The agreement had been made wordlessly the moment the two boys had woken together that morning and it wasn't long before George was curled in his bed once more with Clay wrapped warmly around him. George traced his fingers over Clay's freckled arm.
"What are we going to do," George started quietly, grabbing Clay's attention "when you go back?" The question had been on his mind for a while, he simply hadn't found the right moment to ask. "I don't... I don't do this, Clay. I don't do serious relationships. Not often, at least. But I want this to work. I'm willing to put in the effort to make this work." He traced the three words he was too scared to say onto Clay's arm. Clay gently squeezed George tighter.
"I want this to work too, Georgie. So bad. I've never... Ive never done long distance before. Mostly because I've never liked someone enough to want to but... you're different. You're worth the effort. I'd do whatever it takes just to keep you in my life." Clay assured, voice a low rumble. "And I'll come and visit you as much as I can. And, when you've got your visa, you can come to me. I can take you on tour and we can go on cheesy dates. I could take you to France and face my fear just to kiss you at the top of the Eiffel Tower." George giggled.
"It's such a hassle to get a visa though, can't you just marry me?" George joked with a grin. When Clay froze and said nothing, George began to panic. He rolled in Clay's arms to search his face.
"I would. If you wanted." Clay said earnestly and George felt his breath leave him. So maybe Clay likes me more than just a little bit. George stuttered out an 'oh'. Clay simply smiled and buried his nose into George's hair.
"We don't have to think about that just yet though." He reassured gently. There was a peaceful silence for a while.
"What about everyone else? All of your fans, everyone who watches Nick and I's streams?" George asked. He couldn't expect Clay to up and announce to the world something like this. Not this quickly, at the very least.
"I wish I could shout it from the rooftops, George, but I can't put you at risk like that. Not again. If the fans calm then I'll tell them but I can't ever let people say that shit to you again, even if it means hiding you away." Clay paused for a sour moment. "Would you be okay? With hiding?" He whispered self consciously.
"As long as I know how you feel, that's enough for me. I don't need the world knowing, as long as it's the two of us." Clay nodded into George's hair. He rubbed his hands up and down George's back and George traced loving messages into Clay's. George was on the brink of sleep when Clay spoke up again.
"Does this mean that... actually, never mind, that's stupid." George pulled back to look up at Clay. He pushed a finger against Clay's chin in order to tilt his face down, connecting their eyes.
"No, what were you going to ask?" He asked sleepily. Clay glanced away, cheeks pink.
"Does this mean that I get to call you my boyfriend?" Clay murmured, face warming. George grinned fondly.
"Only if I can call you mine," He replied, placing his arm back around Clay but not breaking eye contact. Clay smiled down at George through half-lidded eyes.
"Deal." He whispered, leaning in to bump his nose to George's. George smiled sleepily and tipped his chin to press his lips to Clay's.
And in that moment, everything seemed to slot into place. They had been through a lot together, but it was all worth it for moments like these.
They separately slowly, foreheads staying pressed together. Despite how much he wanted to, George was much too sleepy to open his eyes. He whined his protest and Clay smiled fondly, reaching one hand to stroke George's hair away from his face.
"Go to sleep, baby. I'll still be here when you wake up." Clay murmured, the noise rumbling from his chest.
"Promise?" George slurred, already half way to being asleep. Clay held George closer, pressing his lips to George's forehead in a lingering kiss.
"I promise." Clay replied. Something in those words sounded much heavier than a simple promise to be there the next morning.
And Clay was true to his promise. George awoke the next morning curled into Clay's chest. He could feel Clay's warm breaths fan over his forehead from where he'd fallen asleep with his lips pressed to it. George decided that a lie in sounded like great idea.
The next time George woke, Clay was still there. He was awake this time though, idly scrolling through Twitter. George's head was now tucked beneath Clay's chin, nose to Clay's collarbone. He smiled and shifted minutely to press his lips to Clay's collarbone. Clay smiled.
"G'morning." He greeted. George answered with another kiss. "You gonna say good morning or just keep kissing me?" George shifted to press a third kiss to Clay's neck. "I'm not complaining." Clay decided, switching off his phone and placing his hands against George's back. George kissed him again, slightly higher. Clay hummed, tilting his head back to allow George more space. George continued to press warm kisses up Clay's throat.
And then, with a mischievous glint in his eye, George bit down.
"Ow! Don't bite me!" Clay exclaimed and George laughed evilly. Clay put both hands on George's shoulders, pushing him back and holding him at arms length. George just laughed harder. Clay rolled his eyes and tackled George onto his back.
Clay hovered above George, both hands laced by George's head and knees either side of George's hips. George simply giggled up at him, cheeks pink. "You're such a freak." Clay chuckled out fondly. George grinned and hummed.
"Yeah, but you love me so who's the real freak here?" He countered cheekily. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word love. George thought as he watched Clay's face change.
"Yeah. I really I do." Clay finally answered, cheeks a pretty pink. George felt his heart stop and start and he had to look away, face burning. He squeezed both of Clay's hands four times.
Clay didn't mind that George wasn't ready to say it back yet. He had all the time in the world to wait. "Come on, I'm hungry." Clay said by way of changing subjects. He sat back on George's thighs and pulled at his hands to sit him up. George let him and Clay dropped his hands once he was sat up fully, not ready to move from his lap yet. George rested his hands on Clay's thighs.
"Can we check on Darryl as well? I want to make sure he's okay after last night." Clay felt his heart ache at that. He nodded, trying to ignore the way George's thumbs massaged circles into the tops of his thighs.
"I'll give you his number and you can message while I make breakfast." George nodded and patted Clay's thighs until he finally got up.
George :D
Hey Darryl, it's George
Clay gave me your number
Hi George!
What can I help you with?
George :D
I just wanted to check in
Make sure that you're doing alright
That's really sweet of you, George
I'm doing more than alright now, thank you
George :D
I'm glad to hear that
Have you spoken to Zak yet?
Yep! He called me last night
He apologised and explained himself
You were right, he was afraid
But I made sure to reassure him!
George :D
That's good
Are you two good now, then?
More than!
George :D
You're more than good?
[a selfie taken from a somewhat awkward angle. It shows Zak in one of Darryl's hoodies, peacefully asleep on Darryl's chest. Darryl's hand is resting in the small of Zak's back]
George :D
Awww, I'm really happy for you Darryl
Thank you :)
I'm really happy too
How are you and Clay?
George :D
Really good
[an image of Clay taken from behind. He's in a pair of gray joggers and a white vest, feet bare and clearly not wearing his mask. He looks to be cooking something.]
He's making breakfast for us :)
Awwwww, that's so cute
I don't think I'll be getting breakfast out of Zak anytime soon XD
George :D
I think that's for the best
He might burn your house down
You're probably right (>_>)
Oh, he's waking up
I should get going
It was nice talking to you George, thank you :)
George :D
Of course
It was nice talking to you too :)
1.7k words
We are nearing our end but do not fret!! If you're in the discord then you'll already know I was considering this but for those who aren't:
Like Normal People Do will be getting a sequel!!
There will be a weeks pause while a gather together my ideas and properly formulate the plot line (I'll most likely upload the outtakes during that break) and then the second book will begin!!
Like Normal People Do was designed to be a standalone book and can still be read as that so if you get to the end and decide that you are happy with it as the conclusion to the storyline then I'll thank you for reading and wish you a happy life! If you decide that you aren't finished with them yet then stick around for the sequel!! (I'll warn you now that it won't even nearly be as fluffy as this book is, it will be focussed more on the hardships of a long distance relationship that's being hidden away).
Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
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