Despite Clay's incessant protest, George did have to stream during the day. Usually, when George was streaming, Clay would have to find some way to entertain himself. Sometimes he'd scroll endlessly through social media. Sometimes he'd text Vin or Dar or Zak.
And sometimes he'd find entertainment in terrorising George.
"Clay! Sorry chat, I'm pretty sure Clay just broke my wardrobe." George quickly explained. In his rush to get to Clay, George forgot to turn off his face cam. "It's like having a disobedient puppy, I swear." He grumbled, just loud enough for the stream to hear. Clay chuckled quietly enough that the mic didn't pick it up.
George had known that moving his setup to the desk in his room was a bad idea but he was tired of all the 'homeless George' jokes. If he ever gets around to decorating the office then he'd certainly move back, if only to lessen the number of things Clay could mess with.
George stood on his toes to push whatever Clay had just been trying to pull down back onto the top of the closet. Clay took his chance and wrapped his arms around George's waist, unaware that the face cam was still on. He was lucky to not have exposed anything telling towards his identity.
George huffed and rolled his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Clay's shoulders, dropping to his feet. Clay had to bend slightly to keep his arms around George's waist but he did so happily and the chat more than just blew up about it. The donations chimed, all with similar messages:
Don't tell George.
Clay softly rocked them side to side and George dropped his head to Clay's shoulder. "I have to stream, love, but I'll be done soon and then I'm yours." George cooed quietly into Clay's shoulder, pressing circles with his fingertips.
"You're not mine now?" Clay whispered, holding George closer. Love.
"I've always been yours. Now I really have to get back to the stream." George began to pull back but Clay kept him trapped, looking into his eyes expectantly. George rolled his eyes, heart racing, and pressed a quick kiss to Clay's lips.
Clay let him go, satisfied, and wandered out to otherwise entertain himself. George sat back at his desk wearing a goofy smile, pink cheeked. His face flushed worse when he'd noticed his face cam was still on.
"Uuuuuh... how much did you guys see?" George felt an immeasurable amount of relief upon the realisation that they had only seen the hug. He dropped his head to his hands and pretended to panic. "Those clips are going to be everywhere." He whined. They didn't need to know that George would save that clip in a heartbeat.
A donation chimed and George looked up to read it. "Whether you're together or not, I'm glad you have someone by your side during all this shit with Dream." He read out and smiled. "Clay's been a big help. I don't know where I'd be without him by my side." He smiled quietly to himself for a moment before the donations chimed again. Then he laughed.
"I can't believe you're cheating on me smh." George giggled. "Sapnap, you've helped me too. Thank you." He assured before focussing back on the game.
It wasn't too long - though Clay would protest otherwise - before George ended the stream, remembering to upload the VOD to YouTube. After checking the time, he wandered out to go find Clay.
He found him in the kitchen - George would pretend he wasn't surprised - making a mess. "Is it supposed to look like that?" Clay asked, tilting a bowl of something towards his phone.
"Uh, no. No, I don't think it is." A voice - Darryl's - answered. George walked up behind Clay, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face between his shoulder blades. He felt Clay tense for a moment before the realisation set in and he leant back.
"Don't look." Clay instructed bashfully, placing one hand over George's arm. George huffed a laugh.
"I don't think I want to. What were you doing?" He hummed into Clay's back. Clay blushed and Darryl took it upon himself to answer.
"He wanted to make muffins for you but it's not going well." George giggled, pulling away to asses the damage.
"That's... actually really sweet of you." George commented with pink cheeks, starting on cleaning the counter. "Come on, lets clean the counter and we can try again."
That was George's first mistake. Within two minutes, the kitchen was a mess once again. "Cl- No!" George laughed as Clay vigorously beat the eggs, spilling them everywhere. George tugged on Clay's arms in attempt to stop him, Darryl's laugh echoing from the phone that was currently covered in flour.
"It said lightly beaten not massacred!" George reminded and Clay put down the bowl, leaning on the counter and wheezing. George joined him and Darryl was hiding behind his hand, shaking with laughter.
Eventually, they managed to calm and return to the recipe. "Sift the flour and bicarbonate soda into a large bowl." Darryl read out and George practically ran to grab the sieve before Clay had the chance to. He began sifting but Clay wasn't going down without a fight.
Clay crept up behind George, grabbed him by the waist and started tickling, causing more flour to be spread around the kitchen. George shrieked and dropped the sieve into the bowl, curling in on himself to grab at Clay's hands. Clay continued to tickle him ruthlessly, revelling in George's laughter.
After a moment, he let up, keeping his arms wrapped around George's waist. He rested his chin on George's shoulder as George caught his breath. "You're a menace." George finally huffed and Clay grinned, face the epitome of faux innocence. "What's next, Dar?" He asked, rubbing his flour-covered hands up and down Clay's arms.
"Stir in the chocolate chips and sugar." Darryl read and George was glad he'd managed to measure everything beforehand otherwise he was sure Clay would give them diabetes. Clay grabbed the chocolate chips and George grabbed the sugar.
"Hey George." Clay called and George turned to see Clay ready to throw a chocolate chip. "Catch." He said, aiming for George's mouth. The chip bounced off of George's cheek.
"Wait, go again, I wasn't ready." George turned from where he was stirring in the sugar to face Clay fully. Clay readied up again, eyes on George's open mouth.
After eleven scattered chips, George finally caught one and threw his arms up in triumph. Clay cheered and Darryl couldn't help but laugh. He poured the rest of the chips into the bowl and began stirring.
"Next you add the eggs, yoghurt and butter." Darryl read out with a smile. George picked up Clay's massacred eggs with a giggle, pouring them into the bowl. Clay dumped in the yoghurt and butter, some splashing out onto the counter.
"It's supposed to be a bit lumpy still. If you over-stir them then they go all tough." Darryl warned, distantly remembering a batch of rock hard muffins. George nodded.
"You hear that?" George asked accusingly, turning to Clay. Clay grinned again in faux innocence. They just about managed to get through stirring with no problems.
"Now divide it into the cases and put that in the oven for twenty minutes!" Darryl finished. George nodded.
"Where are the shovels?" Clay asked distractedly, pulling another draw out. George looked over at him for a second, confused. "The spoons." Clay sighed out and George laughed, leaning on the counter. "It's not that funny." Clay chuckled out.
"This is payback for laughing at 'Mew." George retorted with a grin before pointing to the cutlery draw.
"Who are you talking to, Darry?" A voice echoed from Darryl's end. Clay and George shared a fond look at the happy smile that pulled at Darryl's face.
"I'm helping Clay and George make muffins!" Darryl explained, opening up an arm towards something off camera. A moment later Zak appeared, tucking himself into Darryl's side.
George and Clay waved, Clay managing to flick some mix onto George in the process. George retorted by sticking his hand in the flour and pushing it into the side of Clay's face.
He then turned to put the tray into the oven. Clay gave Darryl and Zak a look and pointed his thumb over his shoulder at George in a 'can you believe this guy?'. George put on a timer for twenty minutes and rounded on the mess he called his boyfriend.
"We need to clean up before 'Mew decides to eat something." George states, putting his hands on his hips. Clay grinned and knocked the flour off the counter. George groaned, slapping Clay's shoulder.
It took them the entire twenty minutes to clean, mostly because Clay kept poking at George and George would retaliate, creating more mess. Despite everything, the muffins turned out relatively well. Clay and George teased Darryl and Zak with them until they had to go.
George and Clay retreated to the sitting room, George having found and scooped up the cat. Clay was happy to watch the loving way George sat with Bartholomew in his lap, cooing softly at him. Eventually the cat settled and so did George. He turned to look at Clay.
"C'mere." George asked gently, attempting to becon Clay without moving his hands from the cat. "C'mere." He repeated and Clay shifted closer. George leant forward to allow Clay to wrap an arm around him. Clay linked both of his hands on George's stomach and George hummed, leaning back against his shoulder.
George turned to look at Clay, eyes half-lidded. Clay smiled. "Hi." He greeted, bumping his nose to George's.
"Hi." George responded happily. Clay leant in and pressed his lips to George's, content to live like this forever. Covered in flour and muffin mix, the boys had never been happier.
1.7k words
Can you tell that I'm weak for the 'cooking with your partner' trope? 🥺
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