Twenty Six: Impaled
"Nepo!" I yell, waving my hand at the door. It doesn't budge. "The alien tech won't work in constant with my magic!" I shout to no one.
I ready a fist of combined mana and thrust it at the door. I almost expected it to fail; this is of the Reach. They do not take these things lightly.
On the other side of the door, I can here crashes, bangs and an array of sounds.
'Uh! Can't you at least get the link back up!?' Garr's voice echoes in my head. 'Oh, uh, thanks! Now come on! We're sealed out of the docking bay!'
'What's going on in there?' Viper adds.
'Don't know! Hana and I are cut off aboard the bio-ship,' Nightwing replies.
'We're fighting Black Beetle and Shimmer. Lagoon Boy, Robin, Bumblebee, and Destiny are already down. Misty's been impaled by- Conner look out! Superboy's down! It's just Batgirl and me now!' Cassie says.
'You've got to get in there!' Garr yells.
'W-What? How?' M'gann asks. I frown at Nightwing who does the same back.
'What do you mean how? Density shift!'
'R-Right. I can do that. I can still do that.'
There is silence after that. I try calling out over the link, but nothing happens. "Link's down!" Nightwing confirms. I go back to trying to smash the door down.
Then it opens.
I am faced with a surprise, but run in. "Star! Over here!" I hear Robin yell. When I look up, both he and Misty had been pinned against the door with staples.
Only, the right side of Misty's stomach has been stabbed by it, and she is bleeding considerably. I don't panic, used to medical hazard.
I glance around quickly. La'gann and Karen are passed out on the floor together. Daphne is on the other side of the room, uncosncious. Jaime approaches her.
Cassie, another girl and M'gann are also out, with Impulse and Beast Boy helping them. I look over to see Batgirl and Nightwing talking. I try to ignore the little hand touch happening.
"Alright Tim. We can't pull it out of her, not yet. It might make her lose blood faster." Using mana, I create two ropes and wrap them around the staple.
It really is stuck in the wall, but I wedge it out which makes Misty cry in pain. Robin lifts her up and runs off into the ship, as gently as possible.
Barbara and I work on getting everyone else in, whilst trying to avoid the huge fight going on between Blue and Black.
Suddenly, water begins filling the bay. Water. Horrible, killing, water.
Garr must see me freeze on the spot, because after picking up Daphne, he grabs me too and carries the two of use over the water via the ceiling.
Fear leaves me when my eyes set on Robin and M'gann holding Destiny, whose injurry turned the water around her red. I push my hair out of my face and kneal down in front of Robin in the water.
"Know any spells?"
"Not to combat this kind of injury, whilst the weapon is still in there."
"I thought you had a PhD," M'gann points out.
"For being a doctor, not a damn paramedic," I snap back, disliking her tone.
I take Misty's hand gently. "Destiny? Destiny, can you hear me? If you can hear me, I want your to squeeze my hand, alright?" I call to her.
For a moment, there is nothing. Robin supports her head more, when she squeezes my hand slightly, making me smile in relief. "That's good! You can hear me!"
Her eyes are closed, but her lips move. I lean down and push my hair out of the way. "Is...Tim...okay?" She chokes out. I grin and sit back. Robin looks at me expectadly.
"Yeah. Robin's fine," I tell her. The Boy Wonder goes slightly red-faced, but I say nothing.
"What hurts so bad?"
"You've been impaled, by a staple."
"That's one big staple," she says, before laughing slightly.
"I need to pull it out. Then I'll heal it with some magic. Is that okay?"
When she looks up, the tears in her eyes strike me like a bolt of lightning. "Will it hurt?" She whispers quietly, her green eyes wide with fear. Her red hair sticks to her forehead from the water.
"A bit," I say, wiping one of the fallen tears.
"Nightwing! Seal the hatch! The docking bay is flooding our hold!" Barbara yells.
"Acknowledged!: Nightwing replies.
"But Blue!"
"We can't help him if we drown, or are crushed by the pressure at this depth!"
The door closes, and I creat a mana bed which Robin stands to put Misty on. "Are you ready?" I ask her, taking a hold. "Just relax."
She covers her mouth with her hand. I tighten my grip on the bar. "On five," I tell her.
"One, two-" I rip the staple out then. She cries out, but does not scream. Robin gently brushes the hair out of her face, which makes me smile.
"Leah, leah, leah," I waved my hand over her abdomen a number of times, repeating the word. It so draining, and the wound is so bad that I collapse at the end, prompting Conner to catch me.
I leave Misty with Robin as Superboy and I go to the bridge. Jaime is passed out, thanks to La'gann rescuing him. I scan him. "He should wake up soon. He's fine," I say.
After that, I take a seat next to Conner tiredly.
“It’s me! It’s me!” Jaime yells when he wakes up.
“Of course it is,” Bart smiles. I assess any damage with my scanner and find none.
“Well done Jaime,” I smile, before taking my seat next to Superboy.
Using Conner’s shoulder as a shield, I peeked around him and watched Jaime and Daphne talk.
“You did some serious damage to Black Beetle,” Jaime says to Daphne beside him. He has a proud glint in his eye.
“So did you; very cool,” she smiles at him. Bart watches the interaction between the two with a large grin on his face.
“Um…so are you guys going to kiss now or what?” He asks impatiently.
Jaime frowns up at Bart, wanting him to go away. Instead, he feels a gentle, cold hand on his cheek, soothing the rush of battle immediately.
He turns to Daphne, to see her leaning closer to him. She is smirking up at Bart mischievously. Jaime likes that smirk, a lot.
“Yep,” she answers Impulse’s question, before leaning in and kissing Jaime on the lips. He is shocked at first, before he relaxes and put a hand on her face.
“I win! Pay up now Mrs Nightwing!” Bart yells. Hana pretends not to hear him and turns away from the scene.
“Ahem, right, sorry. Pay up Emerald Star!” Hana glares and waves her hand, reciting; “Evig mih nekcihc eizziw."
A fresh bag of chicken whizzies appears in Impulse's hand, which he opens and wolfs down, way too fast.
"So Robin and Destiny have got it. Viper and Blue have got it," Garr begins listing. He grins over at Swiftchick and Impulse. "You two are next," he grins evilly. Both blush and look away.
"What about you, Garr?" I say, turning in my chair.
"He can have Alice," Nightwing suggests. Garr frowns.
"Who's Alice?"
Before I can answer, the door opens and Robin is standing there. However, he stands aside revealing the girl who had been passed out with Wondergirl and Miss M.
"Holy crap!" Daphne yells, jumping up. I stand and walk towards her, eyes wide.
"Hazel?" I whisper. She frowns.
"How do you-"
Daphne takes her mask off. Hazel's eyes go wide as plates as she stares. "Daphne Wayne. You're Viper Violet," she clarifies.
"Yup," Daphne says.
Hazel watches her for a moment. "I always thought you'd be the villain, not the hero."
"You don't even know me," Daphne says back, standing up.
"I know you've probably stolen my medal this year."
"Oh please, I steal your medal every year."
Instead of replying, Hazel glares darkly. Then her glare receeds and she smiles at Jaime. "Besides. I didn't come here to see you."
The next comment travelled around the room. I had to let it sink in for a second.
"I came to see Jaime." The silence is almost deafening. Everyone stares at the interaction. Hazel's flirting with Jaime is obvious. But he and Daph had just kissed.
"Awkward," Impulse whispers. I sigh, then remove my mask.
"Enough," I say. Hazel's eyes widen.
"Miss Shiloh?"
"Hazel. When were you captured by the Reach?"
Daphne goes to sit back down in her seat, but instead, Jaime pulls her back gently. She ends up sitting on his lap, which makes most of us smile, look away or just stare, dumbfounded.
Hazel frowns. As she and Jaime were in the same cells I'd imagine they'd have talked.
A red version of armour begins to cover Hazel's body. It looks a lot like what Blue wears, only red, and the wings that appear are butterfly wings.
She asks to be let out. Nightwing, who still had control, opened a hatch. She drops out and flies off. I sigh and end up following her.
"Hazel!" I call to her. She stops, turns and glares at me.
"I'm not Hazel anymore! I am Red Butterfly!"
She tries to run, but I entrap her in some mana tendrils. "Let go of me Hana!"
"I'm not Hana. Not in these clothes. Now listen to me. You and I are going to the hospital right now. You'll explain to your mother where you were, then you may be able to go back home. A nurse may have to live with you, but you'll get to be with your mother. And you'll never leave her again."
I see she is willing to, so we begin flying to the hospital in Happy Harbour.
"Do I get to come back to the club?" She asks.
"That's not up to me. I no longer work there."
"W-What! Why?"
"I'm leaving Happy Harbour."
This makes her frown. "Will I still get to see you?"
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