The Check
"Mitchell." The voice of the Chief of Forks Police called. Charlie Swan was a man who looked pretty young for his age, with dark hair and a nicer than you attitude. He was also someone who had joined the police force later in life, having worked as a park officer before wanting something more than just busting teenagers drinking underage in the local park. And with no family at home, he could put all the hours into his job and therefore rose in the ranks much faster than he probably should have. But he was a nice boss, and considering how little members of the force there actually were Charlie was much better than what Katie could imagine working under. He could be strict when needed but he was incredibly kind.
Katie went into his office, a room she was rather familiar with after the two years she had worked in the office. It was a rather rustic looking room, with wooden panelled walls and a bench which was supposedly made from local wood. The light above their heads flickered slightly the sign that it would eventually burn out and need replacing. Sat in the middle of the room at his desk was Charlie Swan, his focus currently on a paper file which was most likely the reason that Katie had been called into the offices, His desk was pretty plain otherwise, a computer was set up which he refused to regularly use, and the only real bit of personal decoration was a singular photo frame on the left edge of the desk. The photo was one that everyone knew well, a photo of a younger Charlie and his teenaged daughter, one of which Charlie had not seen in a few years at this point in his life.
"How can I help Sir?" Katie was still new to her job and even after two years was a little clueless on how to speak to her superiors. Charlie looked up at her words with a look of which both hinted that she should probably call him by his name but that he was also used to her not listening to that part. A silent command Katie would most likely be ignoring for much longer to come.
"Katie, call me Charlie." He started before pausing and motioning for her to take the chair opposite him.
"Got a call from La Push seeing if we could go and run a Welfare check on one of the residents." Charlie started which pulled a face of confusion from Katie. La Push was known to check in on their own and a welfare check was not one usually called in, unless the people had exhausted all other avenues. Though she shook the look away and focused on what was being said. Knowing that there had to be a valid reason for this occurring.
"Okay." Katie's response was only small, nothing to add to the overall conversation as she waited for more information.
"A Mr D Devons has asked us to check on one of his employees. A young man named Samuel Uley, 18 hasn't turned up to work for a fortnight. Hasn't been to school for the same amount of time. Mr Devons has called around and even asked the elders but nothing is being given away, asked if we could just go and see if everything is okay." Charlie informed and Katie immediately recognised the name. It was hard not to, but she knew Samuel though she had never heard anyone but his mother call him that. Sam had been about two years below her at school and should rightfully have just graduated a couple weeks back. From what she had heard around the reservation, Sam was a hard working and very mature person, it wouldn't be like him to just go missing without telling anyone. And the elders not knowing anything was also strange, despite being part of the council and those who knew the tribe best from legion to political wise, the elders were also gossips and they knew everything most likely before you even knew them yourself.
"Yeah of course I can go, just me or anyone else?" Katie asked, they usually would send two officers out to most calls for safety purposes for both those who had called but also the officer. Usually more for the people who had called for support as it was no secret that crooked cops existed.
"I would love to send someone else with you, but we're swamped at the moment, usually we would turn something like this away thinking most likely that it was a runaway case, but from what I've been told about Sam this is very much out of character. I want to investigate just incase." Katie only nodded in response before taking the file, knowing she didn't need it for an address and heading over to her own desk outside to get ready.
Katie grabbed her radio, and her badge before moving to the second draw down on her desk. In this draw was where Katie held her issued gun. A gun she had been trained to used but had never fired outside of the training range. It was something that she felt slightly uncomfortable carrying, and knew she would have to push through if the time truly required it. After all of that was ensure she grabbed the keys to the police cruiser that she usually took and headed out.
The drive took less than 15 minutes to complete, the ten from Forks to La Push and a further five to the house of which Katie knew the Uley's occupied. That was the benefit she supposed of being a part of such a small community where everyone knew everyone and their secrets. It certainly made her job easier.
Pulling up outside the Uley house, there was nothing immediately that seemed out of place to Katie. The little painted wooden house looked very much like every other house in the village. Outside was one truck and one estate car, of which she believed belonged to the occupiers of the household. Stepping out of the cruiser Katie could also not hear anything which would indicate something bad was happening, and that she would be okay on her own. Therefore, she approached the front door, the wooden porch creaking under her shoes as she stepped. Katie paused as she reached the front door, waiting to hear anything else before determining that this was either the aftermath of something incredibly horrible or a pretty normal house. She lifted her hand and struck the door with a rather hard knock that should have been clear easily from the inside.
Katie waited about two minutes for a response before repeating her actions, after a third knock with no response, she moved slightly to see if she could see anything from the front windows. However, the curtains were drawn, and a slightly sinking feeling started to settle in Katie's stomach. Deciding to one last time knock before just trying the handle to see if it was unlocked Katie decided to announce herself this time when she knocked.
"Forks Police." She called this time as she knocked and a few seconds later a shuffling noise could be heard. It took maybe a minute or so before the door was finally opened and Katie came face to face not with either of the Uley family members like she had expected perhaps to see upon calling at their house. But that of one of her elders, and most likely the most secretive one, Old Quil as the kids called him or his proper name Quil Ateara III. The man initially had a scowl on his face at the door before he fully took in Katie stood on the other side.
"Sorry to bother but I've been asked to check in on Sam." Katie felt herself shrinking slightly from the look she still was receiving from Old Quil. The man was one of the few elders she rarely interacted with, he was one of the ones who barely spoke to the younger generation.
"He's been real sick, even got Sue Clearwater over here at the moment. He's fine and well." Old Quil's voice was gruff and a little standoff ish but Katie knew that she unfortunately just couldn't take his word for it. She had to go in and physically check on him herself. That was what protocol stated and Katie was a stifler for rules which meant she couldn't just leave on the word of one of the elders, even if he did scare her slightly.
"That's great that he's pretty much okay, but I have to see him for myself if that's okay. Protocol just states I need to be there for a minute max and then I'll leave." Katie's words were firm but not forceful and matched with a smile which usually got her whatever she wanted when she used it on either of her grandparents. It would also seem as if it would work on Old Quil as he reluctantly beckoned her in with a wave of his hand, the urge to argue present but not acting upon it.
Katie followed the man through the hallway and into the lounge where as Old Quil had eluded sat Sam Uley, he didn't look as though he was on death's door which was a good thing. Nor did he look overly ill like he couldn't have called himself in sick to work. But that was not something Katie could comment on, all she had to do was have a quick chat, ask if there was any assistance she could provide and then leave if he said no.
"Hi it's Sam right? I'm Katie. Sorry to disturb you dude, but I was asked by your employer to come and check in on you, he's a little worried and just wanted to make sure you're okay." Katie spoke gently to Sam aware that he was probably still feeling a little under the weather and waited on his response. Sam let out an audible groan at her words and went to place his hand on his forehead.
"Man I can't believe I forgot to give Mr Devons a call, I've barely been working there two months and then I do this. I'm going to lose my job." Sam lamanted as it seemed to only dawn on him in that moment that he had not informed his boss of his illness.
"I'm sure it'll work itself out. I don't have many other questions to ask just happy to know you're okay. Is there anything I can do for you today?" Katie offered, she knew there was more she could have asked but she trusted Old Quil and upon seeing Sam herself still looking pretty under the weather, and with Sue Clearwater in the corner of the room, she was content to know the 18 year old had just fallen pretty ill and had been managed by the elders. She wouldn't pry into why they hadn't passed this onto Mr Devons when he had called around, but she now could write up a rather nice little report when she got back to the office.
"No thank you officer sorry to have been a bother." For an 18 year old, someone who was only two years shy of Katie's own 20 years, Sam was incredibly mature it was obvious in the way he spoke and how he had moved to his Nokia to give his boss and call and lament to keep his job.
"Of course I'll head off then." Katie knew had she been sat down she would have done the awkward knee slap and stand and had only been saved as she was stood at the time. And as she left, she took one last look over Sam to make sure she hadn't missed anything. He must have felt her eyes as he looked up and the pair shared what Katie would have considered awkward eye contact as she then turned on her heel and left.
Not knowing that the eye contact they had shared would continue to pull the man back into her life. For the fates in that moment had decided that the pair needed to continue to get to know each other for the off chance that they could be something great.
Author's note:
Hi guys and welcome, just so you are aware now incase this makes you want to stop reading before you get too far. I am slightly changing the whole basis of the imprint ideology. For this book an imprint is someone the fates think you have a chance of being with, but not someone you are destined exactly. It is then on the people involved to get to know each other and only then can they potentially become imprints. It is more like a push in the right direction than a definitive answer.
If this is not to your liking, I have another book up on my page which deals with the more original idea as Stephanie Meyer intended. It is called 'The Life and Lies of Matty and I'. And if that is the case, I'll see you on the next one.
-S x.
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