George wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep the night before. His mind had been swirling with unbidden thoughts he didn't wish to delve into but couldn't leave alone. When George finally fell asleep, the atmosphere was dismal.
When he woke up, however, it was warm and relaxed in a way that had George confused. He didn't bother changing out of his oversized shirt and short bed shorts, wandering towards the kitchen.
Halfway there, George was able to pick up the soft sounds of music and the smell of pancakes. It was a song that George recognised, except there seemed to be an extra vocalist in this version.
George rounded the corner into the kitchen and was greeted by a sight to behold. Clay, dressed in gray sweatpants and a white top, was dancing around the kitchen with George's cat in arm - singing to him. On the counter was a large plate of pancakes, one still cooking on the stove.
Before George had the chance to walk to the stove to take over, Clay placed the cat on the floor with a dramatic "one moment, my dear," and turned back to the stove. George couldn't hold back his giggle and Clay turned to him.
I have been blessed. Clay thought as he took in George's long, pale legs. "Good morning!" Clay announced happily, turning back to the stove to keep himself from staring.
"Are you trying to romance my poor cat?" George asked playfully as the tabby trotted over to rub against his legs. George leant to pet him happily, glancing to his food bowl.
"Why, you jealous?" Clay retorted with a wink and George rolled his eyes with a laugh, making his way to the cat's food bowl. "I couldn't find his food so I haven't fed him yet." George nodded in acknowledgment, leaning down to open his 'cat cupboard'. It was just the cupboard that he kept all of his cat's things in.
Clay almost choked when George's shirt rode up to show of his bed shorts. He might as well have been wearing boxers. Clay hurriedly turned back to the stove.
After George had fed the cat, he realised what song had come on and smiled, swaying slightly. Clay had finished making pancakes but had busied himself clearing up. He wasn't ready to let go of his distractions yet.
Eventually, Clay ran out of distractions. So he took a deep breath, grinned and rounded on George. George looked at him confused, one eyebrow raised.
"Dance with me, Georgie." Clay instructed, beginning to advance on George. George giggled nervously and raised his hands to ward Clay off but Clay took it as his chance. He grabbed George's hands and swung him around, forcing him to dance. George couldn't stop laughing and Clay was letting out little chuckles of his own.
When George finally started to follow Clay's mock-ballroom dance on his own, Clay calmed. He pulled George in marginally closer and let go of one of George's hands to rest his own on George's hip.
George was trying desperately not to overthink this as he placed his free hand on Clay's shoulder. He's probably doing this for fun. He probably acts like this with everyone. This is a joke. George thought.
Clay traced feather-soft circles into George's hand with his thumb. They were slowly swaying side to side by this point and Clay decided he wanted every morning to be like this. Except maybe he'd wake up a little later and not have to wear his mask.
As the song faded out, the two stopped swaying but neither let go. They simply stared, not wanted to break the spell they were under. George sighed and stepped back, pulling himself from Clay's hands.
"I should go get ready for the stream." George stated weakly with a shaky smile and padded off. He missed the disappointment on Clay's face.
It took a moment for George to set up Nick's mic and Clay's camera but he eventually got it and positioned it right. He moved into the teamspeak with Nick, both tweeting the link to the stream. Nick wasn't going to stream in order to encourage people to watch George.
The stream was going relatively well. George had been odd at the beginning, lingering on his moment in the kitchen with Clay, but eventually the chat were able to distract him.
George didn't know what was going on until he got a donation telling him to look behind himself, along with Nick's muffled laugh. There, creeping up behind him, was Clay. He was now wearing a long sleeved black top and a pair of gloves.
The face cam cut off at Clay's chest so the stream were left unaware of who it was. George rolled his eyes and turned back to the stream. Clay took that as an invitation and he stood behind George, dropping his gloved hands to George's shoulders.
"He's my friend, chat. Sadly." George commented when chat was still blowing up with questions. Clay waved to the camera. "Can I tell them your name?" George asked, tipping his head back to look up at Clay. Clay nodded. "It's Clay." George finally admitted, attempting to hide his smile and soft blush.
The majority of George's chat were from Sapnap's channel so they knew exactly who Clay was. George almost immediately regretted telling them when he got a donation asking whether they were finally dating. George blushed and laughed a nervous no, hoping Clay hadn't noticed. Clay wrapped his arms around George's shoulders, careful not to show his face. Nick rolled his eyes, typing 'simps' into the minecraft chat.
The stream continued like that for a while, George playing with Nick and Clay fiddling with George's shoulders or hair. At one point he even squished George's cheeks with a muffled chuckle. Nick chanted 'screenshot' and encouraged George's stream to clip it.
"I didn't pin you as a clingy one." George quipped, cheeks pink, as Clay started fiddling with the collar of George's shirt. Clay just hummed, he wasn't going to risk people figuring it out. He picked up a pad of sticky notes off of George's desk along with a pen. Once he'd finished writing, Clay stuck the note on George's monitor, obstructing the screen. Chat didn't care about the game anymore, too invested in George and Clay.
'I'm bored and want to spend time with you :(' the note read. George felt his face heating even more, heart rate spiking. "What did it say?" Nick asked, nosily. George rolled his eyes.
"It just said he was bored." George responded and chat spammed 'liar', 'then why are you blushing?' And '#GRAY' "Why are people saying gray?" George asked. Nick laughed.
"It's your ship name. George and Clay. Because Clorge and Geay sound gross they settled on Gray instead." Nick explained before the chat had a chance to and George groaned, covering his face. Clay gave the camera a thumbs up around George and George swatted it away.
Eventually, the stream came to a close with George claiming that he had to go entertain Clay before he started tearing the house apart. Overall, it had been a good stream. George was surprised by the amount of people that turned up.
@DreamWasTaken 'just friend' identified as streamer @GeorgeNotFound
[a screencap of George's stream showing George and Nick laughing]
[the image of George and Dream leaving the Café together, George bumping Dream's side and smiling]
29.8k retweets 38.4k likes
Lmao of course the loser plays minecraft. I bet he's tryna get Dream's money
Took them long enough
Now that it's been established that they're at least friends, may I bring this back?
[a screenshot of one of @Wish_I_Was_The_Disco replies. It showed a reaction image with the text "Jesus please let me suck that dick" on]
😳 yes you may 😳
36.4k likes 65.2k likes
When George finally padded into the sitting room now wearing a hoodie over his pyjamas - he'd sent Clay away with the promise that he'd be there in a minute - Clay grinned, pretending to be busy. George plopped down on the couch and Clay took it as his moment to pounce.
"Hey George?" George looked over. Clay leant towards him with a smug smile and showed George his screen. "Care to explain what this is about?" George went a bright red and leant away from Clay until he was leant diagonally against the arm of the couch. He then tugged on the drawstrings of his hoodie in order to cover his face.
Clay leant closer with a devious smirk. "This is you, is it not?" Clay teased. George groaned something unintelligible and Clay wheezed. Clay could feel his heart racing. When it was clear that George was not going to come out from his hoodie any time soon, Clay cooed.
"Awww, Georgie. You know I find you attractive too." Clay assured, leaning against George's side and laying his head against George's arm. George whined. He was mortified. "You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen." Clay sung, heart pounding. It felt good to say it out loud. George whined quieter this time.
Clay lifted slightly when he felt George trying to moved his arm out from under him. Clay was pleasantly surprise when George then dropped that arm around Clay's shoulders. He hummed happily, replacing his head in the dip of George's waist.
Clay reached up to lace his fingers with George's. He didn't miss the way George began to trace light circles into Clay's hand.
George pulled out his phone and looked at his notifications.
@OhOphelia: don't check your dms
@No1DreamStan: In the nicest way possible,,,, you're kinda ugly lol
@Dreamswife: reminder that Dream isn't gay so step off thanks xx
@DOTDstan: imagine thinking you're good enough for Dream 🤡
@BBHisBaby: hey!!! Dream looks really happy when he's around you, thank you for making him smile!!! :) <3
@chiccennuggies: whatever shit people are trying to convince you, don't let them. You're amazing George, they're just jealous
@BandBitch: you're literally so annoying, I bet Dream doesn't actually like you lmaooooo
@skeeppy: I bet ur onyl frends wit drema for teh money
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1.7k words
I genuinely got so upset writing hate messages that I had to take a break oop-
Also, would people be interested in an outtakes book once this is all over? It would include the original versions of scenes (if they were drastically changed before uploading) along with scenes I've cut because they just didn't fit or weren't necessary. It'll be a nice, relaxed transition thing while I get ready for my next big project!
That's not to say this is ending any time soon, by the way. :)
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!!
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