'I deserve an award' Nick pondered as he set his phone, George's voice still rambling from it, on his desk beside his computer 'for being the most patient best friend to have ever walked the Earth'
"You don't understand," George whined, he was going on about Dream's voice in one of his latest songs. Something about silver linings?
"No, I understand just fine," Nick answered, getting ready to stream some Minecraft - which George was supposed to be doing with him "you're horny for Dream swearing, I get it." He teased.
George spluttered an indignant 'I'm not!' and then paused. "I just really like the way it sounds when he sings fuck a silver lining and think he should do it more often, that's all," He mumbled and Nick snorted, hurrying him into joining.
George logged into Minecraft and ran to stand by Nick's character, ready to start. While George himself didn't stream, he was popular with Nick's 'Sapfam' and was requested in almost every stream. He enjoyed being a part of the community.
It was going so well. It was generally quite calm and relaxed, a nice chill session. Until George screamed out something unintelligible, followed by a loud crashing noise and some groaning.
"What was that?" Nick asked, shifting through his tabs to try and find George, who was grumbling to himself as he sat back up in his chair.
"Sapnap, they just posted the concert dates! They are going to be in London in November! Are they trying to kill me?!" He whined, ignoring the question. Nick missed the days when George wouldn't mention (Dream)ing Of The Disco on stream in an attempt to come off as cool.
Nick switched to F5 mode, his character staring straight at the stream as he typed 'how long was that? Five minutes? I think that's his record' jokingly in chat, to which his chat replied shorter and shorter amounts of time. Deadpan, he replied "Yes George, they are desperately trying to kill you and only you because you know too much."
George laughed out a 'shut up' before dropping the subject, only whining about (Dream)ing Of The Disco twice more that stream. Once because BadboyHalo had posted a new photo of his dog and another because he 'remembered what Dream sounded like again'.
Despite having a decently large following, Nick was incredibly close with his Sapfam and were glad they'd taken to George so quickly. They teased him relentlessly after he'd 'remembered what Dream sounded like again'. Some called him a fake fan but most simply spammed the chat with variations of the word whipped or simp. They weren't wrong.
Once they had both signed off and the stream had ended, George had announced his plans to go to bed early in hopes of fixing his sleep schedule. "More like to stare at your posters for longer," Nick had replied with a laugh and George had winked, ending the call.
For all that Nick joked and complained, he found George's infatuation with the band rather endearing. Their music wasn't bad and, from what he'd seen, they were all pretty nice and chill dudes - except Skeppy, but he was charming in his own way. Maybe that was why he'd been saving up ever since they'd announced they were going on tour.
Maybe it was to see A6d shredding up close. Maybe it was to hear BadBoyHalo's harmonies in person. Maybe it was to see the lightning fast movements Skeppy reached on the drums in real time. Hell, maybe it was just to hear Dream's voice hit the high notes without any editing (though George had told him a hundred times that Dream didn't need editing).
No, Nick knew what it was for. It was for his dumbass best friend, who's happiness meant the world to him and who's happiness was currently (Dream)ing Of The Disco, in all of their edgelord-esque glory.
'I deserve an award' Nick pondered as he typed '(Dream)ing Of The Disco concert tickets London' into his search bar 'for being the most patient best friend to have ever walked the Earth.'
700 words
Just something short to kick off the story, did I mention that George likes the band (Dream)ing Of The Disco? Can you tell who (Dream)ing Of The Disco is based on?
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!
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