Chapter 16: Training Camp: Part 2
(Y/n) POV
"WHO ARE YOU?" I yell while continuing to blast attacks at him.
"Me? I'm just a guy that entered the league of villains to kill some of you, that's all." The muscle villain replies
"Oh, and two of them, just so happened to find you? Aren't you lucky? Very lucky." I say.
"(L/n), if you want to fight, at least make sure that you're prepared, don't waste too much stamina, even if you have close to endless stamina, we had training today and we might meet against more villains, taking in account that we're wanted..." Deku kept ranting
"I know, I know."
"Okay, but until you're ready, I won't let this guy get past me," Deku says
"Got you," I say
Deku pushes the villain back and I try to recover my stamina and get my quirk ready as fast as possible. It's honestly not the easiest thing in the world when I'm trying to cover for Kouta while making sure to recover my stamina. I look back once in a while to make sure that Deku hasn't died yet. He's falling apart. No. No. Hurry up. You're gonna lose someone again, someone that was right in front of you. Come on, can't you hurry up with your quirk? I look back at Kouta only to find him gone.
"Kouta? KOUTA!"
"STOP!" I hear Kouta shout. I look back to see that Kouta had used his water quirk to splash the villain.
"KOUTA! Come back here!" I yell. He comes back."Stay behind me. And well done. I hope you become a hero when you grow up and help people with that quirk of yours."
"DEKU! I'M DONE!" I yell.
"Okay, I leave the rest to you," Deku says, slowly fainting.
"Kouta, after I attack the villain, can you help Deku? I don't think I'd have enough power to carry him after I attack," I say. 'But just like Deku said, I am one of the people they want so I need to save energy.' I thought.
I did my usual attack and decided to go pretty much full blast. I was still able to walk, run and maybe attack a bit. I picked up Kouta and blew me and Deku as fast as possible before the muscle villain could recover and follow us. We passed by Aizawa-sensei and gave him Kouta. Once we reached Mandalay, we told her to tell everyone through telepathy that Bakugou was on the list of wanted people. We ran into Shouji on the way, bleeding. Tokoyami's Dark Shadow had gone out of control. Deku and Shouji ran to Bakugou while I stayed behind to hit some lightning on the ground.
"Tokoyami-kun, calm down. I'm sorry if the lightning hits a bit, but try to calm down." I say
"Hmm? Who's that there?" Dark shadow says and hits me hard. I'm on the ground with close to no stamina left. At that moment I finally felt stupid to have used up my stamina. I wrench out the last of my consciousness to yell a battle cry and drop some lightning right on my head to make sure I stay awake. I cry in pain and get up, shaking. Tokoyami's Dark Shadow was back in control and Tokoyami gave me a piggyback ride.
"You're on the list too right?" Tokoyami asks
"Yeah, I can walk Tokoyami-kun. Don't worry." I lie. I was honestly unable to move a finger so I was too happy to have someone carry me.
"If you're able to, sleep. You need sleep. You can recover if you rest right?" Tokoyami asks
"Yeah, thank you so much," I say, drifting to sleep.
Since (Y/n) is currently sleeping, we will go with author POV until she wakes up
"Tokoyami!" Shouji and Deku say,
Deku gasps and asks if (Y/n)'s okay.
"Yeah, she's fine. She's just sleeping to recover some energy. But I think she overused her quirk way too much today and her body's freezing cold." Tokoyami says putting (Y/n) down.
"Wait a minute, and Bakugou, make sure you don't get taken away while I warm (Y/n) up," Todoroki says while lighting up a fire from his hand and holding it near me.
"I KNOW THAT YOU HALF AND HALF!!" Bakugou yells.
Tokoyami lets out his Dark Shadow one more time to get rid of the villain. Bakugou and Todoroki give some light to make sure Tokoyami's not suffering for long. Todoroki is now carrying (Y/n) on his back because Tokoyami had too much for one day to be carrying anyone.
"Bakugou! Make sure you don't get taken away!" Todoroki repeats
Todoroki warmed up his left side while he carried (Y/n), just for the extra heat. They met up with Uraraka and Tsuyu that were being attacked by Toga. Toga ran away and we explained the situation to the two girls.
"Wait, where's Bakugou?" Uraraka asks. We turn around and of course, both him and Tokoyami aren't there. Todoroki shocked makes sure that he's carrying the right person and calms down after he realizes that he is. They all start to run and make sure that (Y/n) was with the girls while the three guys went to go save Bakugou and Tokoyami.
They reach the magic guy and push him to the ground.
"Oh, compress. You were able to get Bakugou?" Dabi asks. "And why did you bring more people with you?"
"I got three people. Isn't it great?" Compress answers
"Are those three actually people we need?" Dabi asks
"Well two of them are."
"Oh, not too bad."
"What? What do you mean by three?" Todoroki asks
"1, 2, 3." Compress shows three beads on his tongue and Shouji is caught by surprise because he thought that the ones he was holding were Tokoyami and Bakugou.
~Time skip to after Aoyama hits compress's tongue with his laser and safely gets Tokoyami back blah blah blah~
"Confirm them Compress," Dabi says
"Tch. My magic show is ruined." Compress complains and snaps his fingers to make sure that we're the right people. (Y/n) comes back out, but she's still unconscious and not even at the level of sleeping anymore.
"GIVE THEM BACK!" Deku yells
"DON'T COME DEKU" Bakugou yells
(Y/n) POV
I wake up in a room and end up finding Bakugou tied up to a chair. I realize that I'm just lying on the ground and free to move. I start to untie Bakugou. After I untie him I try the doors to see if they would open, but of course not, so I lie down on the ground and start to sleep again. I have much more stamina than before, but if I'm able to recover stamina before the villains come back into the room, it's the best thing possible.
"I'll wake up once they come, don't worry. And don't make a sound, even if you're trying to get us out. Or at least not until I wake up. I want to recover as much stamina as I possibly can before the villains come back, and I don't need you purposely bringing them back."
"Ok ok. I got it." Bakugou says.
I go back to sleep and stay asleep for about just enough time to get me to full stamina. I and Bakugou try to strategize to get out. Then the villains come into the room.
A Few Hours Ago Kaminari POV
Everyone in our class comes back into the lodge and I look for (Y/n), but she's nowhere to be found.
"W-wait. M-Midoriya... Where's (Y/n)?" I ask in horror hoping he would say that she's behind him, over there, standing and smiling. But Midoriya just looks at his feet with a face filled with frustration.
"M-Midoriya?" I ask
"(L/n) and Bakugou were taken by the villains. We don't know where they are right now." Todoroki says. "We weren't able to protect them."
"WHAT?" I yell. "Ah, no, sorry," I say in pure frustration. 'That's right. You have no right to get mad at them when you were just sitting here, doing absolutely nothing.' I scold myself. 'I did it again. I lost her again. Just like 11 years ago. I lost her. Again. And this time she was right in front of me. What am I doing?'
"Kaminari, I know you're worried," Todoroki says, "But if I were you, I would calm down a bit more. The two people they caught, are the two strongest people in the first year of UA Academy."
"Yeah... yeah. That's true. Thank's Todoroki." I say. "But if I have a chance to save the two, I would like to go for it."
"Yeah, we all do," Kirishima says.
The day ended in a haze of sadness and guilt. We all tried to pretend that we knew they were fine. 'They probably are, no, they definitely are. (Y/n) slept a lot so she should be full of stamina, and Bakugou isn't a type of person that would just leave people alone after being kidnapped.' We all thought, just to make us feel relieved, not that it helped though.
'I'm lost her, again.' I thought.
(A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I can't believe 2k reads! Thank you so much, and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. This fanfic will probably end in a few more chapters, so I hope you read it all! C ya next story. PLUS ULTRA!)
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