I Can't Decide (imagine)
[Y/N] - your name; [Y/F/Y] - your favorite YouTuber
You can't believe the situation you're in. A masked man has kidnapped you and [Y/F/Y] for a reason not apparent to you yet. You have, in fact, just woken up in a blank room, empty if you didn't look to your left, where an empty bowl lay, or to your right, where [Y/F/Y] lie unconscious. You look to see if either of you are bound in any way, but neither of you are, thankfully.
You crawl to [Y/F/Y]'s and shake [him/her]. "[Y/F/Y], can you hear me?"
You get no response, so you slump back into the position you were in before and try to think of how and why you're here. You decide to think up an escape plan, but that's when you notice a small security camera shoved up in one corner of the room. It became obvious that any thought possibly contrary to the captor's purpose for kidnapping had to remain a thought inside your mind.
Hopefully, you thought, he or she doesn't know any languages except English.
It's that moment when you realize that the only sure thing you have is hope, and you aren't even sure that it's a sure thing.
Suddenly, you hear [Y/F/Y] stir next to you. You look over to see [his/her] eyes flutter open. In a normal situation, you would completely freak out and tackle [him/her], but this is no normal situation.
[He/She] looks over at you and asks, "Wha-what's going on? Why am I here?"
You merely shrug. "I have no clue. That's what I've been trying to figure out, [Y/F/Y]."
[His/Her] eyes widen, as though in shock. "You know my name?"
You give a small nod. "Yes, I do. I actually watch your videos everyday."
[He/She] scratches the back of [his/her] neck and looks down. "Well, this is a weird way to meet you."
You sigh. "It really is."
[He/She] sighs, as well, while staring in empty space. "How should we pass the time? Casual conversation? Small talk - wait, that's the same thing."
You chuckle. "I guess we only have one option besides sleep."
"Yep, we sure do. In fact, I - "
[Y/F/Y] is cut off by the masked man opening the door and entering, along with two other men in masks. He nods to the two men, prompting them to grab each of you, the burlier of the two grabbing [Y/F/Y]. When the leaner one grabs you, you yell in protest, "What are you doing to us?! Why are we here?!"
The masked man only smirks. "You will find out in due time. Now, I will be taking you to another room where I will give each of you one chance to talk to someone, so long as you don't try any escape tactics. Let's move."
You and [Y/F/Y] are dragged to another, longer room, one that has a phone on each end. After the two men dragging you let you go and leave, [Y/F/Y] raises an eyebrow, causing you to shrug and walk towards one of the phones. Before either of you can reach a phone, the masked man locks the door shut and grabs both of you.
"Guess what, darlings?" he says. "I changed my mind. Move closer to each other." You both take a few steps before he says, "Stop, that's good right there!" He pulls a gun out of his pocket and slips it into your hand. "[Y/N], you have one minute to make a choice: either you live or [he/she] lives. Make your choice."
With tears in your eyes, you lift the gun shakily. You cannot believe you have to make this choice. You know that if you live, you will have to survive without [his/her] videos and hatred from the fandom, but you get to live your life out, but if [he/she] lives, your life is over, with no ability to complete some life goals you had in mind for the future, but the fandom will adore and memorialize you. The point is that you want both of your lives spared.
"Do - do I have to make a choice?" you ask with tears running down your face.
He gives a curt nod. "Yes, [Y/N], or I will kill both of you."
You hate to do this, but you press the gun to your head and pull the trigger.
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