♪Button Indentions♪
-Chapter 2
-Oct 5th 9:38 A.M-
Alex woke up that morning with a small smile on his face. He thought about making a new friend, even though it was an accident. He was grateful.
The day before, they had exchanged phone numbers. Alex hoped he wouldn't scare John, his only friend, off like usual. This was the first time in a while that he didn't feel lonely.
John woke up to the annoying beeping of his alarm clock. He slapped it, holding in a breath as he burried his face into in pillow. He lifted his head to let the breath out, and stumbled out of bed like an idiot. John was pretty much a clumsy idiot, which made him feel bad about bumping into Alex. 'I bet I screwed everything up' he thought. "But on the bright side, I have a new friend," he said aloud.
He walked to his kitchen, grabbing out a box of Pop-Tarts. He took out a package, sticking he box back in the cabinets. He opened the package and started Munching on one.
After he ate, he shuffled to his bedroom to get dressed into his day clothes. He brushed his hair, making it poof. (Snorts) He sighed, unimpressed by his hair's actions, and pulled it into a pony tail. He brushed his teeth and all that Jazz, before heading down the street to take his daily walk. He loved taking a walk in the morning while the sun was rising, the cool night air still flowing throughout the city.
John hummed to himself, looking around as the street lights went off. He started to sing quietly to himself. "When the lights, go down, in my city.... and the sun shines ooon the be-ed... Oh, I wanna be there in myyy city, ohhh oh oh, ohohohhhh" he giggled to himself, loving that song. It was one of his favorites by far. In fact, he even had a Journey themed hoodie.
Alex looked around in his drawers for his grey T-shirt. "Come on..." he mumbled to himself. "Aha! Gotcha!" He grinned in success, and pulled it over his head. He proceeded down the sidewalk until he arrived at the coffee shop minutes later. He ordered his favorite french vanilla coffee. He sat down at a booth near the window and looked out of it, thinking. He looked down at his coffee and stirred it, taking a sip with his coffee straw.
Alex hummed quietly to himself as he pulled out a five, handing it to the cashier before he walked out.
John had gotten back home about 30 minutes ago. He was bored, so he decided to text Alex.
John'sTurtleObsession: "Hey Alex! :)"
HamSamichess: "Hi John, wassup"
John'sTurtleObsession: "just chillin. You know how I be 😎"
HamSamichess: "Oml!! John you're killing meeee"
HamSamichess: "dying of laughterrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
John'sTurtleObsession: "?!???!???!??!??!??????!?!??!!!??!?! (I don't know anymoreee)"
HamSamichess: "Same tho 😫"
John'sTurtleObsession: "Hey, wanna come chill with the cool peeps"
HamSamichess: "if you mean me and you: yes. I would love to, boiii"
John'sTurtleObsession: "Kk! And btw I was talking about my turtle and me 😉😂"
HamSamichess: "I see how it is 😢"
John'sTurtleObsession: "*sending digital hug* 💓"
HamSamichess: "*sent* 💗😁"
John smiled to himself as he turned off his phone. Even though they'd only known each other for a few days, he considered Alex a best friend. And ever since Lafayette left for France, two years ago, he was in need of a new friend. He hoped Alex wanted to be his best friend.
Alex and John played board games until they were bored. By then it was getting late, but they were having so much fun together, they didn't want to sleep. "Alex?" John asked. "Yeah?" Alex looked up at John. "Wanna pull an all nighter?" He asked with a playful smirk. "You bet!" Alex nodded and grinned. "Whoever stays up the longest wins, agreed?" Alex suggested. "Agreed!" John and Alex shook hands and continued to play bored- I mean board games ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), lying on their bellies.
Before long 2 a.m turned to 3 a.m and both the boys were fast asleep. In a rather uncomfortable position. Alex lay on the floor, his head resting in the crook of his elbow. John sitting criss-cross, his head on Alex's back. They were sure to feel pain when they woke up.
Alex was the first one awake. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, pressure on his back. He tried to roll over and see when it was. He heard a quite loud thud and gasped when he saw John's head hit the floor. "Ouch..." Alex whispered. John groaned and rubbed his head, sitting up in the same criss-cross position. "That hurt, and I can't feel my legs." He said, in a rather attractive voice, and pursing his lips. "Sorry dude, I didn't know that was you." Alex apologized. "Nah, it's ok. I'll get over it." He rubbed his eyes, clearly tired. A tingling sensation went through John's legs, making him wince. "Why do my legs need to sleep, geez." John muttered to himself, making Alex chuckle.
Alex could feel the indentions of his pants' buttons in his pelvis, it was slightly uncomfortable. He grimaced to himself and pulled them from against his skin. He rubbed the spots with his index finger before sighing.
John noticed and started blushing uncontrollably, completely embarrassed. 'Holy actual siht. Why is he so gosh dang attractive all the gosh diddy dang time' John thought. He hid his face in his knees and he hugged them. "You still tired?" Alex asked. "A bit, but that's fine." John answered. "Some coffee should wake me up." John looked up as his blushing went away. "We can head down to Coffee City, if you want." Alex suggested. "That's a great idea, then I can repay you!" John smiled. "Well, only if you insist." Alex nodded, feeling a bit guilty. "Great! I'll get ready and- Oh yeah, you can borrow some of my clothes if you want!" He offered, smiling. "Ok, Thanks! But you have to let me pay at least half for our coffee," Alex said. "Ok, ok! Fine." John said, facing defeat. "You can pick out what you want I guess." John said, shrugging, and lead me to his room. "Mkay." I answered simply. John opened a drawer full of shirts. "Ok, I'll sit over here and let you pick a shirt out." He began, "and then under here are pants." He said, pointing to the drawer with pants.
They walked down the street together, making jokes, and just talking about life.
They eventually made it to the little shop they loved, and ordered their favorite coffees. Alex paying half,and John paying the other half.
Alex wore John's Journey shirt because he insisted, since it was their favorite band. Alex didn't have a shirt on underneath because he forgot..?. (and the author had something coming up *wiggles eyebrows*) ... He also wore a pair of John's pants, needing to tighten them To fit his waist. His frame was thin, so thin his pelvis' could be seen without trying to see them. It made him feel better about himself.
They talked for what seemed like hours, before returning back home. (Here we go..!...) Alex went to pull of the hoodie to give back to John, and realized he had no shirt. John was completely flustered by his emotions, blushing his face off. 'HoLy sIhT hElP mEEeEEEE' he thought. "Uh.. hehe... I'll just give this to you tomorrow.. or something.." Alex said pulling the hoodie back on, and blushing. "I-I.. Uh- yeah.. Ok.. sOuNds gOoD" he smiled awkwardly. They just stood there for a minute. Being awkward idiots "uhm," John gulped. "See you later.. Alex.." he chuckled sheepishly, Alex chuckling along. "Y-Yeah.. see ya.. later.." Alex said, steeping inside his apartment. He plopped down on the couch and sighed miserably. He felt so bad for making John blush so unrealistically hard. He understood how hard it was to be gay, and be attracted to.. men's features. He was bisexual himself.
'Wow I fcuked up everything. Yaaaaaaayyyyy' he though sarcastically.
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