his reaction. He wondered if this meant he could call Darnell a pet name too. The older man looked down at his hands, letting out a small breath before looking back at Darnell. "So, can I can you Dee?" his voice grew small as he completed the sentence. All the confidence he had built up seconds ago gone. What if Darnell didn't like it? What if Darnell's request wasn't a pass for him too? He was starting to get worried.
Darnell cocked his head to the side as a small smile crept on his lips. "Dee?" he asked as if testing the name in his mouth. "I like it," he said, making Jared's nerves ease up.
"You know you can ask me for anything, right?" Darnell said as his smile widened up and he looked on at Jared with bright eyes. Jared didn't say anything, he just looked away, feeling Darnell's gaze was too intense. He sat there, feeling his body shiver as Darnell kissed down his neck and let his open palm run up and down his chest. "Babe, look at me," Darnell muttered into Jared's ear making the man's face warm up as the area after stomach heated up. It sounded so much better than he's thought it would.
Jared turned, taking hold of Darnell's face before pulling the smaller man into a kiss. They kissed sloppily for a while, their hands gripping each other's hair or running down each other's chest and back. Darnell laid down, and once again Jared was hovering over him, but this time the man was determined. He broke the kiss, staring at Darnell for a bit before kissing his cheeks, then chin, then down his neck and chest. Darnell's low moan and the word 'babe' slipping into them ever so often gave Jared the courage to continue. He kissed down Darnell's happy trail. The turf of trimmed pubic hair tickling his chin as he continued to kiss down.
Darnel bucked up a bit, letting out a low sigh when Jared wrapped his hand around him, stroking slowly. Jared watched him, swallowing down his fear before taking Darnell in his mouth. Darnell was warm and hard against his tongue. Jared wasn't sure what to think until low moans flooded the room. They were Darnell's moans. Darnell was moaning because of him. It was the greatest confidence booster.
He continued sucking, not caring if his jaw was hurting or if Darnell's fingers were digging a little bit too deep on his scalp. He was making Darnell enjoy himself, and that was all that mattered. He licked up Darnell's shaft, coaxing the tip of his with his tongue before taking him in his mouth as far as possible — which wasn't too far, but it was the thought that mattered.
"Jared, I'm going to come, stop," Darnell got between his moans, pulling the man's head away with his hands, leaving a trail of saliva mixed with precum. Jared wiped his lips with the back of his hand before looking up at Darnell. The man was flushed from head to toe. His chest rose and fell with his deep breathing. "That was nice," Darnell said, licking his lips as he reached out to run his fingers through Jared's hair. "Really nice."
"Oh," Darnell said in a low confused tone when Jared bent over him again. Darnell was fine when Jared kissed down his privates again Then Jared moved his kissing lower, making Darnell almost jump. Jared held down his legs, muttering a string of apologies as he watched the younger man calm down.
"That's the other thing I want to try," the older man explained, looking on at Darnell's partly horrified face. "You don't want me to do it, do you?"
"I do, but I didn't think — oh," Darnell stopped talking as a wave of pleasure washed over him when Jared pressed a kiss to that area. He twitched, and he was sure Jared could see him doing it. He wasn't sure if he was turned on or embarrassed.
"Oh my God, I didn't think," he started babbling, watching as Jared pressed kiss after kiss down there before coaxing it with his tongue. He bit down, trying not to moan too often but with every lick, Darnell lost a bit of his composure, and then when Jared pressed his tongue against him, slipping a bit of it into him, he lost all control.
His moans sounded like half cries. He held onto chunks of Jared's hair, moaning as ripples of pleasure ran through him from head to toe. Jared moved faster, taking his tongue in and out and making sure to kiss around as Darnell twitched. He had been a little scared that what he had gathered from the porn videos wouldn't work. It was porn, and not exactly an accurate depiction of reality. What he was doing was working fine, but Darnell wasn't as still as the people in those videos. He drew up his legs, bucked, and wiggled. These were all things that should have annoyed Jared, but it made him feel more pleasing. Darnell was enjoying himself so much that he couldn't keep his calm. He loved it.
Jared removed his mouth in confusion when he felt a warm liquid hit his forehead. He sat up, blinking in surprise when he realized Darnell had come on his face.
"I'm s-so s-sorry," Darnell stuttered, looking on at Jared in horror. He sat up, moving towards the man before pulling at the bedsheet until it hiked up enough for Darnell to use as a rag to clean Jared's face. "I'm so so sorry," he continued to apologize staring at Jared's face when he was done cleaning him up.
Jared just smiled a bit, surprising Darnell by leaning in to catch his lips. Darnell stayed still for a bit, but melted into the kiss, letting go of the bedsheet before wrapping his hands around Jared as they kissed, their warm tongues meeting and causing both of them to moan.
Jared pushed Darnell back a bit, causing the both of them to tumble over until Jared was on top of Darnell again. They continued to kiss until Jared pulled away to put on a condom and help Darnell prep. He's been doing it more recently, and all the preparation they'd worked into sex made Jared feel more involved — it felt less like he was doing sex to Darnell, and having sex done to him, and it felt more like he was having sex with Darnell.
Jared blushed at the cheeky grin Darnell was throwing his way. He had his legs spread wide and his hair scattered on the mattress around his face. He looked so inviting and sensual. Jared could barely believe he was really there with him. The older man took in a deep breath before placing himself over Darnell again, kissing the man as he eased himself into him. The fitting was tight, warm, and Darnell's muscles squeezed around Jared anytime he moved. It didn't take too long for Jared to come, and Darnell came for the second time, soiling their abdomens.
Jared pulled out, rolling to the side as he listened to Darnell. The younger man was letting out low drawn-out moans. His skin was light brown, but you could still see the light flush on his face. He was still quivering at trying to catch his breath.
"Dee..." Jared called out, making Darnell lick his swollen full lips before turning to face the man on his side. Jared turned his gaze down. He wasn't sure why he called Darnell, maybe he wasn't to test the nickname, he didn't know.
"Hmm?" Darnell hummed, running a hand down Jared's chest and playing with the curls of hair as he waited for the man to talk.
"Nothing, I just felt like calling you," Jared answered, being honest.
"That's a valid answer," Darnell laughed, pausing what he was doing before looking into Jared's eyes.
"I wanted to ask you something," Darnell said, looking at Jared. "Have you ever done karaoke?"
Jared shook his head. He didn't have many friends in the first place, and the ones he did have weren't into social singing. Darnell frowned a bit before grinning like he had come up with the best plan in the world.
"A friend invited me to go for karaoke this weekend, do you want to come?" Darnell asked, looking at Jared as he waited for the man to give him an answer.
Jared seemed to have frozen up. He was glad Darnell couldn't see him too well under the dim night light because his face was beet red. He knew it wasn't a date invitation or anything like that, but his sub-conscience couldn't stop treating the proposal like Darnell had just offhandedly asked him on a date. He opened his mouth, realizing that all his words had run off, so he closed his mouth and nodded instead, making Darnell smile.
"Great, I'll send you the details!" Darnell said in a cheerful voice, snuggling close to Jared before throwing a leg over him. Jared smiled too, hugging Darnell to himself as the two tried to catch up on some sleep.
Jared knew the line he was toeing was a dangerous one. The process of falling in love with Darnell was simultaneously the scariest and most exciting thing that had ever happened to him.
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