He was there. Again. Telling me not to leave and as he shouted my name for the last time, i woke up, panting. I wiped off the cold sweat on my forehead. I checked the time. Exactly 3 am, like every other night since the one i had decided to get on that plane instead of staying with him. I drank a glass of water and got up. No use trying to go back to sleep, it wasn't new for me. I went to the corner of the room furthest from my bed and sat there with my arms around my knees, trying to calm myself down.
"He's happy. He's happy without me. He has forgotten about me long ago." I kept telling myself but it didn't work.
My mind started replaying all the memories, how my mom told me that she had already given me all the money she had for the trip and all she had left in her bank were five hundred Dollars (the ticket alone costed more than seven hundred ). How both of us worked harder than ever but when we were just there, she was diagnosed Papillary Carcinoma of thyroid. It was early stage but it took all we had, and a dozen of loans too. With that went my every dream of ever seeing him again. My mom made it and that was all i could ask for. She promised me she would get me a trip to S.K but i knew that those loans were going to take forever to get paid. She started working again, and i kept applying for a certain loan program our Firm offered, hoping i would somehow get to see him. Until last year. Last year my application for loan was accepted but i did not avail it. Because...
"He has a wife and a child and he is happy"
"What do you think it's about?" I asked my colleague. Boss had called all us employees for a meeting and we were sitting around the table, apprehensive of what was about to happen.
"Oh didn't you hear about the rumors? Our firm was going bankrupt so it was sold and now they're going to fire us all" She replied, biting her nails.
"No it wasn't going bankrupt" Another colleague informed us "It just wasn't very profitable and the other party was i d k insisting on buying it. Like was totally obsessed with it so the President sold it at three times its original price"
"Good morning everyone" The CEO entered and told us to take seats.
"I am sure all of you have heard rumors about our firm going down. Yes it's true. The papers have been signed and right now, this firm is the property of someone else"
There was a chaos and everyone started murmuring.
"However, there is no need to worry. Most of you will be able to keep their jobs and a few will require more training. There is an envelope in front of each one of you, and it contains the details of..., what i would like to call your future. You would get to know what you need to do, whether or not your services are still needed and if yes, what are they. Please read it very carefully. That's it. Good luck everyone" With that he left the room.
Everyone grabbed the envelope in front of them. So did i.
"What does it say?"
I gulped. This wasn't real. I thought the world around me was spinning faster and faster.
"Further training?" My colleague looked at me, then again at the paper. " At the main headquarters? IN SEOUL?" She practically shrieked and everyone looked at us before i passed out.
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