♪ Numbness♪
(I guess this sorry is gunna be in Alex's POV now so.. yeee..)
-chapter 5
I opened my eyes slowly, the light from outside blinding me. I groaned. I couldn't feel my left leg. Weird.
I tried to reach up to rub my eyes, but my hands seemed to be held down. Then it al, came back to me. The gun, The Frenchman, and Thomas. Oh. My. God.
I panicked. "Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit!!," I basically screamed.
I heard footsteps coming closer. I could see a shadow underneath the door. My heart raced "fuckfuckfuckfuckshitshitshitshit!" I whisper-shouted in a worried tone.
I heard the person turn the knob. In all honesty, I hoped it was Thomas. That french dude scared the living shit out of me. Like, what the fuck!?
A head peeked in. I saw an Afro. To be honest, both the Frenchman and Thomas looked the same, or incredibly identical. 'Incredibly identical' sounds satisfying.. wtf..
He blinked. "Hey, it's me, Thomas.." he whispered, stepping in, and closing the door behind him quickly. "Did he send you here!?" I asked, more of a demanding question. "N-No.. He didn't." I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. I nodded. "Can.. Can you feel your leg?" He asked walking over to me, hesitantly. "No. I can't. Thanks to that brother of yours." I narrowed my eyes.
"I'm.. I'm really sorry.." he said sympathetically. I just shook my head. I remembered something.
"Where's Laurens?" I asked, my eyes filled with worry, and a little bit of determination. "Who? Oh, you mean John Laurens?" Thomas tilted his head. I nodded my head.
"Uh, I don't know.. I don't really talk to him.." he said, looking at me with knitted eyebrows. I blinked. "I need to see him." I mumbled. "I'm sorry, Alex." We sighed in unison. "I guess it isn't your fault." I said.
"It's Laf's fault.." my head turned to face him. "Who?" I gave him a confused expression. "Shit.. I wasn't suppose to.. Oh, fuck it!" He mumbled. "That's my brother's name.." he looked guilty. My face dropped. Even though I don't see how it dropped any further.
"As in.. Lafayette!?" I asked angrily. John had talked about him before. He seemed nice, and respecting. Obviously, it was just a cover up. Who knows what he's done to John?! And he wouldn't have told me!
"Get me out of here." I demanded. "Now." I looked at him with determined eyes. He showed signs of fear. "I.. I can't.." his expression turned sorrowful. "Why not!?" I asked. I hoped I didn't sound whiny..
"He.. he won't let me.." I about done with this shit. "Let me go, Thomas! Please!" I pleaded. He shook his head vigorously. "No, No! I can't! You don't understand!"
I glared, not hard enough, but hard. I took a deep breath. "Thomas? Let. Me. Fucking. Go." I exhaled. "I need to find John." My heart broke a little, knowing he'd be somewhere worried. But maybe we wasn't worried. Maybe he didn't care.. what!?
Fucking stupid Alexander!
He looked sorrowful one again. Fearful. I could see it in his eyes. "Fine.." he gave in.
I looked at him, a hopeful expression. "Really!?" I beamed. He nodded hesitantly. I guess I didn't really notice.
"Um.. here.. I'll take you to my room. You can hop out the window.." he whispered. I nodded. "I'm kinda stuck though.." I said. "Oh, of course!" He walked behind me and started untying my hands. The rope was pulled from my wrists. I immediately brought them to my chest, then examined them. My hands were super red. Probably from the lack of circulation.
I was honestly surprised I could still feel my hands. I tried standing up for the first time in.. like.. a while..? I have no fucking idea..
I fell on the table in front of me. "Fuck.." I mumbled under my breath. "Oh shut, are you okay!?" Thomas whisper yelled. "Try getting your leg shot by a crazy french person." I said sarcastically. Maybe I'd regret that in the future. "You don't have to be a bitch about it!" He whisper yelled. Yep I regretted it.
"Look, I don't even have to fucking help you! But I am! You should be grateful, you brat!" He shot. My eyes widened. Brat!? I wanted to scream. I wanted to turn around and punch him with what energy I had left. But I decided to just take a deep breath, and apologize. "Sorry.." I muttered.
"Whatever. Just get out." He demanded, holding me under my arms. I tensed a bit under his touch. My leg swayed limply. FuckfuckFUCK!
He quickly took me into his room. I felt really numb. I felt sick. I felt like sobbing. I felt like throwing up. I was completely pissed.
He opened his window. "Alright, get out." He said coldly. I nodded. "Gladly." I mumbled, holding myself up on the window sill. I crossed my right leg over, dragging my left leg over with my arms. I turned back for a moment. "Thanks for getting me out, Thomas.." I whispered before sliding out the window.
My eyes burned, my stomach ached, and I felt like dying right there. But y'know what?! I can't seem to fucking die.
I crawled in the yard, hoping he wouldn't see me. His name disgusted me. It made me sick. My left side was growing numb. It scared me to be honest.
I didn't have much of a clue where I was, but I did see the tip of a building from behind the trees. It looked pretty far away. But I'd do anything to see John again.
I grabbed a stick from the ground, and pushed myself up with it. Damn, that was a whole workout to last for weeks. I winced slightly, not feeling much pain anymore, and heaved myself along.
My eyes watered up. Why was I crying? I don't really know. Maybe it was missing John. Maybe it was just the whole situation in general. I didn't understand it.
I dragged myself to the forest, hopefully being out of sight. I coughed and continued on my way.
I paused to take a small break, which I didn't do very often.
I let a tear roll down my cheek as I closed my eyes harshly. I squeezed my eyes shut, as hard as I could.
"Why me?" I asked no one in general. Maybe the trees, or the birds, or the bees. Hah, that rhymed...
I took a shaky breath and pondered whether I should visit a hospital. Probably, I mean duh. Stupid Alex. My fucking left side is numbing up badly.
I leaned myself on the stick I had, hoping it wouldn't break. I just cried. I cried because I was scared. I cried because I could die out here in the wilderness, suffering. I cried because I missed John, my only friend. The only person who actually cared.
He's probably forgotten me. Why wouldn't he? I'm just a mistake. A fucking, gawd damn mistake.
I heaved an ugly sob. "Mistake.." I muttered to myself. I coughed again, and kept trying to walk. I headed toward the direction I saw the building earlier.
I took deep breaths along the way, trying to keep myself calm. Broken tears streamed down my face. I was simply pathetic. I shook my head and heaved myself forward. I tired to take larger steps so I could get out of here.
"You can make it.." I told myself. "I think I can.." I mumbled.
After a while I made it to the back of an apartment complex. Fucking finally!
I limped over, trying to quicken my pace. But I was only so strong. Mostly weak. My face was red from crying so much. At least now I had hope that I'd live another day.
My stomach growled but I could care less about eating. I'd done it before, so I was kind of used to it. I took a deep breath, and walked up to one of the doors. I honestly didn't care who it was. I just needed help.
I needed to get to the hospital before something horrible happened. My left side as getting more and more numb by the moment. At least I still had feeling in my left arm.
I cautiously knocked on the door, trying NOT to look like a crazy hobo.
The door opened up, and revealed..
"A-Alex!?" John Laurens.
I started breathing heavily, and shakily. I just started crying.
"Oh my god! Alex I was so worried! Oh my god!" He embraced me. I dropped the stick and hugged him back, sobbing into his shirt.
It was a very emotional time for me. I missed this boy so much. TO much.
I missed his beautiful hair. I missed his gorgeous freckles. I missed his emerald eyes. I missed his tropical scent. I missed him so much!!
He started crying a bit to. "I though., I though you..-" he chocked a sob. "I'm so glad you're alive!" He cried. I gripped onto him for dear life. "John.. I can't feel my leg.. my left leg.." I whispered, a huge lump in my throat. I swallowed.
He broke from the hug, making me stumble backwards. His eyes widened and he grabbed my just in time. "That was a stupid move.." he mumbled to himself. "It's ok.." I whispered. He held my hand to support me as he examined my leg. He removed the bandages to expose the gun-wound. "Oh my god.. who the duck did this!?" He cried out.
I knew I had to tell him. But how? How the hell could I tell him that his old-best friend kidnapped me, and shot me. HOW!?
"I-It.. Was.." I took a deep breath, "L-Lafayette.. he.. shot me.." I whispered, tears threatening to spill. "LAFAYETTE!?" I could see the rage in John's eyes. The tears. " " How'd you know it was him!?" He asked. "His brother.. Thomas.. he told me.. well on accident.. but he told me.." John's face was a mix of emotions. He shook his head. "What the hell." He said, swallowing. "I can't.. I can't fucking believe it!" He took both of my hands in his, and pulled me close, hugging me. I hugged back.
"We need to go to the hospital, now." John said. He picked me up bridal style, and carried me into his apartment. He sat me down on the couch, propping up my wounded leg with a pillow. R.I.P Pillow. ;-;
John held my hand, while using his other hand to call an ambulance. "Yes, my.. f r i e n d.. here has gotten shot. He can't feel his leg... left leg... okay.. thank you! Okay, bye! Thank you!" He said, tearing up. It hurt me to see John upset like that.
I also noticed how he said 'friend'. It's almost as if he wants to say something else. But why? I don't know.. well, maybe I have a pretty good idea.. but y'know.. cliffhangers..
I suddenly felt dizzy, the world around me was spinning. I groaned in pain, hearing the sirens of the ambulance.
"Alex? Lex!? Are you okay!? Lex!" I heard John scream at me. Small white stars started to appear in my vision. Haha, they reminded me oh John's freckles.
"LEX!?" I felt people lifting me. I heard John's cries as he tried to catch up with the paramediccs.
((Paramediccs? HAHAHAHAH! Not sorry for that one lmao))
More, and more stars appeared until all I heard was a ringing in my ears.
Then darkness...
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