Chapter Twelve: Pull the Trigger
As I was sitting in that godforsaken courtroom again, and all I could think about was the notion that I was a fucking caged animal to these people. The reporters were sitting off to the side in the back, all but waiting for the next breaking news headline, which could make or break their career in journalism. I did my best to sit up straight, biting my lower lip as I sat in between Cara and my mother, knowing that the animosity between these two women was red-hot. I swallowed then as the door in the back opened, and the bailiff stepped forward.
"All rise for the Honorable Judge Whitmore," he said.
Judge Whitmore swept into the courtroom, the documents secure in his long, black fingers as he approached the judge's seat. He set down the documents in front of him, and arranged his robes becomingly before he sank down into the chair. "Will the defendant please rise?"
I felt a lump forming in my throat then as I got shakily to my feet, while my mother and Cara did so as well, in support of me.
"I will be delivering my verdict and sentencing this afternoon," he went on, his voice level. He took a moment to shuffle the documents and get his spectacles in place on the bridge of his nose, before he regarded the paperwork before him again. "I, Judge Whitmore, find the defendant, Iana Phillipa Gallagher-Blomqvist..."
. . .
The doctor left the patient's room at the run, knowing that his mother would be down in the cafeteria for her daily cup of coffee. Three sugars, extra half-and-half, French roast. Dr. Pieterson didn't normally memorize the coffee orders of his patient's parents, but when they'd been there nearly every day, it seemed to be something he could rely on. As he stepped into the cafeteria, his white lab coat always pristine, he caught sight of Dani, the patient's mother, and felt immediate relief that he was able to find her so quickly.
He stepped forward, towards the little circular table by the large windows that she always seemed to find herself at. Dr. Pieterson knew that Dani drank her morning coffee there, and ate her dinner there, so as to watch the sunrise and sunset in the hospital courtyard. On the warmer spring and summer days, she could be found outside on the stone bench, underneath a small grove of beech trees, the sun reflecting around her blonde hair to form a halo. Dr. Pieterson watched then as the halo turned to face him, and he quickly smiled down at her, while Dani stared up at him with a perplexed expression.
"You don't have to look at me that way, Dr. Pieterson," she said, a slow smile coming to her lips as she lowered her eyes to her coffee. "My ex-husband is in prison, my younger son is in juvenile detention until his transfer to an adult facility upon his eighteenth birthday, and my older son has been in a coma for over two years. If you've come to deliver bad news to me, you just need to give it to me quickly. By this time, I've heard it all."
"It's not bad news, Dani, it's good news," Dr. Pieterson replied, and Dani's eyes flashed upwards to meet his, and Dr. Pieterson found his legs swaying slightly at the beautiful look of them; they were chocolate brown, and espresso chocolate brown, so beautiful. "And I've told you, call me Victor," he told her gently, twisting the ring on his finger and nodding down at her own. "Most of the higher-ups know we've been married for over six months anyway..."
Dani shrugged. "I know, Vic, really," she said then, the pet name she had for him sounding utterly beautiful on her lips, according to Victor Pieterson. "I guess rehashing my life story is a must for me, along with the rest of the hospital staff respecting you. How would they feel if they knew we were married?" she whispered.
Victor smiled down at her, leaning up against the massive window frame to his left. "I guess they'd tell me to start being your son's stepfather, and not his doctor."
Dani smiled up at him, sipping the rest of her coffee before she tossed the to-go cup into a trash bin a few feet away, and moved to walk with Victor. "You said that he might wake up soon," she said quietly to him as they left the cafeteria and made their way towards the elevator. "You think it might be today?"
Victor nodded, waiting until the elevator doors closed before briefly taking Dani's hand, running his calloused thumb up and down her knuckles before he promptly let it go. "Could be today, Dani, could be tomorrow," he said, knowing that Dani knew as well as he did that he had no control over whether her son woke up or not.
"Guess we just have to wait and see," Dani said with a little sigh as they exited the elevator, and walked down the hallway together, and into the room that her son had called home for over two years now. Dani moved to sit beside him, the black plastic chair a second home to her now as she reached out and took her son's hand. "I don't know what'll be the biggest blow to him, Vic," she said softly. "That his father and younger brother are in prison, or that he won't be able to realize his dream and play football anymore... It was his dream ever since he was a kid, and now that his kneecaps are mended, there's still underlying damage. You told me as much."
"The physical and emotional therapy should help," Vic replied, squeezing Dani's shoulder gently then, and he smiled as she leaned into him. "Try not to worry."
Dani nodded, fully prepared to say something else then as her son's fingers suddenly moved in her hand and, as she got to her feet, his beautiful eyes looked up at her, the shock on his face fully absorbing her now. "Oh, my god..."
"Welcome back, Colin," said Victor, coming towards Colin's other side and smiling at him. "Can you tell me your name?"
"C... Colin," he said, swallowing slightly. "I'm Colin... Can I get some water?"
"Yes, of course," Victor said, crossing over to the mini fridge in Colin's hospital room and retrieving a cup for him from the already chilled jug. "Here," he said, handing it over to Dani, who gently tilted the cup down Colin's throat. Victor waited another moment then, watching as Colin swallowed all the water he liked, before he spoke again. "Do you have any idea where you are?" Victor asked.
Colin cleared his throat. "Hospital," he managed to get out.
"Very good," he said, nodding over to Dani. "And can you tell me who that is?"
Colin slowly turned his head towards Dani, before he smiled. "My mom," he replied, before he tried to sit up and Victor nodded to Dani, who re-positioned Colin's pillows to allow him to do so in a comfortable manner. "What happened?"
Dani turned to Victor, who nodded at her. "You were attacked, sweetheart," she replied. "You were in a coma, due to some damage to your body and brain..."
"When?" he asked. "Last night? Last week?"
"Two years and nine months ago, Colin," Victor said softly.
Colin's eyes widened then. "Almost three years?"
"Yeah, honey, but Victor and I are so glad you're okay," Dani gushed.
"Why would you both be...?" Colin asked. "Where's Dad? And Carsen? What's going on here, Mom?" he went on.
Dani sighed. "Honey, your dad and Carsen are in prison," she said softly. "Your dad and I got a divorce about eighteen months ago, and I remarried... To Victor."
Colin blinked, looking over at him. "You a doctor?"
Victor nodded. "I am. I've been in charge of your care."
Colin nodded, mulling that over for a moment. "So, I'm twenty-one now?" he asked.
Dani nodded. "Yeah, baby. You're twenty-one."
Colin sighed. "So, when do I get to get outta here?"
. . .
"Look, it's not that I'm firing you," I said, my voice firm as I sat across Cara in her office, who looked skeptical at the proposal I'd brought up. "Sure it might prove to be a conflict of interest down the line..."
"Not to mention you switching councils like that will be seen as you've got something to hide," Cara said, sighing a little then.
"I don't have anything to hide," I replied. "Even though my mom doesn't really know all of what I've told you..."
Cara bit her lip. "So, you do have something to hide, then?"
I shook my head at her. "No. Just means that not everyone in my life has to know every little detail about me. It shouldn't be their business unless I make it their business."
"I could understand that if you were over eighteen, Iana, but..."
"Please," I told her, and her eyes locked with mine as I changed tactics. "There are things my mom knows how to do that you'd never guess at. She wasn't raised South Side, even though she is South Side, through and through, just like I am, and will always be. But I need two different approaches on this one, and, as one of my attorneys, I need you to stand with me on this. And if this means that you need me to pay you..."
Cara shook her head. "I'll keep to my word," she said, smiling ever so slightly then. "Like I said, books aren't cheap."
I smiled back at her. "I really appreciate that."
"Just tell me one thing," Cara said, and I felt my fingers knotting into themselves again, as nerves threatened to take over. "This about what happened between you and my brother?" she asked me then.
I raised my eyebrows. "No," I replied, deciding not to tell her that Axel and I had cleared the air, considering that it didn't have anything to do with the case. "No, it doesn't have anything to do with him, Cara. Promise."
Cara nodded. "All right, then," she said, getting to her feet.
I gave Cara a smile then as I turned around, and made my way over to the door of her office and opened it. "She says you can come in now." I moved to the side slightly as my mother stepped into Cara's office, and watched as the pair of them shook hands.
"So," my mother said then, her tone light as she lifted her own briefcase, "let's get my daughter out of all this, shall we?"
. . .
I woke up on the day that Uncle Lip and Aunt Mandy had selected for their wedding and made sure that Hailey and I were completely pristine. Our outfits, along with Mom's, Aunt Debbie's and Franny's as bridesmaids, Ezra's as ring bearer, and Uncle Ian's, Pops's, and Dad's as the best men, had been stored in Mom's office at work. Hailey and I would be heading down there shortly to make sure that Aunt Mandy didn't have any-last minute nerves, and were pleased that we were permitted to dress in sweats until the time came to change.
A couple of people had more than one job that day; for example, Pop's, in addition to being one of Uncle Lip's best men, would be walking Aunt Mandy down the aisle. Mom, in addition to being a bridesmaid, was going to be performing the ceremony, for Aunt Mandy had been so touched that she'd performed Pops's and Uncle Ian's, that she wanted in on the fun. Franny and I would be coordinating the computer system, where Aunt Fiona and Jimmy would be on Skype from New York, so they could witness the ceremony. Aunt Debbie was in charge of the playlist that day, and was sort of the unofficial-official D.J. for the wedding. And Jay, along with being Franny's date for the day, informed us about his ability to aim a camera, so he'd be getting the photos of before, during, and after the ceremony.
I grabbed Hailey's baby bag when the time came, along with Aunt Mandy's gown, and also managed to assemble and put together my makeup kit, as I was doing Aunt Mandy's face, my face, Franny's face, Aunt Debbie's face, and my mother's face before the ceremony. Waterproof mascara, several tubes of it, were included in the kit, and I smirked to myself as I left the house on that beautiful June morning and got Hailey secured into her car seat, along with my in the front as we drove off. I knew that there were likely to be waterworks that day, and I also knew that preparation was key.
I arrived at the diner five minutes before Aunt Mandy was due to arrive, and unlocked the back door and stepped inside, setting down the makeup kit on the makeshift vanity that Mom had set up in there the night before. I smiled slightly then, and pressed my lips to Hailey's forehead as the door shut behind us. "This is where I conceived you," I whispered to her then. "Little did I know that the night of my sixteenth birthday would change absolutely everything..."
I shook my head then, allowing the thought to remain unfinished as I walked down the hallway to put Aunt Mandy's dress in Mom's office, as well as Hailey's baby bag, and set her down on my lap as I sat on Mom's office chair. Hailey, at nearly five months old, had an impressive crop of raven hair on her head, and her dark blue eyes were very impressive. I pressed my nose to her head then, and she leaned back into me immediately thereafter, and I sighed, running my hand over Mom's desk.
"Guess Franny was right," I whispered, so only Hailey could hear me. "Guess it's time to make a new dream, and maybe... Maybe Patsy's isn't it," I said softly. I heard the main door open then, followed by Aunt Mandy calling out for me, and smiled to myself as I got to my feet. "Well, Baby Girl," I said, holding her in a more comfortable position in my arms as I opened the office door, "Guess it's showtime."
. . .
"I guess my biggest fear is that they won't believe you, when you testify tomorrow," I said softly to Dr. Norton then, as I tried to hold myself together. "I mean, I don't want to go to jail, or juvie, and get twenty-five to life..."
Dr. Norton considered that. "Tell me more about your fears, Iana."
I wetted my lips then as I forced myself to think about it. "Well, I guess the notion of me not seeing my pops or Uncle Ian whenever I was..."
She smiled. "I'm surprised."
I blinked. "Why? Freedom's important. I learned that the hard way," I said quietly, averting my eyes from her then, and Dr. Norton knew enough about me to understand whenever I didn't want to discuss something.
"I suppose I'm surprised that someone of you age wouldn't miss a significant other," she replied then, and I rose my eyes back to hers. "You're young..."
I scoffed. "I may be young on paper, Dr. Norton, but I've aged so much since I was five-years-old that it's hard to even think about being... Myself."
"You think the trial has taught you anything?"
"Yeah," I muttered darkly, "not to take life for granted."
"Iana," said Dr. Norton, and I looked back up at her again. "Come on. Let's try a serious answer for once."
I looked away from her. "I don't know..."
"Sure you do," she replied. "Come on. It's our last session before I testify tomorrow, and then you never have to see me again."
I smirked. "Never say never, Dr. Norton."
"Honey, I think I've done some real good work for you, and believe me when I say this, I'd be thrilled to take you on as a permanent client. But my job is people who go through the justice system, unfortunately, and I'm not sure you're a candidate for that. Regardless," she went on, before I could question her why, "I'll be recommending a new therapist for you once this is all over, so you won't be alone in this."
I smiled at her. "Oh, please," I said, briefly lowering my eyes to my ankle bracelet before I permitted myself to check my phone, "I've been alone, in one way or another for years. Not like someone can just wave a magic wand and change that now," I said, my voice soft as I got to my feet and went to her door, whereupon I lifted my hand and waved to her. "See you in court tomorrow," I said, before I slipped out of there.
. . .
"You look so beautiful, Aunt Mandy," I told her as I got the last of the waterproof mascara into place, while Franny stood by, holding Hailey. With Mom and Aunt Debbie holding down the fort in the dining area, Franny and I were making sure the bride looked perfect.
"Uncle Lip is gonna swoon when he sees you," Franny said, and Aunt Mandy grinned at Franny in the mirror.
"Thank you, girls. For everything. For doing all this, helping with the wedding... For all of it, really. And especially to you, Iana, for getting me reunited with Lip," she said, turning to face me as she clutched my hands. "Really means a lot to me."
I grinned at her. "Thank Pops," I replied. "If he hadn't told me about the Milkovich side of my family, who knows where we'd all be right now?"
"That's what I like to hear," said Pops then, and we all turned to see him standing in the doorway, in a suit, although his necktie was undone, but it looked so Pops. "Wow, Mandy, you look beautiful... Just like Mom."
Aunt Mandy smiles. "Thanks, Mickey," she replies, getting to her feet. The mermaid-cut gown is ivory in color, and it hugs her in all the right places. "You don't think it's too much?"
"No, of course not," Pops says, shaking his head, not wanting to upset his own sister on her wedding day. He hesitates for a moment then, before he begins to address the both of us. "Ian's already at his place with Debs, and Nicholas about to walk out there with Murphy," he explained to Mandy. "Franny, you all ready to get to your place with Hailey?"
"Absolutely," Franny replied, turning back to Aunt Mandy and me for a moment. "I love you guys," she said, before she walked by Pops. "Love you, too, Mick," she said, flashing him a grin before she waited for her cue, and stepped out.
"Where's Ezra gone to?" I asked, looking around. "It's my job to walk him down the aisle and make sure he doesn't lose the ring..."
"I'm here!" crowed Ezra then, dashing into the room with his pillow, the rings still firmly in place as he smiled at all of us. "Uncle Nicholas was helping me with my tie."
"And don't you look dapper!" I said then, kneeling down in front of him and straightening it slightly before looked up at him. "You look amazing. Pops, Aunt Mandy's flowers are in the fridge in the kitchen," I told him.
"Right," he said, dashing back there.
I get to my feet then and turn towards Aunt Mandy, going towards her and picking up her veil from atop the vanity, and gently pin it into her hair. "You look amazing," I tell her again, before kissing her on the cheek and turning back to Ezra. "Ready to hold my hand, walk carefully, and smile for the camera?" I ask him.
"I'm ready!" Ezra said, grinning from ear to ear as Pops comes out again.
"We're heading out now," I tell Pops, watching as he grins at Aunt Mandy again and hands over her bouquet of flowers.
"Great," he says then, obviously trying to keep his emotions in check. "See you out there."
I turn back to Ezra, taking him by the hand and leading him out, walking down the makeshift aisle in the dining room, and grinning at everyone, showing Ezra where the camera is and smiling into it with him. When we get up to where Mom is standing in the center, Uncle Lip to her left, I grin at him and motion to Ezra where to stand, and Uncle Ian takes a good grip onto his shoulders as we all of us wait for Pops to escort Aunt Mandy out here. I take my place opposite from Uncle Ian, as Maid of Honor, and turn around to check on Hailey, still in Franny's arms just behind me and, once I'm sure she's all right, turn back around.
Aunt Debbie switches the playlist to The Wedding March, we all of us turn to see Aunt Mandy being led out by Pops, and both of them are beaming at Uncle Lip and Uncle Ian respectfully as they make it up the aisle. Once they get there, Pops shakes Uncle Lip's outstretched hand, before he joins Aunt Mandy and Uncle Lip's hands and goes to stand just behind Uncle Lip, sharing a look with Uncle Ian as he does so. Dad then claps Pops on the back, giving him a thumbs-up as my mother looks from the bride and groom, and, once Aunt Debbie changes the music again, begins the ceremony.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in Patsy's Pies to join together my big brother, Phillip Gallagher, and my soon-to-be sister, Mandy Milkovich. As I said when I married my beloved twin, Ian, and the love of his life, Mickey, eight years ago now, love is a long time coming. I think I speak for all of us when I say that, even though it takes a while, it's always worth it in the end, if this is the end, which is always, always, the beginning..."
. . .
"I will be delivering my verdict and sentencing this afternoon," he went on, his voice level. He took a moment to shuffle the documents and get his spectacles in place on the bridge of his nose, before he regarded the paperwork before him again. "I, Judge Whitmore, find the defendant, Iana Phillipa Gallagher-Blomqvist, not guilty of assault and attempted murder, due to reason of mental disease or defect. She is to be released from her house arrest, and, as part of a negotiated plea-agreement, will continue to submit to therapy and treatment until she is eighteen-years-old, as per her diagnosis by Dr. Samantha Norton. Court is adjourned," he says, and I feel the massive weight leaving me then as the gavel is slammed down, and there is a twinkle in his eye as he moves to return to his chambers.
"Gun!" screams the bailiff suddenly then, his hands hitched to his belt, ready to fire his own weapon if need be.
The collective reporters at the back of the room each let out screams, along with everyone in the gallery then as a spectator gets to his feet, and my blood runs cold as to who it was. I was quick to recognize Carsen Monroe, Colin's younger brother, brandishing an assault rifle, his eyes filled with a madness I'd seen in Colin's eyes, the night he attacked Franny, and I attacked him. I felt my gasp rising in my throat then as he aimed the gun at the bailiff first, taking him down with a shot to the neck, before turning it on Judge Whitmore.
"Fucking bastard!" he yelled, the words ripping from his lungs as he fired three times, getting Judge Whitmore in the chest before turning his gun at the table where I was sitting.
"DOWN!" I screamed then, grabbing my mother and Cara then, and shoving them downwards as I dropped to my knees as well. My heart was hammering in my throat then, as I listened to Carsen's rage. I was hoping then as I slipped my phone from my pocket and dialed 9-1-1 that this act of terror would soon come to an end.
"You attacked my brother, and you're not getting punished for it!" Carsen growled then, clicking the rifle as I saw his feet slowly coming towards us. "Your mental disease or defect is fucking bullshit, Iana! It's all a lie! And now, you're going to fucking die for it!"
"Fine," I said then, kicking my phone backwards to my mother then, out of Carsen's sight as I got slowly to my feet. I raised my hands over my head in a moment of surrender, trying to show no fear. "Do whatever you want. Make an example of me if that's what you want to do. But don't you stand there and doubt my mental capacity," I told him. "I come from a whole family of mentally ill people, so it's only natural that with the life I've led, I'll get some shit happening to my mind as well. Go ahead; shoot me if it'll make you feel better. But, just so you know, that no matter what you do to me, it won't bring Colin back."
"Don't fucking say his name!" Carsen screamed then, his voice like a fucking banshee as I stepped forward then, in clear line of fire. "Don't you fucking say..."
It was then, just as Carsen was poised to fire his weapon, that I was knocked out of the way, and into the table where the district attorney was crouching. He made a grab for me then, holding me against him; despite everything he'd implied about me in the last several months of this trial, in this moment, we were on the same side. I knew he was a father, too, so seeing a girl that had been found not guilty of a crime just moments before now was good enough for him, and as he held me against him then, I looked around to see who had knocked me out of the way, just as Carsen's gun went off.
"NO!" I screamed then, as Carsen dropped his weapon. I struggled out of the district attorney's arms then, and grabbed it, holding it on him just as the police showed up. I quickly handed it over to them and turned, collapsing to my knees then in a pool of the victim's blood, my vision blinded by tears as I forced myself to look down at the person who had literally just taken a bullet for me.
. . .
"...and by the power vested in me, by the State of Illinois, I pronounce Phillip and Mandy husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Mom said, grinning at Uncle Lip as Uncle Ian nudged him towards Aunt Mandy from behind.
Aunt Mandy handed over her bouquet to me before she stepped forward then as she was yanked lengthwise against Uncle Lip then, who placed his hands on her hips as she wound her arms around his neck. I felt the grin eclipse my entire face then as I did my best to applaud the two of them along with the rest of my family. I watched then as they broke apart, and handed over Aunt Mandy's bouquet again, before we all joined with our partners and walked back down the aisle, before slipping into the back for our reception outfits. Once changed, we trooped back into the dining room again, Aunt Debbie switched the playlist to some dance music, whereupon we partied, Gallagher-style.
I held Hailey in my arms then, dancing with her, and my daughter seemed to truly enjoy the swaying movements I was providing for her. I looked around, seeing that Mom and Dad were paired up, along with Uncle Ian and Pops, Franny and Jay, and Aunt Debbie and Ezra. I pressed my lips to my daughter's forehead again, inhaling that sweet baby smell of hers, pleased with how the day had turned out.
However, reality had a way of finding our family, and it was when I heard the popping sound of a gunshot, that the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood entirely on end. In the next two seconds, the door was kicked open, and my mouth, and Franny's, fell open immediately when we saw who stood there. Colin Monroe was brandishing an assault rifle, just like Carsen had had in the courtroom over two years ago. Except this time, it wasn't just me, I saw that now as he stepped into the diner; his eyes went from Franny, to me, to Hailey, and finally came to rest on Ezra, and there was no mistaking that Ezra was his son.
Colin cranked the gun then, and it caused me to swallow then as I held Hailey more tightly against my body. "Time to pay," he announced then, and threw back his head to laugh. "Franny first, I think," he declared then, brandishing the weapon at her, and didn't even hesitate for a moment as he fired.
"Jay!" came Franny's anguished scream a moment later, when Jay lunged out in front of Franny, and took the bullet for her. "Fuck," she whispered, kneeling beside him.
"Same difference," Colin continued before holding the gun on me next. "You're next, Iana. I guess you couldn't keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut. Had to say you were crazy to try and get outta all this, and it actually worked," he went on, shaking his head. "Little did you know that it would all end this way, with your brains adorning the walls of your mother's diner. Say goodbye," he said, and pointed the gun to get a clear shot.
"Not gonna happen," said a voice from behind me and, when Colin fired, I was knocked backwards, where strong arms caught me then, and I watched with horror as Pops was shot by Colin's gun, and toppled backwards onto the floor.
"Pops!" I cried.
"Mick!" Uncle Ian screamed then, the words ripping from his throat then as he let me go, and ran towards him, putting pressure on the wound. "Don't you fucking die on me, you son of a bitch! I won't let you fucking die..."
"Had to do it, Fire Crotch," Pops said quietly, reaching up then and gently touching Uncle Ian's face. "You know I had to do it..."
"Jesus Christ, don't talk," Uncle Ian hissed at his, the blood pooling beneath his palms as Colin continued loading his weapon. "Be quiet..."
"This ends here," I whispered.
"What?" my mother whispered.
I turned towards her. "Take care of Hailey, because this bullshit is over," I said, handing over my daughter, not truly knowing what I was doing, but also knowing that my family meant everything to me, and I wasn't about to make any more sacrifices, because I wasn't the good little girl anymore; I was an ass-kicking Milkovich, and Colin needed to fucking learn.
As he was reloading the gun, I went for him then, knowing that there was one shot to get this right, and there were no room for errors. I grabbed the end of the gun then, and Colin's eyes met mine, filled with anger, but I wasn't letting up. I was constantly working out, and this son of a bitch had been lying in a fucking hospital bed for the last three years. I yanked the gun out of his miserable hands then, glaring fully at him without hesitation. I then took the barrel of the gun and slammed it into his forehead, knocking him out, and dropped the weapon immediately, feeling my hands shaking at the turmoil we had all just witnessed.
"Everyone okay?" I asked.
Jay sighed, sitting up then, and Franny gasped. "Hey, I'm fine," he said, and I felt my eyes widen then when there was no trace of Italian accent to his voice. "My buddies are on their way. We're all gonna be fine."
"Buddies?" Franny demanded then, looking Jay over. She looked where Colin had shot him then, and ripped open the jacket and button-down shirt he wore. "A fucking vest?!" she cried out, and raised her eyes to his. "What the fuck are you...?!"
Jay reached out then, wrapping his hand around Franny's neck then and pulling her to him, kissing her, and we all of us, who were able to, raised our eyebrows. "My name is Clark Crowe," he said to her, once he'd let her go.
"Wait. What?!" Dad demanded. "I know, Clark, he..."
"Nicholas, you haven't seen me since high school," Clark said patiently. "This was an undercover assignment, and I had to look the part. I got tanned, worked out way too much, and grew facial hair. Trust me. Still me."
"You're a fucking cop?!" Franny demanded. "Seriously?" she whispered, shaking her head as Clark turned back to look at her. "I was just an assignment to you?"
"Hey, it wasn't my intention to fall in love with you," Clark said, and Franny's eyes widened at his declaration then. "All I had to do was act like it, Franny, but, somewhere along the way, the acting ended and the love started..."
"God, I don't believe this," Franny whispered, dragging her hands over her face. "So, other than your job and your name, what else don't I know about you?"
"Some of the things I said were true," Clark said then as several cops stormed the building and apprehended Colin, whose head was still rolling when they dragged him out of there. "Mickey Milkovich, that guy there," Clark said loudly, pointing to cops, "is in serious need of medical attention. Get him in there, huh?"
"I'm going, too," Uncle Ian said, glaring at the cop who seemed to want to hold him back from following Pops.
"Cagney, let him go," Clark said to the detective then, and he turned and looked at Clark for a moment. "He's the husband. Let him go."
"Right. Sorry, man. Let's go," Cagney said, clapping Uncle Ian on the shoulder then, and he moved to follow Pops out of there.
I crossed back over to my mother then, taking back Hailey into my arms. "Hell of a wedding," I said quietly to Uncle Lip and Aunt Mandy, and we all of us nodded to each other.
. . .
I drove through the gates of the cemetary the following afternoon, still slightly in shock from Colin's attack of all of us merely twenty-four hours before. I shook my head, pulling off to the side of the graveyard road, the hot June air making contact with my skin as I hopped from my car, and got into the back immediately, and lifting Hailey out from her carseat. I pressed my lips to her forehead, hoping there wouldn't be any lasting damage to her from the attack yesterday, although everyone, except for Pops and Colin, who now had a charge of assault of a police officer and attempted second-degree murder under his belt, had been cleared immediately for medical release, physically at least.
I crossed over to the grave, which had been dug and put beneath a tree, that I had not been to in almost three years, since the funeral. "This was someone very important to Mama, Hailey," I told her, my voice soft as she lay her head down on my shoulder. "It's because of her that Mama isn't in prison, and that you're here now... Life's funny sometimes, right?" I asked her, dashing the tears from my eyes then as I placed my free hand atop the headstone. "We're all here for you, Cara, really... Just thought I'd come and introduce you to someone. Cara, this is my daughter, Hailey. Hailey, this is Cara, Mama's lawyer, and one of the bravest women I ever knew." I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket then, and, upon taking it out, read the text from my mom. "Papa Mickey is out of surgery, Hailey," I said, relief filling my tone. "They got the bullet out entirely and now he's sleeping it off." I sent off a quick reply to my mother, before pocketing my phone again and gazing at Cara's headstone once more. "She would've loved you, my darling," I said to Hailey, kissing her forehead.
"Come here often?"
The familiarity of the voice caused a whole battery of memories to overcome my senses then and, as I turned, I noticed that the nearly three years hadn't changed Axel a bit, while I was two inches taller, more developed physically and emotionally, and had Hailey. "No, I don't. First time since the funeral," I said, my tone awkward.
Axel sighed, stepping closer. "I want you to know that I don't blame you, for what happened when the verdict was handed down," he replied. "You didn't ask Cara to take that bullet for you, and I know you never would."
I nodded. "Guess you know me pretty well that you'd know that," I said quietly.
Axel smiled. "I like to think I knew you, Iana. Once. And now here you are, a young woman, growing up..."
"Seventeen now," I said, smiling, unable to keep the pride from my voice as I gently pulled Hailey up higher into my arms. "Things did change, I guess..."
Axel's eyes caught Hailey's then, and he looked her over. "She's beautiful," he said then before looking back at me. "She yours?"
I nodded. "Yeah, she's mine." I stepped a little closer to him then and allowed Axel to see Hailey more clearly. "Axel, this is my daughter, Hailey. Hailey, this is Mama's old friend, Axel."
Axel reached out then and, just like all the people in her life that Hailey seemed to like and trust on an immediate basis, Hailey grabbed ahold of his finger. Axel gasped aloud then, which quickly turned into a laugh before he turned and looked at me. "Heard about Colin waking up, and that he came after you," he said quietly. "Sorry about that, Iana, really."
I smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate it."
"I heard there was someone in critical condition," he said quietly then, and something in his voice hitched, like he was trying to hold back emotions. "Guess that's why I came here today, hoping to see you, and hoping that it wasn't you who got hurt..."
"It wasn't me, obviously," I said softly. "It was my pops. He threw himself out in front of me, just like Cara did with Carsen, and took the bullet."
"He gonna be okay?"
I nodded. "Fine. They got the bullet out and I guess it didn't hit anything vital. He's sleeping it off now, according to my mom."
"Glad you didn't lose him, Iana. I know he means a lot to you."
I smiled up at him. "Thank you," I said again.
"He try to shoot you again?"
I shook my head. "No. Son of a bitch tried to reload the gun, and I took it, pistol-whipping him right in the forehead. He'll be fine, and he's been charged already, so I don't think he'll be getting out for a good long time."
"And how are you?" Axel asked. "Generally, since everything. How's this new-found freedom been for you?"
I sighed. "I've uncovered some things, about Tommy," I told him, and Axel's mouth set then, almost as if he was attempting to contain his rage. "I know it'll all be dealt with accordingly, though, because, after all this time, I trust your judgement, Axel."
He blinked. "You what?"
"You did the right thing, in getting me to break up with you, even though neither of us wanted to back then," I said softly. "I was too young for you, too immature. I've grown up a lot since then, and realized that my tendencies towards older people are actually really unhealthy. I wanted to be the one in control, because that little part of my mind was convinced that they'd hurt me if I didn't make the first move and show interest."
Axel sighed. "I hope you know I was actually interested, Iana."
I nodded. "I know," I replied. "And I'm glad. Because so was I."
"You still with Hailey's father?" he asked.
I laughed. "Uh, no. He's at UCLA following his football dreams. And I'm here, with Hailey. It didn't stop him from proposing though. Don't worry, I said 'no'," I told him.
Axel nodded. "Good to hear."
I smiled slowly up at him then, closing the final step of distance between us, and cupping his face in my hand, as I'd done on that first day we met. Except the difference this time was my daughter, and it wasn't raining. Another difference was that Axel and I knew far more about the other, and about ourselves, so we weren't diving into something reckless.
"I'm done with being reckless, Axel."
He nodded. "So am I."
I kept right on smiling at him. "Good to hear," I said, not even hesitating for another moment then as I pressed my lips to his, and felt my heart hammering merrily away as he put his arms around me then.
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