George's little - looks away from the camera and grins - retweet if you agree
112 retweets 119 likes
The fact that this is my most popular tweet just proves my point
Haha simp
Finally, someone with taste. I've been TRYING to convince George that he is ADORABLE but he keeps DENYING IT 😤
It's because he's colourblind
23 retweets 53 likes
Today was Clay's last day - or half day, he supposed - and they'd already spent most of it laying together in George's bed with Mew. He'd packed his suitcase the night before, after they'd gotten back from the beach, determined to spend as much time with George as he could before he had to go back. If a few shirts and hoodies hadn't quite made it back into his suitcase, well, Clay didn't mind. He wasn't that attached to them anyways.
Clay was currently on his back, coddling Mew to his chest with loud cooing and kissing noises. "My baby. My little fluffy prince. The apple of my eye. A precious angel who could do no wrong. My love." Clay sang as he scratched at the sides of Mew's face, Mew's purr rumbling in his chest.
"I can't believe my cat is stealing my boyfriend." George huffed fondly, propped up on one arm and looking down on Clay and Mew.
"Just look at that cute face though." Clay cooed, looking up at George with Mew's face cradled between his hands. "The face of an angel." He said, smiling goofily up at George.
"The face of a harlot. You know he's Nick's love too?" George commented, reaching the hand he wasn't propped up on to stroke Bartholomew. Clay gasped dramatically and looked at Mew, heartbroken.
"How could you?" Clay whimpered, softly squishing the cat's face in his hands. Mew simply stared back at him. "That's it! We're over!" He exclaimed dramatically. Mew chose that moment to stretch and hop down off the bed, collar jingling as he went. Clay watched with fake teary eyes as his ex love walked away. George watched Clay with real amusement in his eyes as Clay dramatised.
"I still love him..." Clay uttered after a moment, looking up at George with a dramatic pout. George rolled his eyes and leant down to kiss his dumb boyfriends pout away. Clay hummed into the kiss, satisfied he had gotten his way.
George pulled back and dropped gracelessly onto Clay's chest and Clay let out a quiet 'oof' in response, at which George giggled. Clay wrapped his arms around George, gently rubbing circles into his back and side.
"If I fall asleep on you, does it mean you'll have to stay?" George asked, lazily yet delicately tracing words into Clay's shirt, right over his heart. Clay sighed, holding George closer.
"I wish. I've been blowing off management enough as is, they'll hunt me down if I decide to stay any longer." Clay told. He'd been avoiding angry texts, calls and emails since the moment he bought the plane tickets. George whined softly in weak protest.
"When do you have to be at the airport?" George asked after a moment of silence, basking in the warmth of Clay's hands.
"The flight's at one, so probably quarter to." Clay decided, drawing hearts between George's shoulder blades. He really was a high school girl in love. George checked the time on his phone. They had time.
"Do you want to go the café one last time before you have to go?" George asked bittersweetly, tilting his head to look up at Clay. Clay tilted his head down, nose bumping against George's.
"I'd love to." Clay murmured. And they did.
They got blueberry and chocolate muffins along with a cup of tea and a milkshake, happy to reminisce. They'd even managed to snag the tall seats by the window that George had gotten them the first time.
"I was so nervous." Clay chuckled, knowing George would know what he was referring to. George looked up at Clay from where he'd stolen Clay's milkshake and was sipping at it. "As creepy as it sounds, I was frozen staring at you through the window for... way longer than I'd like to admit." George giggled, urging Clay to continue.
"I'd forgotten how handsome you were. Like, yeah, I knew you were pretty but Nick's streams and mugshots do you no justice at all. And then I saw you through that window and just... froze. It was suddenly all so real. You were right there, looking like you'd walked right out of a magazine, and you were waiting for me. And you were about to make one of the most important decisions of my life." Clay smiled to himself, his hands wrapped around George's tea. He took a sip out of revenge but George never would have minded. He'd give Clay anything.
"Do you want to know what I decided that morning?" Clay asked. George hummed, having discarded his muffin and Clay's milkshake in favour of focusing entirely on what Clay had to say.
"I decided that, no matter what you asked of me, I'd do it. Because, as much as I want to be in your life, your happiness is the most important thing to me. So, if you decided you'd be happiest if I left, I would have left. Even if it would have killed me, I would have stood, walked right out and gotten on the next plane to Florida. I would check my phone every moment in case you changed your mind but I wouldn't have ever reached out. Because, if it would make you happier, I'd do anything." Clay paused. "I plan on meeting with management to arrange how often I can come and see you." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
George grinned at him with that ever-sunny smile, eyes glassy and cheeks pink, and reached to take his hand. "I'd do anything for your happiness too, Clay. Whatever you asked of me. I still can't believe I quit my job because you wanted to spend more time with me." Clay chuckled and George giggled to himself.
"I'm pretty sure Nick is still mad that I only had to ask once." George laughed again, nodding.
"He's been trying to get me to quit since the moment I applied." George agreed.
@DreamWasTaken spotted with @GeorgeNotFound in café
[an image of Dream and George sat at their table at the café. Dream is emphatically retelling something, hands in the air. George is laughing behind a closed fist. Under the table, George's foot is gently hooked around Dream's ankle.]
11.5k retweets 22.9k likes
Give the boys some room. (P.s, you're welcome you two)
Is loving George legal yet?
Important question: #Dreamnotfound or #Gray?
Why not both?
1.2k retweets 3.3k likes
The drive to the airport was accompanied by rubbish covers of whatever song was on the radio and successions of three or four gentle squeezes to each other's hands, which sat clasped on top of the console between them.
"Cause it's too cold for you here," Clay belted out, pulling at George's hand to use as a microphone. George laughed, attempting to concentrate on the road. Clay continued to serenade him, swearing to memorise George's smile and laugh before he had to leave.
George switched the car off, having parked in front of the airport, and went to get out of the car only to be pulled back in. Clay wouldn't meet his eyes. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" George whispered, closing the door and turning to face his boyfriend fully.
Clay finally looked up from the console to George. He looked physically pained, eyes glassy and eyebrows knit. His bottom lip was pulled between his teeth. "I can't kiss you goodbye out there." Clay finally got out, barely loud enough for George to hear. George felt his heart tear. Right, yeah, of course. People would see them.
George leant over the console to fist Clay's hoodie, pulling him into a kiss. Clay barely held back a whine as he reached a hand to rest on George's neck, desperately trying to memorise the feeling of George's lips on his own. Where the kiss had first been hot and fast, it slowed to something softer, both boys attempting to push the words they couldn't say out loud into each other's mouths. They pulled back slowly, resting their foreheads together.
George gently lifted his hand and brushed Clay's hair away from his face. Clay moved his hand from George's neck to his hip, pulling him over the console and into a tight hug. George sat startled for a moment, Clay's arms wrapped tight around his waist and Clay's face buried in his shoulder, before wrapping his arms around Clay's shoulders and nuzzling into the side of his neck. He squeezed his eyes shut, determined not to cry.
"My flight will leave soon." Clay stated, in no mood to be on it. He could feel the way George was trembling in his lap and he wasn't much better. He wasn't sure he could stand. George nodded minutely against his neck.
"You should go." He commented, not moving either. If anything, George's arms tightened around Clay's shoulders.
"I should." Clay responded, beginning to loosen his arms around George's waist. George's arm loosened around his shoulders and, before long, they were face to face.
"Here." Clay reached under the neck of his hoodie to tug something off over his head. He unclasped it and gently wrapped it around George's neck. George leant against Clay to let him clasp it again behind his neck. It was Clay's smiley pendent.
The two paused, looking up from Clay's smiley pendent around George's neck to look each other in the face. Both had red-rimmed and glassy eyes and were shaking slightly. Clay delicately cupped George's face and George hiccuped, covering Clay's hands with his own and closing his eyes.
"I love you." Clay breathed, leaning his forehead to George's. George just whimpered and pressed his lips to Clay's.
Georgie 💕
You said you'd be back before I had the chance to miss you
I already miss you
Clay 😊
I already miss you too
So much
But I'll be back
And I'm only a message away when you need me
George 💕
I always need you
Clay 😊
I always need you too
I have to go
I'll message when I land
I promise <3
Georgie 💕
Have a safe flight <3
Changed "Clay 😊"s contact name to "Clay <3"
1.8k words
Published this without the authors note first because I was too eager to get it out and to you all 😂
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
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