~Chapter Four~
The next day Mikaela drops you off at the dojo and she gives you a wink before driving away. You roll your eyes and put your cold hands in your coat pocket. You entered the dojo, only to find it empty. "Yo! Anyone here!?" You called out, hoping you'd get a response.
You heard thunder and thought it was going to rain. You heard it again but this time you checked the window. The sky was clear! It thundered another time and this time you saw jay waving at you from his big car. You go to his car and he pops open the top.
"Hey Marcy!" He says with a wide smile. Butterflies fly around in your stomach. "Um uh What up Jay? Uh where's Sensei?" You ask him. "Sensei won't be back for a couple weeks, looks like I'm gonna be your mentor for awhile! He gave me his lesson book but ya know since Sensei isn't gonna be back tomorrow, might as well just ya know get to know the pupil more! Hop in!" Jay says. "Ya sure?" You ask him and Jay smiles and nods. You hop in his car and he closes the top and drives off.
"So...whatcha call this thing?" You ask him. "I call it! The Thunder Raider!" Jay says proudly. "Well that explains your horn..." You say. "What? This?" Jay asks then presses a button making loud thunder come from the car. You cover your ears at the loud thunder.
"Mhmm yeah that one." You say then uncover your ears once it stops. "Want some apple cider?" Jay asks you as he stops at a red light and hands you a cup of hot cider. "Yea sure! Thanks." You say as you take the cup and drink the warm liquid.
Jay drives off once it's green and you guys park in front of Ninjago park. Jay opens the top and you both get out. You watch as Jay locks the car and your able to get a better view at what he was wearing. He had blue sneakers on and blue skinny jeans and a dark blue trench coat.
All instead of his regular ninja Gi. He was really hot. "Uh Marcy? Hellooo!! Ninjago to Marcy!!" Jay says trying to get your attention. You realized you were staring longer then you thought so. You snapped from your stare and you blushed.
"Oh um uh sorry..." You say and blush harder. Jay chuckled, "Let's walk!" He say and you walk next to him, hot apple ciders in both you and jay's hand. "So! Tell me about yourself." Jay says and takes a sip of his cider. You smile and tell him everything about you.
When you were done Jay chuckles, "Why do ya talk like that?" He asks you. "Like this?!" You ask him confused and he nods his head. "Oh it runs in my family on my momma's side." You explain and Jay nods in understanding.
"Well I suppose you know already know about me." Jay says and you shake your head no. "Just my friend Mikaela, she's uh...a fangirl." You say with a chuckle. Jay smiles and tells you about himself. He talked....a lot. But you thought it was cute! When he was done it was your turn to chuckle.
"You tell jokes??" You ask him and Jay smiles widely. "Although you probably won't laugh at any of them." He says "My dad, brother, and even me sometimes tell jokes! Go ahead! Give me whatcha got!" You say with a smile.
"Will you remember me in Two minutes?" Jay asked. "Yeah." You replied. "Knock knock." Jay says with a stifled laugh. "Who's there?" You ask. "Hey! You didn't remember me!!" He says. You chuckle, "Cute." "Cute?! Oh yeah try this one! What's the longest word in the dictionary?!" He says and you smirk.
"Smiles because there's a mile between each S!" You say and his mouth drops open. "My bro does the riddles, my dad does the jokes." You explain. "Fine, What do you get when you cross a Spinjitzu master and fruit?!" "A blender!" You say and Jay is surprised.
"Fine! You tell one!" He says and you chuckle and take another sip of your cider. "What do ya get when you cross a fridge and a stereo?!" You ask him and Jay thinks it over before shrugging. "Cool music!!!" You say and Jay laughs. "Knock knock!" You said. "Who's there?!" "A lil old lady!" "A little old lady who?" "I didn't know you could yodel!?" You and Jay both laugh. You then stop laughing and cover your mouth when you realized your dorky laugh came out.
Yup you had a dorky laugh and you'd like to keep it hidden. But you couldn't help it, that was your favorite joke! "What's wrong?" Jay asks you as he slows down his laughing. "My dorky laugh came out and I sound stupid." You say and take your hand off your mouth. Jay chuckles then smiles. "It's okay! I have one too! Be proud of your laugh, I think it's cute!" He says and you look at him and blush.
"Y-you think so?" You ask him and he smiles and nods. The walk through the park got quiet between you two. But you looked around and saw the brown and orange leaves that fell from the trees in the park. And you felt the cool autumn breeze that blew through the trees.
You shivered and put your hand in your pocket. "A little chilly today." Jay says and you nod. "Left my gloves in Mikaela's car...great." You say and finish drinking the apple cider and throwing the cup away in a nearby trash can. Jay smiles at you and takes his gloves off.
"Here! You can wear mine." He says and gives it to you. "Oh no! It's fine. You'll get cold!" You say and Jay just shakes his head. "Nope put them on! Your hands are starting to turn the same color as my thunder raider." Jay says.
You chuckle and put on his big gloves, feeling the warmth warming up your hands. "Thanks." You thank him. "No problem!" He says with a smile. You two continue walking and Jay stops. "Marcy..." He says and you look at him. "Yeah Jay?" "Well uh...have you ever thought...what would you do with your life....if you weren't a ninja?" He asks you. You get surprised at his serious question but you definitely understood him. "Yeah...lots of times..." You tell him.
"Well uh, what would you do?" He asks. "Well, after college I would've finished up my EP and maybe released a single. Then maybe if everyone liked it...I would have had concerts...and maybe do some duets! And hopefully...be the openin' act on my momma's tour...S-she was gonna let me open up her shows..." You tell him, looking down. "And how were you...when you were told you had to give up on all of that?"
"I-i...I was devastated...it was like the people who said I could do it were then tellin' me...it wasn't gonna happen...all I wanted was for people to just listen to me sing and just be happy and get inspired! But then Sensei told me...I didn't need a recording of me to make others happy and to save them...and that's when I decided to give being a ninja a try...see how far I would go, ya know." You explain then give a small smile.
"What about you? Has the thought ever reached your mind?" You asked Jay and he gives a small chuckle. "Yeah...one day it did just randomly surface...I probably would have been this great inventor! And just use my inventions to help others and to make them happy! Yeah sure some of them didn't work but I kept trying. But now, I just look back at that and laugh. Why? Well because I'm proud to be a ninja! And I realized people don't need a machine to be saved...they just need...me. Well yeah the whole ninja team of course but, me as a person! You know." He says and you smile.
You felt a cool breeze past by you and you shiver. "We should probably head back now. But hey, thanks for the talk...no one else...got me like you did...so, thanks Marcy." Jay says and you smile. "No problem. And hey! Maybe tomorrow after trainin', I could show you 'round my dad's company!" You say and you and Jay walk back. "Haha really?" He says. "Yeah sure! I mean if you're supposed to train me, ya gotta know what I sound like right?" You say and he chuckles. "Alrighty then! I'll go." He says and you smile.
Later on that day, you couldn't stop smiling and thinking about Jay! You got really happy when you both exchanged numbers. That's when you grabbed your guitar and hummed as you started writing a new song. (A/N: You can play the song now :D)
"Now I've been looking for someone, Trying to find the right boy to wear on my arm. I must admit it, You simply fit it. You were like a cut above the rest, that's why you're winning. (hey)" you sing and write down the chords and lyrics. You then close your eyes and picture Jay again.
"Every night when I close my eyes, I can see you, My perfect type. And I never really thought my dreams would come true, Until I laid eyes on you! 'cause you know you are, Boyfriend material, boyfriend material. That's what you're made of, it's written on your label. Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know! You're my boyfriend material, boyfriend material (boy) Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know." You sing the chorus.
"That you and your perfect smile, Are both timeless and never going out of style! There's so many reasons you got it together. And I'm catching feelings, you make me look better (better)." You sing and write down. Then you sing the Pre Chorus and chorus again then think/sing of the bridge.
"Oh, there ain't any other. It's all the little things that you do, make me wanna sing! There ain't any other. By the way you're talking to me, I can tell you've been listening, To everything." You sing just then you hear your ringtone for Jay and you feel butterflies in your stomach.
Bae Walker: You up for a challenge tomorrow? :)
You smile and get an idea for the next line. "And maybe it's the butterflies I get every time I hear your ringtone (ringtone). And maybe it's 'cause every single text, boy, I told myself you were the one!" You sing then add the chorus again. "('cause I know you are) boyfriend material, boyfriend material! That's what you're made of, it's written on your label. Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know. You're my boyfriend material, boyfriend material. That's what you're made of, it's written on your label! Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know! You're my boyfriend material (material boy), boyfriend material (material boy). Boyfriend material, m-m-material, want everyone to know." You sing then smile at your finished song.
You text Jay back
Me: Bring it ;)
You couldn't wait to fix up your song in the studio. It was...perfect! Just like Jay. Yeah, you really liked Jay.
A/N: Gosh I'm such a Jay girl I swear XD XD the name on my phone for Jay XD XD Bae rhymes with Jay so I was like WHY DA HECK NOT XD XD lol btw the reason why the setting in the story is fall, Bc by the time I finish this book it probably will be fall lol. Pic at the top of Ninjago park in the fall :3 song at the side is Boyfriend Material by Ariana Grande :) anywho! You guys know the routine, head to the bonus book to read the lil Earth Scenerio I published! :D
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