Next day i reached my office ten minutes earlier.
But he didn't call for me for a good while. Some time around 11 am, when I was getting restless, agitated and thinking up of excuses to just barge into his office, he called for me.
When I entered he was busy with a call. He ended that abruptly and asked me to take a seat. He stayed there, sitting calmly behind his desk for a while, twirling a pen in his fingers. Then he started after clearing his throat, still not looking at me.
"I... decided to get myself a place, so um... I dialled this agent and... uh... he already has a few places in mind. Would you... I mean you have to come with me"
"I have to?"
"Yes... ahem" He cleared his throat again "Because... um, in case... uh... I need something"
"Okay" I suppressed a smile.
"Let's go"
Just the way he said let's go, warmed my heart. It was as if he was acknowledging my existence, next to his.
He lead the way and I followed. While in the car, we stayed silent mostly. He pulled up near a small single storey building.
We walked inside and were greeted by a short, roundish guy in his late thirties who had really narrow eyes and a kind, thin smile. He was apparently the agent who had to show us the properties. He invited us inside his office and asked us to take seats in front of his small table and chair, that somehow suited him a bit too much.
"So, what are you guys interested in? A beautiful home with loads of rooms for children and a swimming pool?A condo? An apartment, near some prestigious school? Or near madam's workplace?"
I winced at madam.
"Would you like to rent a place? Lease it? Or own it?" That guy sure was asking too many questions.
"What do you think?" Jungkook asked, turning towards me in his chair.
"Me? Uh.." I looked at him uncomfortably.
"Of course madam has to have a say in it, after all both of you..."
Why are people so fast at making assumption?
"It's not what..." I tried.
"Uh, she can't make up her mind like this. You should show us a few places first, I guess"
What the actual...? Why didn't he just let me clear that misunderstanding?
We set out in Jungkook's car, with the agent sitting in the back seat and constantly ranting about how his agency knew the best properties around for families, newlyweds and people sharing a place. We drove through a calm, quite neighbourhood for a while and stopped near a beautiful home.
"Do you guys have any children yet?" The guy, Mr. Moon asked.
"Like I was trying to tell you earlier, we..." I tried again.
"No. Not yet" Jungkook said before i could complete. What was he playing at?
"Well. This house, is ideal for couples who want to have a huge family" he snickered. "As you can see here, on the ground floor, it has a living room, a guest room..."
He showed us through the house. I was feeling quite uncomfortable because of how Jungkook had been acting. So i didn't show much interest.
"So?" The guy looked at Jungkook and asked.
"So?" Jungkook looked at me and asked.
"I think we should see some other place" Jungkook told him.
"And it's near to a famous Spa. What was the name of that Spa..." Mr. Moon had taken us to an apartment. While he tried to recall the name of the spa, I held Jungkook's arm and pulled him to a corner.
"What are you doing?"
He looked at my hand, still clutching at his sleeve and raised an eyebrow. I quickly pulled my hand away seeing how his reaction and eyes were so incomprehensible.
"I'm just trying to find myself a place to live in" he told me.
"Why are you giving him THAT impression?"
"What impression?"
"That... we... that... it's... for a family?"
"Well, sooner or latter I am going to start a family"
"I thought..."
"Look, why don't you just start living in a fabulous penthouse or something just like..."
"Mr. Moon, my partner here thinks it'll be better if you show us a penthouse"
"A penthouse?" he looked confused and had to think for sometime. "I think i have one in mind"
I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood there gaping at that beautiful penthouse that had taken my breath away as soon as we entered it. It had a flawless cream colored floor, and two of the walls were made entirely out of glass, showing a beautiful night view of Seoul city.
"Fully furnished living room, kitchen, a master bedroom, three extras all with attached..."
"Do you like it?" Jungkook asked me while the other guy ranted on, moving his hands dramatically.
"It's beautiful... just like the one Christian Grey had in fifty shades of grey..." I said thoughtlessly. He raised an eye brow, looking amused.
"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff?"
"What? No, no I swear... I mean I just... my friend made me watch it" I felt all my blood rush towards my face, and my cheeks burning.
"Now that you've suggested it, I could change one of those three rooms into a playroom, don't you think?"
My face turned fifty shades of red in that one moment and I just turned around with a tiny gasp so he wouldn't see it, but as usual, nothing missed him. He had definitely seen it.
"Mr. Moon, I'll take it. Please start processing the papers, I would like to shift as soon as possible"
I could hear that amusement in his voice, as he linked his fingers through mine and led me out, followed by a flustered Mr. Moon.
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