"You weren't joking when you said this place has the best food." Clay stated, taking another bite out of his muffin. George grinned, only half from Clay's enjoyment.
"Nope!" George confirmed, breaking off some of Clay's muffin and popping it in his mouth. "I recon they lace it with something." He continued, nonchalantly. Clay choked, only half because of George's comment. George feigned innocence, taking a bite out of his own muffin and Clay rolled his eyes.
"Now try the milkshake." George encouraged, having finished his tea already. Clay had an idea.
"Only if you lady and the tramp it with me." Clay stated and George looked confused, a soft blush rising in his cheeks.
"Absolutely not." George stated with a nervous laugh. Clay shrugged, pushing down his disappointment.
"Then I guess I won't try it." George smiled at Clay, raising one eyebrow. What is he up to? He finally shrugged in response.
"More for me!" George claimed, grabbing for the tall glass. Clay laughed, reaching for the glass as well with a 'wait no'. George let Clay get it.
A comfortable silence settled over them. Clay could feel his heart rate, which was still attempting to calm. George was still coming to terms with everything he's told Clay.
"Am I allowed to ask questions yet?" Clay asked with a teasing smile. George felt his lips tugging into their own smile.
"You just did." He stated, reaching for and taking a sip from the milkshake. He hoped he'd drunk from the right straw but he hadn't checked beforehand. Clay rolled his eyes, taking that as a yes.
"How did you know my eyes were 'as green as emeralds' if you can't see green?" Clay asked, curiously. George blushed.
"It's hard to explain but I've kind of managed to connect what colours other people see to the ones I do so I can sort of guess. I'm not always right though." George shrugged, hiding behind the milkshake glass.
"So, what colour are they for you?" Clay pressed, leaning forward so that George could get a better look. George didn't need to look to know.
"Yellow." George answered, trying not to shy away from Clay.
"My eyes are yellow to you?" George nodded, only slightly nervous. Clay had never made fun of him being colourblind before but there was always a first time for everything. "That's so cool. What sort of yellow?" Clay continued, eyes shining. George was confused but grateful.
He reached for the words to describe them but fell short. And then he reached for his phone. "What are you doing?" Clay asked, trying to see George's screen.
"I'm going to show you what I see." George replied, googling 'protanopia'. "I hope," he continued, realising he couldn't tell the difference between the two spectrums. George turned the phone, screen showing a photo of two colour spectrums.
"Woah... how long have you been colourblind?" Clay asked, feeling bad for George but determined not to pity him. George shrugged, deciding to disregard how stupid the question really was.
"For as long as I can remember. I've never seen the other colours so I don't miss them. It would cool to know how you guys see things though." George had seen the pity in Clay's eyes and attempted to clear it.
Clay made a note to buy George the best enchroma glasses that money can buy. Maybe he can get ones like George's clout goggles.
"Wait, so my hoodie is piss yellow to you?" Clay wondered and George laughed. "The one you're wearing." Clay clarified when George looked down at Clay's chest. George mouthed a small 'oh', face pink, and lifted his arm to look.
"I guess so, yeah." George decided. Unhealthy piss yellow but piss yellow all the same.
"Why do you wear it then?" Clay asked.
"Because it's yours." George replied and it was Clay's turn to be flustered. Upon Clay's reaction, George realised what he'd said and blushed a richer red.
"Here, you can see gray right?" Clay asked, grabbing at the bottom of the hoodie he was wearing and pulling it up over his head. Both boys were oblivious to the Café's other patrons, a few with phones trained on the pair.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I can see gray." George responded dumbly as he watched Clay remove and hold out the material.
"We can swap. Then you don't have to wear piss yellow." George knew he was bright red by this point but Clay's bashful expression made up for it. He pulled the green hoodie off and traded it for the gray that Clay was holding out to him. They both pulled on the exchanged hoodies.
It smells of him. They both thought, simultaneously. A moment of flustered silence passed.
"Am I allowed to ask questions too?" George finally broke the silence. Clay smirked.
"You just did." Both boys were thankful the awkwardness had passed.
"Why do you all hide your names?" George asked. Clay smiled.
"To protect our families. If even our first names were out there, someone would find out everything about our personal lives. I can deal with being recognised when I go out but my parents wouldn't be able to." George nodded. He got that, especially having seen the video of Dream being swarmed at the airport.
George smiled. "What's your cat's name?" Clay looked confused for a second but shrugged.
"Patches. Yours?" George shook his head. Patches was a cute name. George wasn't about to expose himself for his cat's very not-cute name. "Why are you so secretive about your cat's name?" Clay asked, frustrated but amused.
"It is very personal information!" George replied, crossing his arms and fighting a grin. Clay let out a playful groan.
George sipped at the milkshake so he wouldn't smile, realising it was empty. They'd both finished - both meaning George had finished most everything and Clay let him - while they were chatting.
"You want to meet him?" George asked. He wasn't sure where the confidence had come from, he was just comfortable around Clay. Clay's eyes widened. Was George inviting him over?
"Sure! Yeah, I'd like that." Clay spluttered and George laughed, standing. He picked up his empty plate and cup, walking to the wrack and placing them on one of the trays. Clay watched, confused and George rolled his eyes at him.
"Over here, we're polite and put things away. It makes it easy for the workers to clean up if everything's in one place." George explained in a patronising voice. Clay pointedly bumped into his shoulder as he passed with his plate and glass. George just laughed.
"It's a ten minute walk, think you'll survive?" George teased as he began to lead the way, putting his hands in the hoodie pocket. Clay did a half walk half jog to catch up to him and bumped his side again. George stumbled to the side with a giggle before bumping Clay back.
George liked this. It was easy, with Clay.
He could feel a threatening cloud lingering in the back of his mind but he ignored it. He could reflect and overthink when Clay wasn't around. For now, he'd enjoy Clay's presence.
Clay was ecstatic. The universe had heard his prayers and answered graciously. As he glanced to the side to take in George's relaxed smile, he swore to pay the universe back for their gift. He wouldn't ever take their kindness for granted. He would cherish George with all he had.
George led Clay to a cosy looking home, opening the door and slipping off his shoes in the hallway.
"How was your date?" A voice called. George blushed and rolled his eyes. Of course Nick is here. When Clay had slipped off his shoes, George led him to the sitting room.
"Clay, Nick. Nick, Clay." George pointed between them. He watched for Nick's reaction, face smug.
"Hey Clay." Nick nodded at him and Clay smiled and waved. George's face fell.
"You knew, didn't you?" George more stated than asked, crossing his arms. Nick laughed. At least Clay had the decency to try and hide his laugh. George threw his arms up, staring at the ceiling. "Why am I not surprised?"
He dragged his hands over his face, setting a mental reminder to get back at Nick. George could see Clay smiling at him with an odd expression out of the corner of his eye.
"Whatever. Have you seen the cat?" Nick gestured towards the kitchen. George started walking, assuming Clay would follow. He did.
George smiled upon spotting the cat. He walked over and scooped him up.
"Hey baby." George cooed. "You'd never betray me, would you?" He continued, still holding an affectionate baby voice. Clay laughed fondly.
"I'm sorry, Georgie." Clay apologised dramatically, attempting to give George puppy eyes. George watched him for a second before giggling.
"You look so stupid." George told him but still turned toward Clay with the cat, softly stroking the cat's cheek with his thumb. The odd expression reappeared on Clay's face.
"You can stroke him, you know." George pointed out when Clay continued to simply stare. Clay reached forward and pet the purring fluff ball cradled in George's arms.
George felt his heart ache at the domesticity of it all. He focused on watching the cat, afraid his heart my burst at the soft expression on Clay's face.
@DreamWasTaken spotted in cafe! Is he really visiting "just a friend"?
[an image of Dream and George sitting opposite one another. George's arms are laid on the table and Dream is holding onto his wrists. George's face is red.]
[an image of George and Dream leaving together, hoodies switched. George is bumping Dream's side]
16.3k retweets 32.2k likes
I knew it 👀
Lmao the guys kinda,,, ugly,,, 🤡
Wtf Dream isn't gay
Lmao, ikr?
1 retweet 14 likes
1.6k words
F-fluff? May I interest you in some lighthearted fluff? (Mostly)
I visited Florida two or three years back and the biggest surprise was not seeing the tray wracks for when you're finished with you're plates and cutlery and stuff in cafés. Do other people have those or is it just weird where I live?
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
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