George was still leant against Nick long after the Dream Team had left the stage. He was still trying to recover.
"I probably just imagined it, he was probably looking at someone else around me." George reasoned, face still burning and eyes wide. Nick laughed. George started lightly punching Nick's shoulder and arm.
"Did you hear the shit he sung to me?!" George exclaimed, resting his fists against Nick's shoulder. "'I know you want to meet me' that cocky bastard!" Nick threw his head back, laughing harder at George's ridiculousness.
"But you do want to meet him, otherwise you wouldn't be here," Nick commented and George grumbled as he dropped his fists, confident he could stand on his own for now. "I'm surprised you're not focused on the 'everything about you is perfect' bit" he continued. George groaned a 'shut up!'.
"I'm trying not to think about that right now or I might just die. Plus there's a really low chance he was actually singing that to me, I can't get my hopes up, he doesn't even know who I am." George replied, beginning to follow Nick away from their spot. When Nick began to break away from the crowd, George grew confused.
"Where are you going?" George asked, confused. Nick turned back to George, equally confused. And then a shit eating grin spread across his face.
"You were so caught up in Dream's eyes that you completely forgot we got backstage passes, you are so whipped!" Nick couldn't help laughing and it only increased at George's wide eyes and open mouth. George punched him in the shoulder, harder this time.
"Oh my god, we need to go find a restroom, I probably look gross!" George yelled before pulling Nick towards the nearest restroom sign. Nick just kept laughing and let George drag him along.
They were lucky enough to find a relatively empty restroom where George instantly made a beeline for the mirror. He started messing with his hair for a second before turning on the tap and cupping his hands beneath the stream.
He used the sink to wet his face and hair before ducking under the hand dryer and turning it on. Nick had decided to record it in order to expose him on twitter later on.
George walked over to Nick and swatted at the phone for a moment before giving up and tugging at the bag instead. Once he'd gotten it off of Nick, he rooted through it to find his deodorant, cologne and breath spray.
"How long have we got?" George asked after smacking his lips in reaction to the minty spray. He started spritzing himself with cologne as Nick checked the time.
"Like, ten minutes," he replied calmly and George choked and shrieked a 'What?!'. Nick laughed again.
"Nick! Where do we have to go?" George was back to hitting Nick's shoulder again. He gave up in order to shove the deodorant, cologne and breath spray back in the bag.
"Calm down, George! It's only, like, two minutes away, we'll be fine." Nick assured, taking the bag back and slinging it on again. He'd already started walking, knowing George would follow.
"So, are you gonna ask Dream what he was staring at?" Nick asked with a smirk, nudging George's side. George shoved him with a laugh.
"As if! He'd probably think I'm crazy." George replied. Despite how much he'd love to hear Dream admit to staring, he certainly didn't have the confidence to ask. And it was probably a misinterpretation anyways.
"So, how does this... work?" George asked. He'd never been backstage before, let alone with a band like (Dream)ing Of The Disco. Neither had the author, so you'll have to bear with him.
"We're gonna be in this big room kinda thing with everyone else who got backstage and each group gets to go up one at a time and meet the band. I don't know how long you get to talk to them for, it probably depends on how many others there are. I think you have to leave after your go so they can keep track of who's left." Nick shrugged, pulling out the tickets to check they'd gotten the right place. George nodded absently.
Nick handed their tickets over at the door and the woman nodded. "You boys are the last two, come on through," A flash of disappointment ran across George's face but it was gone as soon as it came.
George and Nick walked into the room side by side and took a seat on one of the four plush couches. There weren't nearly as many people there as George had thought. There must have been around eleven groups in total sitting and standing around the room. The chatter gave the room a pleasant buzz.
George pushed back into the couch subconsciously, sliding on his clout goggles. "I'm gonna die. I'm actually going to perish before our turn." He announced, dramatically. Nick rolled his eyes. "Nick, we have to be in the same room as them for who knows how long and just... not do anything. Just try and be normal" Nick seemed to be doing a lot of laughing at George's expense.
"George. Chill out! Remember, at the end of the day, they're just people like us. They're probably just as nervous coming out to meet us because of all the preset expectations." George groaned and slid further down in the couch, oblivious to the few chuckles it brought from a trio near them.
"I know it's just..." George sighed "I don't know how to put it in to words." Nick waited patiently. "They're them. They're so... so impressive. They've worked so much and built this incredible thing and I'm just... George. Just George, who hates his job but is too much of a coward to quit. Who makes mediocre art of prodigies and reads stories of what might happen if he wasn't... just George."
"They're not going to think you're incredible if you keep talking like that." Nick chastised but his eyes held a sympathy that warmed George. "Just because you weren't famous by twenty doesn't mean you're not worth knowing, George. Sometimes it's good to be just George." Nick smiled. "Now come on, tell me more about how hot Dream's hands are or something, I don't like all this depressing talk."
Just George laughed.
1.1k words
I'm making this up as I gooooooooo
If you get that reference, ily :)
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
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