Chapter Five || Ride This Till It Breaks
Content Warning: Smut
So I'm a ride this till it breaks
The warm breeze floating through the open patio doors stirred me awake. I stretched, yawning quietly as my body popped in all of the right places. I rolled over and sighed at the sight before me; Chase was lying blissfully naked with the white sheet barely covering his body.
His back was towards me and I bit my lip when I saw all of the scratch marks. Last night was...
Being with Chase has been indescribable. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be with someone who was so attuned to their body and knew how to pleasure a woman in the most illicit way.
I started blushing remembering how he made me squirt last night! It was absolutely incredible!
Things started out how they usually do, slow and sensual, but then a switch a was flipped. Chase started moving faster and faster against me. He was on his knees between my legs, holding my ass up as he fucked into me.
I could feel a build up different from before, it kept growing and growing, all while Chase kept pounding into me.
Then suddenly his fingers were there and I exploded.
Chase came the moment I let loose, moaning my name and then falling onto the bed beside me.
As he pulled me close to him afterwards, we both agreed that was the best sex we've ever had. It took a while for my heart to calm down, and when it finally did, it still kept beating at a fast pace as Chase held me in his arms as he fell asleep.
I was free falling for this man. I don't care how crazy it seems or how fast it is. I was falling at the speed of light.
Chase rolled over, sighing and placing his arm over his eyes, searching for the last remnants of sleep. My eyes went to his flexed bicep, even though he drives for a living, I'm amazed at how built he is. My eyes wandered down his tanned body, admiring the sharp edges of his muscles and the soft curve of his muscles.
Chase shifted again, the white sheets falling below his hips. I inhaled, holding my breath as his thick cσck began to grow and grow. It took all I had to not moan as I stared at it.
"Like what you see?" I bit my lip, hiding my smile as I locked eyes with Chase. His southern accent was so thick first thing in the morning. I wanted to hear it over and over again. Especially when he moans my name as he rolled over so now he was hovering over me. "Are you going to answer me? Or do I have to coax it out of you?"
I pursed my lips pretending to think, "hmmm, I think you have to coax it out of me."
"How about now?" Chase shifted against me, settling between my legs so his hardness pressed against my heat.
"Maybe?" I gasped out as Chase's lips found my neck, his beard creating a delicious burn against my skin.
"Hm, I think I need a better answer than maybe." I was breathless as Chase closed his mouth around my breast, then his hips move and my world shattered.
"Yes!" I screamed out, grabbing a hold of Chase as he sunk fully into me.
"Now that is more like it." I felt Chase's smirk against my skin, but I was too far gone to even care. He won this battle and I was more than willing to surrender to him.
"I can't get over how good you feel," Chase said this in such a way that a shot of pleasure went up my spine, "and always so ready for me." I arched my back off the bed, meeting his hips thrust per thrust.
My heart was racing erratically a Chase locked eyes with me, and then something shifted.
Chase was no longer fนcking me.
The connection between us was too real for it be another fนck. Chase was making love to me and that thought alone sent me over the edge.
"Chase," I whispered, reaching up to pull him down on top of me. I wanted to kiss his lips as my σrgasm ripped through me. He obliged, kissing me with such passion that another, more powerful σrgasm, had me shaking underneath him.
"Ivy," he moaned, stilling his hips against me as he came.
Chase fell on top of me, rolling us over so he held me in his arms as we both caught are breaths. I knew in this moment things between us were different. Yeah, we only just met, but it felt like I've already spent a lifetime with this man.
And I prayed that he felt the same way.
I felt anxious the moment we got back to Daytona. The amazing bubble I was living in for the past 24 hours popped and reality was hitting me right in the face. I was about to be introduced to Chase's racing life. He's let me in everywhere else, but this? This was the one thing I knew nothing about and it scared me shitless.
"Hey, what are you thinking over there?" Chase could tell I was in my head, he squeezed my hand that sat on his lap as he drove. I haven't spoken a word in miles.
"Wonder if I can't handle this?"
"Wonder if you can?" I sighed, looking out the window. We were now coming upon the track and I was taken aback at how huge this pace was.
I've never seen anything like it.
We drove past parking lots full of campers and vendors. I saw so many racing signs and memorabilia and my eyes seem to find every single flag and banner that had Chase's name on it.
"You should see this place in February. We run our Superbowl the first race of the year."
"Why? That sounds ridiculous, shouldn't it be the last or something?"
"Nah, it hypes everyone up for the season. If you win, you instantly join history and become a Daytona 500 Champion. Not everyone can say that."
"Can you?"
"One day. I've come close, but you have to be smart and lucky to win that race. Honestly, it's the Lady in Black that has my heart." Chase smiled knowing I was giving him an odd look. "It's a nickname for Darlington Speedway in South Carolina. The Southern 500. Anyone who is anyone in this sport has won that race."
"Your passion is so inspiring. I want to hear more about your dreams, Chase."
"I'll tell you anything you want to know." Chase leaned over the console and kissed me. When he pulled back, he gave me that look from earlier this morning. My heart skipped a beat and I knew I was falling so hard for him and I was so scared.
I've never felt this way about anyone before.
"Hey, it's going to be okay, I promise." Chase took my silence as being scared about not being able to handle his day job, but it was really me being way over my head. "I got you." I closed my eyes as he squeezed my hand again and when I opened them, his warm smile melted my soul.
"You're too good to me," I confessed.
"Just looking out for my girl," he gave me a quick kiss on my nose and yeah, that didn't help the fact that my heart was skipping beats because of him.
I sighed, trying to push those thoughts out of my mind and took in the sights and sounds. I rolled down my window in awe at how huge the stadium was once we got inside of it.
"How do the cars even stay up on the sides?" I asked, as we drove by the insane banking. It was almost straight up! Chase just laughed and started to tell me how speed and force keeps the cars from tumbling over. "You go how fast?" I asked in shock when he said they reach speeds up to 200 mph.
"It's safe, I promise you."
"I think I'm just going to go home now." Chase stopped the car in front of a very expensive motorhome which I assumed had to be his. He turned and looked at me while chewing the inside of his bottom lip.
"I don't want you to go," his voice was so low I almost didn't hear him and oh? "I know this is crazy, and I know you're just kidding, but I don't want you to go, Ivy." He ran his hand through his hair and let out a shaky breath. "This is so fucking insane, but I can't let you go. I don't know what it is, but I just want to be with you. You give me a peace I've never had before and if I lose that? If I lose you?" Chase closed his eyes, taking both of his hands in mine and took a deep breath. "So please, just stay with me, a little longer? Then you can go, if you want. I just, I don't want this amazing week to end."
"I don't want this to end, either." I finally confessed the words that have been on the tip of my tongue since this morning. "I don't know what tomorrow holds, or the day after that, or when I'm supposed to get on the plane to head home, but I don't want this to end, either, Chase."
That answer must have been enough for him because he grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me towards him and crashed his lips to mine. I sighed into the kiss, allowing his tongue to take charge of the kiss. I was about to move even closer to him when a loud knock on the window had us breaking away.
"Oy! Get a room you two!" Chase rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"And that would be Blaney, one of my bestfriends, who is also a driver." Chase got out of the car and gave Blaney a hug. They seemed really close as they caught up with each other.
"This is Ivy Lynn, the one I've been telling you about."
"Oh? You've told him about me?" I gave Chase a panicked look and he just blushed.
"And he hasn't mentioned me once? Some boyfriend you are!" Blaney faked punch Chase and I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm Ryan, by the way, everyone calls me Blaney. I like to think I'm a better driver than Chase, but he seems to be winning, in more ways than one." Ryan smiled at me and I couldn't help but wonder if he was talking about me or on the racetrack?
"Now if you'd excuse us, I want to show her around."
"Don't forget, we're going out tonight. Bring Ivy!" Ryan left without waiting for a response, bounding up to another expensive motorhome across the way.
"You up for that?"
"Going out? With your friends?"
"Yeah, they're all really chill, and I wouldn't mind introducing them you to. It will be fun!" Chase wiggled his eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay." Chase whooped, picking me up and twirling me around like I just agreed to marry him or something.
"Perfect, now c'mon, I want to show you around the track."
"You know, I haven't seen Chase smile at anyone like the way he does at you." I was sitting on the bar stool, the same one where I first met Chase, but instead, his friend Blaney was sitting beside me now. "I don't know what's going on with you, but from the way he's talking, he has it bad."
"Really?" I asked in amazement.
"Yeah, I mean, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you the whole time we've been here." I looked over to where Chase was standing, talking to his other friend Bubba, who I realized, was the loud one of the bunch. But Ryan was right, he kept glancing at me every chance he got.
"Please don't break his heart like the last one did." It was almost like a plea and I couldn't even begin to think about doing that to Chase.
"I have no plans to, if anything, he's the one who might break mine." It was the truth, I was so scared I was going to lose him, which if I think about, is totally crazy. I just met him.
"Trying to steal my girl, Blaney?" Chase came over to us, placing a kiss on my temple. I couldn't help but blush.
"She wishes," Ryan winked at me, grabbed his beer and headed towards the other group of guys.
"I don't," I said to clarify that statement.
"I know, I was just teasing. What were you guys talking about?"
"He told me not to break your heart." I went with the truth.
"Ah, always looking out for me."
"You have amazing friends, Chase, it's clear how much they care for you."
"Is it clear how much I care for you?" Chase laced our hands together, drawing me closer to him. I nodded my head yes, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Dance with me then?" He whispered, pulling me away from the table without giving me a choice.
I wouldn't say no to him anyways.
Chase twirled me underneath the stars as a local band played. I had no idea what song was playing, but it was my new favorite as Chase sang to me underneath his breath.
She's unpredictable, unforgettable
It's unusual, unbelievable
How I'm such a fool, yeah I'm such a fool for her
Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me
The way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances
And wears her heart on her sleeve
"I don't want this night to end," I confessed, looking up into Chase's warm eyes.
"Me neither." Chase pushed my hair off of my shoulder, cupping my face with both of his hands and placed his forehead against mine. "I'm falling for you, Ivy Lynn," Chase whispered against my lips as his nose brushed against mine. "I'm falling so hard, please tell me you are, too." I nodded my head, reaching up on my tippy toes to kiss him first, conveying to him that I'm already there and then some.
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