Five: Ropes
Probably the most mature chapter I’ve written :3 I spent ages laughing at the gif attatched to this so check it out :3
"She said what?"
Mal put his hands up defensively. "I don't know. Ran in, told me some kid had run away and went after her in the Jaguar," he repeated to Nightwing.
Walking into the hangar, he took his phone out and called Hana.
"What?" Came her reply. Clearly, she was made at him.
"Where are you?"
"Home, why?"
"Mal said Hazel ran away and you went to find her!"
"Yes, and?"
“Well...Progress report?"
There was silence over the phone for a while. "Negative. She left a note at her house. Says something happened, and that she'll be back-"
"Hana you know who her father is...this isn't good."
"You don't think I know that? I was the one put in charge of her protection!" She hung up immediately, making Nightwing groan in annoyance and walk over to his motorbike.
Hana pretended to be asleep when Nightwing arrived home. Dick found himself slightly disappointed at how late it was; he had promised Hana they would celebrate
After changing, he climbed into bed next to her and poked her gently. "Han?" He whispered. No answer.
Sighing, he began wrapping one arm around her waist, when something slapped his hand swiftly, making him retract. "Seriously?" He reached over and turned the lamp on.
"What did I do wrong?" He asked, grabbing Hana's waist and lifting her over to him.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Was my reply, folding my arms on his chest and leaning down to his face.
“Well…” he trails off, before rolling over so I was on the bottom. “What would you have wanted me to say?” I knew the question wasn’t serious; seeing as he was kissing my neck asking it.
“You could have mentioned the com was on,” I suggested, grabbing his hair with my hand.
“Maybe I wanted to know what you’d say,” he pulled on my nightshirt and that’s when I turned the tables evilly by switching positions, pinning his hands above his head.
Smirking, he kissed me and tried to turn again. I kept him there though. “I’m still stronger,” he challenged, gripping my wrists. I smirked back at him.
I leaned down to his ear. “I’m the one with the powers,” I whispered.
“Dnib sih sdnah ot eht deb yltnenamrep,” I chanted in another whisper. Rope lurched out of thin air and wrapped around Dick’s wrists and the headboard of the bed.
Leaning down, I was about to kiss him, but I stopped and sat back on his stomach, proud of my achievement. “You know; you could get the Joker, or Bane, or Savage, or you know who. But none of them could trap the great Nightwing like this except me,” I grinned, laughing to myself.
“Maybe because none of them have that body of yours.”
“You notice how when you’re like this you go from gentlemen to-“ Damn; forgot about his legs. He knocked me forward with his knee.
“I can still be gentle,” he said, moving up to kiss me. I hovered up, teasing him by being just out of reach. With an idea, I lowered slightly and he caught my lips in a hungry kiss.
“Dnib sih teef ot eht deb yltnenamrep,” I mumbled. With a satisfying ‘snap’, I assumed the rope had caught his feet as well.
“You’re teasing,” he frowned. I kissed him quickly.
“It only gets worse from here,” I whispered, before flipping off him. His eyes watched me carefully as I walked around the bed. Good; he’s expecting me to go further.
Confusion clouds his hungry eyes when I slip my Emerald ring on. My uniform climbs itself over me. It’s silent as I walk over to I window, put the blind up and open it.
I jump onto the sill in a crouching position and turned around to him. “Where are you-“
“Where else?” I answered. “Tellaw,” Dick’s wallet flew out of his pants -which were screwed up on the floor- and into my hand. “Shopping. And by the way; try and work out what yltnenamrep is while you try to break out of those ropes.”
So that’s how I found myself walking down Rodeo Drive with the credit card of Bruce Wayne’s ward in my pocket. There has always been a Zeta to this city; well really, they’re everywhere, though we don’t express this to the team much. They may abuse the privilege.
Like I am now. Walking along the footpath with seven bags hanging off my arms. With Jimmy Choo's on my feet wearing Versace everywhere else; I felt much better.
My mind did wander to Nightwing whilst I went looking for a new Fendi handbag. That spell was permanent unless removed by me. Though it would be funny if Wally or perhaps Tim; or maybe even Bruce showed up at home to discover…what they will.
I froze on the path and my head snapped to the window beside me to see my reflection change from something else, to what I look like now.
Why does this keep happening!?
I kept walking, watching my reflection carefully as it passed through each window. Suddeny, my reflection was not me at all. A pale girl with blue hair wearing strange clothes.
When I stopped, blinked, she was gone. It was me again.
Okay, so maybe I'm crazy. I walked down the road looking anywhere but at the window. My gaze went up to the palm trees. Eventually I had found my weakness; more shoes. As I bought the cutest pair of Louboutin's, I briefly wondered why I was doing this.
Finally deciding to return to the Zeta’s, I concluded that Nightwing’s reaction to Mal’s question did not upset me; but disappointed me. The absence of his reply hurt.
In a way I was out here for revenge. The sweeter side of me began hoping I would be forgiven. Upon returning home,I used magic to hide the bags and concealed them in my pocket.
I flew to the window of the apartment, expecting to look in and see him there…but the ropes were cut; he was gone.
“Impossible,” I mumbled. My eyes glowed as I searched for an aura. In the house there were three that were familiar. Dick, first of all. A very week magic aura…Wally. Then a very, very strong one.
Zatanna. He used Zatanna to get out.
So I found myself getting the Jaguar out of the garage and driving over to Mount Justice. I left my bags in the car and walked into the lounge.
“Hey Em!” Gar said.
“You hungry?”
“You bet!”
Garfield and I made tortilla cookies. You get tortilla’s and cut them into cut shapes. Then you butter the shapes, sprinkle them with sugar and bake them four 5-10 minutes.
When you pull them out, you sprinkle icing sugar over them.
“What smells so good?” Jaime said, when he, Daphne, Misty an Tim walked in. Three of them reached for the cookies.
“You going to have one, Daph?” I asked. She glared back at me and Misty rolled her eyes.
“The body is a temple. Why destroy it with buttery, sugary suicide?” She replied.
“I get why you eat M&M’s in front of her now,” I told Misty, taking a bite of my own cooking.
“You’re in a good mood; been shopping have you?” Viper asked, sitting on the lounge. I laughed and sat beside Tim on the stools.
“Oh, she’s been shopping alright,” Nightwing walked in.
“Zatanna and you have fun?” I replied with a chuckle. This only seemed to irritate him more.I sighed and levitated his wallet to him. He left the room silently.
Daphne and Misty were looking at me with confused expressions. I rolled my eyes and followed Nightwing into the mission room.
“Can you really blame me?”
He turned and I’m pretty sure he was glaring at me. “Blame you? For tying me to our bed and leaving me there? Oh and by the way, yltnenamrep isn’t so permanent.”
“Yes, I suppose Zatanna worked that out. How did you contact either of them?”
“Wally came over,” He wouldn’t look at me. His eyes stayed glued to the screen.
“And, Zatanna? Does she come over to our house when my back is turned?”
“Don’t start that again!” He warned, finally looking at me. “Wally called her, seeing as I worked out what the hell yltnenamrep was. Besides; you love Zatanna."
"Not enough to not suspect her of loving you. I already know about Barbara's feelings for you. Who's to say Zatanna isn't the same? It's just like Wally says..."
Wally puts it as Dick being a 'dog'. As in attracting to much attention from girls and liking it too much. His head snapped up to me.
"What does Wally say?" He asked. I sighed heavily.
“It doesn't matter... Are you upset?” I asked innocently, trying not to smile. His only real reason for being angry is ‘I tied him to the bed with magic’. Really not a substantial reason.
“Why did you do it?”
“Disappointment, really; the absence of your answer.”
He sighed and glanced at me. “I just…I thought your were more mature than that. It was a stupid thing to do, really. When we moved into together you had me convinced you were an adult.”
With those words, he walked past me swiftly, leaving me in the room alone.
So that’s when I decided to let him cool off for three days. I left for Oa in the Denominator, leaving Misty to tell Nightwing where I have gone.
Except; Misty did not.
When Nightwing returned to the apartment and found it empty, he called Hana’s phone. It rang from the bedroom.
He then tried calling Daphne, who told him to go away. Then he tried Misty.
“I guess I wanted you to panic for a bit. We heard what you said to her; wasn’t very nice. She’s gone to Oa for a while. But she’ll be back.”
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