Clay woke up with one objective on his mind: to make George laugh as much as he could throughout the day.
Even a stranger could see that something wasn't right with George last night. Clay didn't need Nick's conversation to know that George was upset about something. But Clay couldn't solve George's problem unless George told him it so, in the meantime, Clay settled on distracting him from it.
Clay woke early and pinged a good-morning text to George before scouting through the chest of drawers. He'd unpacked last night, when it became clear he wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon - too concerned for George's well-being.
He decided on a simple pair of dark gray, straight legged trousers, a white shirt and hoodie, a long, dark blue-black overcoat and a pair of blue-black trainers. As an afterthought, he also pulled on a beanie in the same gray as his trousers.
The worst part of Clay's mask was how long it took to apply in the mornings.
When he'd finally finished getting ready, Clay picked up his phone to see that George had replied with a good-morning of his own and a request to meet at the Café at nine. After checking the time, Clay shot back a quick 'see you there', picked up his wallet and keys and left to make his way to George.
Upon stepping out onto the street, Clay was greeted by ominous gray clouds. He felt a wave of disappointment wash over him at the prospect of his day with George being cut short.
But George seemed unfazed by London's dismal weather. He was wearing another pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of tan walking boots and a warm looking baby blue hoodie. Clay tried to hide his disappointment that George wasn't wearing his hoodie as George greeted him with a sunny smile and a warm takeaway cup.
"What's this?" Clay asked as he took the cup from George's hand, purposefully brushing over his fingers. George smiled and wrapped his now empty hand around his own cup. He blamed the way his fingers tingled on the warmth seeping from the drink and not the brief contact with Clay.
"Try it." George urged instead, nodding at the cup. He lifted his own to take a sip, watching Clay's face. He felt smugly satisfied when Clay shrugged and leant to taste the drink with no further questions. He felt even more smug as he saw something light in Clay's eyes.
Clay hummed. It was coffee of some sort, Clay could tell that much, but it was also creamy and slightly sweet. It didn't taste like anything he would have picked for himself but he enjoyed it none the less. He enjoyed it more upon seeing the excited, slightly smug look on George's face.
"It's really good. What's in it?" Clay said before taking a larger gulp. He enjoyed the way the drink warmed him from the inside. George began leading the way away from the Café, satisfied he wouldn't need to go back in to get Clay something else. Clay fell into step beside him easily.
"It's a caramel cortado." George stated and Clay nodded, pretending he knew what that meant. George giggled. "Espresso, milk and caramel." George explained and Clay mouthed an 'ah' in understanding.
George chuckled a 'you're so dumb' and Clay may have retorted if he wasn't too busy admiring George. Instead, he bumped into George's side gently, just to hear him giggle again. George bumped Clay back but didn't move away after. He was happy to walk practically pressed to Clay's side, shoulder grazing against Clay's upper arm. And Clay wasn't about to complain.
"So, where are you taking me today?" Clay asked after a few blissful moments of quiet walking. George pulled out his phone and opened his notes.
"I made a list of the most popular tourist locations in London and I'm gonna see how many I can take you to before it rains." George stated, showing Clay the list. The first location read 'the Shard'. Clay wasn't sure what 'the Shard' was but the excitement in George's face was enough incentive for Clay to want to go.
So, as it turns out, 'the Shard' is a one thousand, sixteen foot tall glass building that had been featured in a number of films. Clay pressed down his fear as George lead him through the doors and towards the queue of people attempting to get to the top. George was prattling off facts about the building of terrors.
"Not only is it the tallest building in the UK but it's also one of the top five tallest buildings in Europe. Isn't that cool? Apparently you can see forty miles out on a clear day." Clay nodded, gulping. George looked over, wondering why Clay was being so quiet. He looked a little pale and his smile was wobbly. George was about to ask what was wrong when he realised they'd reached the top of the building.
Clay felt George's fingers circle his wrist and begin to tug him toward the large windows that overlooked London. It took every bit of Clay's self control to stop himself from slipping his hand into George's, if only for the comfort of it. As they approached the glass, a nauseous feeling overtook Clay and he shut his eyes tight.
"Woah! This is incredible! Look Clay!" George was pointing out towards the skyline and tugging gently at Clay's wrist to get his attention. Clay was too busy desperately attempting to breathe to look.
George adjusted his grip on Clay's wrist and could suddenly feel Clay's pulse faintly beneath his fingers. It was racing, and not in the good way.
George looked over to see Clay's eyes screwed shut and eyebrows scrunched. His lips were slightly open as he practically hyperventilated. George's eyes widened and he was quick to tug Clay away from the windows and away from the crowds.
George let go of Clay's wrist and worked instead on prying Clay's nails from his own palm. He managed to work his hand into Clay's and placed the other on Clay's jaw.
"Hey, Clay, it's okay. You're okay, I've got you, you're safe." George murmured. Clay was trembling. George used both thumbs to massage comforting circles into Clay's hand and cheek. "Breathe with me, buddy, can you do that?" Clay weakly nodded.
"Alright, breathe in." George took a deep breath in and watched as Clay tried to replicate it, eyes still closed tight. He held the breath for a few counts. "And out," George gently blew the air out and watched as Clay copied. They repeated the deep breaths until Clay was able to breathe on his own. George continued to massage circles into Clay's skin. Clay shakily squeezes George's hand and attempted to pry his eyes open.
He focused on George's warm, kind and concerned eyes, ignoring the height. George simply waited patiently, searching Clay's relaxing face. "Not a fan of heights." Clay explained with a pitiful smile.
George brushes his thumb over Clay's cheek twice more before dropping his hand, the other staying clutched with Clay's. "You should have told me," George said gently. He began leading Clay away, keen to get them back on the ground. "The rest of our destinations will be on solid ground, I promise." George smiled, squeezing Clay's hand.
Clay expected George to drop his hand after they'd left the Shard but he didn't. George's hand stayed warming Clay's all the way up until George dragged Clay through his front door, both drenched and laughing.
"Maybe we should have called an Uber rather than run home." Clay laughed out, watching the way the water dripped off the both of them and onto George's floor. George shrugged, toeing off his shoes and gesturing for Clay to leave his coat on the wrack by the door.
"It was worth it. Come on, I'll get you something dry, I should have something that'll fit you." George said, padding away to his room. George had never been more thankful that he'd taken down his posters the night before.
George handed Clay the gray hoodie he'd given him the day before and a pair of black sweatpants. He also pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and a probably yellow hoodie for himself.
"The bathroom's the next door down." George explained. Clay nodded and padded off to get changed. George decided he liked the way Clay looked in his clothes a little bit too much.
"What do you want to do now?" George asked, plopping down on his bed. Clay looked to be thinking for a moment before he grinned.
"Teach me how to play minecraft." George looked at Clay's determined face and burst out laughing. Clay huffed and crossed his arms, waiting for George to calm down.
Eventually, George's laughing fizzled into gentle giggles. "Alright, I'll teach you how to play minecraft, let me grab my laptop. I'll meet you in the sitting room." George watched fondly as Clay fake-stomped away down the hallway.
He dropped himself down next to Clay on the couch, closer than necessary but Clay didn't seem to notice. He logged into his laptop and opened minecraft before placing the laptop on Clay's lap.
Clay felt like an absolute genius. Or just the most lucky person in the world. He was sat on George's couch, wearing George's clothes, with George pressed to his side in order to explain how to play.
It was simple and easy and Clay understood right away, but George didn't need to know that. Not when George would lean into Clay's side to point at something or take over for a moment to get Clay out of trouble.
George knew that Clay was pretending he didn't get it on purpose, he just didn't have the confidence to do anything about it. Not until the fifth time that Clay threw himself down a cave and complained that he was stuck. George leaned into Clay's side to reach the keyboard and get Clay out except, this time, he didn't lean away after Clay was free. He simply took his hands of the keyboard and placed them into his lap, staying leant against Clay's arm.
Clay smiled giddily when he realised that George wasn't moving away this time. He still made mistakes that George had to correct but they decreased a lot after George had settled against Clay's side. Clay almost got blown up by a creeper when George tentatively rested his head against Clay's shoulder.
As Clay glanced at George's soft smile from the corner of his eyes, he felt satisfied that he had completed the day's objective.
@DreamWasTaken spotted AGAIN with mystery boy!
[a blurry image of George holding Dream's hand and cradling Dream's face. Dream's expression is clearly one of panic, while George's is concerned]
[another blurry image of George and Dream, this time of them running in the rain. Both have their hoods up and one arm up over their heads to shield from the rain. Their other hands are clasped tight.]
11.9k retweets 37.2k likes
Dream looks so uncomfortable, I bet that guy was coming onto him lmaooooo
Poor Dream, that guy is obsessed
@DreamWasTaken are you alright? <3
I'm alright <3 I'd be even better if people
respected my privacy and stopped attacking
my friend though
24.1k retweets 41.6k likes
1.9k words
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
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