Trailing On
Barry Allen and his nephew, Wally West, were taking a walk near Coast City Pier in hopes of gaining some peace of mind but both knew it wasn't going to be that much. Ever since coming back to their senses and processing that they had traveled through time for three years; things haven't been so serene. A giveaway to such thinking is the whispers they heard occasionally from people they pass by heading towards a secluded picnic table they stumbled upon a long time ago.
"Is that them?"
"I can't believe they were let out."
"I don't think so, look at their wrist."
Oh, right. Wally looked down at his left arm to look at the bracelet version of a certain meta-collar. It serves as a reminder of the cold reality of what became of the world when they disappeared at the North Pole in their attempt to save the world. Their bodies have slowly begun to realize that the bracelets weren't going to come off anytime soon.
They did receive a choice in wearing the dampeners, their respective teams have offered, saying it would make everything complete, especially the relationships that were forged from collective grief over them. But the speedsters made it clear that it would happen the day the bracelets came off.
"We can't do that, not until you agree with our new ways, not until you understand that drastic measures are needed at times," the Gotham duo both pleaded to the Wests, their hands interlocked with their Flash as they begged for them to just stop fighting.
They pulled away from them roughly enough that their hands gain scratches from their nails for hours. "Then I guess none of you will ever get us," said Barry.
The people on the street will never know of those conversations. They'll only see the defeated looks on their faces. They'll assume, and neither will correct it. The whispers continue to coil in their minds, both think walking around these days sucks.
5 Months Ago
When they first awoke and drag open their eyes, the light has returned. But it felt far less Reach like and more artificial. It took both forever, a whole four seconds, to get them all the way open, and another ten to fully become ware. They see chrome and metal and instantly recognize the med bay of the Watchtower. They thought they'd be surrounded by angry yet lovingly concerned people, but they are alone.
Their only conclusion is that they've been out for a lot longer than a few mere hours, been unconscious for long enough that a constant beside vigil is unneeded or too hard to keep up.
When the door opens to reveal Bruce and Dick both speedsters had to speed up their bodies to fully absorb what it is their seeing.
Bruce looks to be mid-forties, his face sharper though no less regal in its aged-up state. Her hair is still a shining black but gained some silver in a streak.
Dick is the same, looking to be in his mid-twenties and weary from it. The laugh lines around his eyes are too prominent to just be laugh lines, and there's a downward twist to his lips like he's carrying the weight of the world upon his shoulders.
"Hey, Dick," Wally greets, voice strained from the bear hug grip of his best friend. Dick releases him with a laugh, holding him out to just staring at him.
"How long have we been out? What happened? Did we stop the MFDs? All we can remember... is fading," Barry said
"You've both been unconscious here in medical for about a week," Dick begins. "You've been healing pretty nicely, so you shouldn't need to be here anymore after tomorrow night, maybe afternoon."
Bruce spoke next. "You stopped the final MFD. But you both... cease... for a time. We thought you were dead. There were no bodies left when the storm cleared."
"How long?" They didn't really want to know how much of life has vanished, but they needed to. Dick is the one to answer.
"Three years, guys. You've been gone for three years."
2 Month After That
Two months later, they're still getting used to walking without the connection to the speed force. Those years in the speed force didn't prevent them from aging physically, but mentally they're fallen behind, and while part of them is just grateful to be alive and out, a bigger part wishes to have aged normally. To suddenly be the "youngest" instead of the oldest of them; it's a power thing. They've coddled them and tried to convince them to agree but they don't listen when the Wests try to tell them things either.
They are sick of it and decide to follow through on a more bold, impulsive approach and give them a real talk.
They head to an office area, inside the Justice Hall, that is moderate size but usable for the heads (a.k.a The Bats & Supers).
When they finally got there, they saw something that arrest them to stone. Bruce is at the holo-screen sitting on Clark's lap while Conner and Dick are making out to the side in a corner chair.
They try to back away and get out of there before any of them realizes, but the lack of speed force combined with shock means Wally trips over his own feet and announces themselves with a loud thud as he hits the ground.
"Hey guys," Dick says as if that clears up anything.
Barry swallows nervously and clears his throat. "Hi."
"Don't be shy," Bruce says, mischief alight in his eyes. "You're welcome to join us."
Both speedsters turn redder than Wally's hair, and the two pairs in the room are clearly evil because they decide to laugh at their embarrassment.
"How long has this been a thing?" Wally asks, not entirely sure if he wants to know.
"Pretty quickly after you disappeared," Dick answers, his fingers leaving Conner's hair so that he can gently trail them up and down his shoulder. The movement catches Wally's attention and doesn't let it go for so long that he almost misses the rest of Dick's answer. "We were all pretty torn up over it, and what started out as each group needing to not be alone turned into... well, this."
"So, the team and the original league members are all...together", asked Barry.
Bruce said, "We all lost a person we loved. It was easier to get by with one another."
"Wait, you... mean?" Barry stammered looking at Clark, who just shrugged and nodded.
"We all care about you guys, Barry," he says. "We all still feel very strongly for you, and we talked about maybe bringing you into this with us when you were still recovering. We love you and would never want either of you to sacrifice the good things in your life, even if you don't feel the same about everyone."
The Wests hate that their faces turn red. "It's not like, well," Wally stumbles to say. "I'm not... opposed. I've thought. About it. Before."
"As have I," agreed his Uncle, "But that's the thing," he says, looking down. "It was before. Before you all started killing before you started justifying it. Before you put inhibitors on Wally and me. You're no longer the same people that we used to think about. None of you are."
"If you want us again, really want us as partners and friends, and maybe something more? Then you have to stop this," said Wally.
"We can't do that, Wally," Dick says, and the two stands up and walk toward the door.
"Then get used to the idea of never having our hearts," he says as they left through the threshold.
1 Month After Leaving Medical
When they were finally fit enough to move around, they decided to walk around the Watchtower for a little bit and see if things changed in it. It was strangely quiet though as they zip around looking for any of their teammates. But, at one point they stop in the observation deck to take in the sight of Earth as it turns.
When they step back to keep moving light from the memorial catches his attention, but too much of it to only be holograms of them, Tula, Jason, and Kord. When they went to the room to see who else passed on in the three years that went by, well the sight was horrible to witness.
Over a dozen holograms now stand within the memorial. Their own is still up, as there hasn't been enough time yet since the accidental time jump to take them down. Behind and around him are almost every single member of the Justice League after the league formed for a year. Their eyes fall naturally on the first Flash, and Wally feels sick seeing him just standing there. McGarrett was never still, and his hologram dishonors his memory by keeping him frozen for eternity.
"How did this happen?" Wally asks, finally tearing his eyes to his uncle.
"The Light," answered Bruce, who they didn't notice coming in along with his ward and the Supers.
"Only a few weeks after you two died, an alien tyrant from Apokolips, Darkseid, attacked. His forces were global, spreading us all thin. They had weapons of fire, and many Atlanteans, who came to help, died almost immediately. The Martians got lucky because they were on Mars with Conner and Gar. Aquaman held out a little longer, but the heat eventually made him fall but Kaldur was in Atlantis with Queen Mera. The two Green Lanterns tried taking on Darkseid himself, yet he batted them away like flies. Before we knew it, there were two rings flying around trying to find new bearers, but a lantern in yellow came and seized them, before leaving after obtaining the rings. We still don't know who he is or where he went. On the ground, Green Arrow and Black Canary were protecting the public as much as possible, same as Icon, Atom, Plastic Man, and Black Lightning. Captain Atom was flying over Central on his way to the main fight when something struck him. He crashed, and exploded, taking all of Central City with him. I'm so sorry."
The two Flashes couldn't believe their ears when hearing this, not only was most of their found family gone but so is their whole home. To find out that it was all no longer, Wally fell to his knees and Barry right behind him to hold one another.
"But you took down the League of Shadows, right? Since everything looks find on Earth now. How did you manage that?" asked Barry
"Guys," Dick begins hesitantly, "A lot of things changed in the wake of all of this. We changed how we run things to accommodate them. Sometimes..." he breaks eye contact, looking back over his shoulder again. "Sometimes it's necessary to eliminate a threat. Permanently."
Wally feels his heart go cold. "Richard? Tell me you're not saying what I think you're saying."
Bruce looks down. "We took down the League of Shadows and the rest of the Light. The world is a safer place without them in it. Even if it meant getting our hands dirty, it's worth it for peace. Can you understand that?"
Wally shakes his head in disbelief. "We don't kill. That makes us no better than them. You can't just decide if someone should live or die like that."
He sighs and says, "Do it."
Before they knew what happened, there is something cold and metal clamping down around their arms. When Wally tries to spin and defend himself, but he feels so slow? They scramble away at a normal pace and press at their wrists, where a brand-new mini-inhibitor band has taken up space.
"We're sorry," Conner says, stepping closer to Wally and pulling him to his feet.
"But" Clark continues, "Until you can see the truth in this, we can't let either of you use your speed to stop us." Barry tries to pull away, but it is impossible to break a Supers iron grip.
"But don't worry Wally. We'll take care of you until then," said Bruce.
After one whole year since waking up. They finally give in.
They expect them to come to see them any time now. They know well enough to know the two can't fight them anymore. The door opens and in walks the Bats and Supers. Barry's standing at the barred window while Wally is sitting on the bed.
No one says anything as Conner and Dick sit with Wally between them and the same with Bruce and Clark with Barry. Each Flash was handed a card that would release the inhibitors. Both know if they do this, there was no going back but they just couldn't fight anymore.
And with a sounding beep, the bands detach and fall to the ground. The speedsters finally relax when they can feel the speed again, but their feet felt glued to the floor, yet it doesn't matter anymore.
Each was given a kiss by their respective pair and was told that "They're doing the right thing."
When they both looked out the window into the star-paved might and fluffy clouds, both thought the same. That they've never felt more chained from life and that must mentally prepare for what may come next.
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