Eleven: Visitor
“And so; angered, Kilius murdered the Queen,” Destiny concluded from her spot.
Villelda had been weeping. Her mother, the Queen of Ageratia had been murdered by Villelda’s soon-to-be prince.
“Why do people kill other people?” Misty asked me quietly as we began walking to the Denominator.
“People kill other people for different reasons. Love, hate, envy, vengeance. You know that,” I said as the hatch door opened. I grabbed hold of the wheeling cell the Queen’s murderer was in.
Dragging him up the ramp was hard. Orion and Phoenix helped me, whereas Misty went into the bridge. After placing Killius in his temporary cell, I took my seat.
“Something else…” She trailed as we took off.
“Anything; you know that.”
“Say…say you really liked someone, but you were afraid, that someone could never like you back. What do you do?”
I sighed, worried that I’d give the wrong answer. “Well…I know you might not want to tell me; but who are we talking about?"
For a while, she stared up at me with big innocent green eyes, before sighing in defeat and removing her mask. "Robin."
I almost did a triumphant fist pump. As mine and Dick's genius had predicted; Laurel Destiny and Robin have become even more like their mentors. The Teal Heart and the Boy Wonder.
"Oh," was all I said, before my fourteen year old self took over. "Misty and Tim, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Instead of yelling she blushed and looked away. Misty barely loses her temper. "So what happened with Tanner then?" I asked as we sped towards Oa.
"That's just it...I'm still with tanner."
Upon hearing that, my foot slammed on the break. "Misty Thompson you better not be planning to cheat on that boy," I said, pointing at her.
"No! I was going to break up with him...I mean I will..."
After that she put her earphones in, signalling she didn't want to talk to me. Okay then. Pulling into the Oa prison gates, some guards came over and removed Killius from his hold.
We reported back out success to the Guardians, before returning to Earth. It has been two week since we left as we predicted. I was excited to see Nightwing.
"Denominator to cave; open the hangar please," I said to my com.
"Acknowledged. Welcome home," his voice said. It made me smile.
Landing in the hangar, Misty got out and ran inside. I locked the ship and scooped up Marie, Garfield's puppy, who had run through the door.
When Nightwing didn't come out to greet me, I wasn't surprised. Walking into the mission room, he was utterly distracted by the screens in front of him.
I found myself flying into the room, instead of stepping.
"BOO!" I yelled behind his head, flying up.
Immediately he whipped his Eskrima sticks off of his thigh and spun. Seeing as I was above him, he looked round to find nothing, then looked up. He relaxed.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hello there."
I dropped down, yelling out for him to catch me, which he did. I landed in his arms quite comortably, making me smile. I kissed him.
"Want us to come back later?" Garfield suddenly asked.
Dick put me down and I turned to find Robin and Beast Boy standing there with Misty. "Anything happen while we were gone?" I asked, looking at the screens that were up.
Nightwing then explained to me about a few runaways who were kidnapped and put on a plane, under the view of Psimon. It had been Wondergirl, Viper, Batgirl, Miss M and Bumblebee on the mission.
"So then, what's this?" I asked, gesturing to the screens.
"Data files M'gann and J'onn recovered from Malina Island before it was destroyed."
"Thought so. The inscriptions look familiar," I said.
"Apparently...the Kroloteans have been snatching humans to use as...Guinea Pigs. They were hoping to find something...something inside of us."
"There's no English word for it. The nearest translation is...Meta-gene."
"What's a Meta-gene?" Robin asked.
"Never met-a-jean I didn't like," Garfield joked.
"Oh, I'm an idiot!" I growled, slapping my forehead in realization. "A Meta-gene! Mist...do you remember?" The girl seemed stuck in a state of imagining, before she came back to reality.
"Hana and I were sent on a mission a few years ago, came across a Krolotean base. I was captured. They did tests on me; found what they wanted. The Meta-gene potential in a human."
"Maybe that's what drew them here..." Nightwing wondered. I frowned, before stepping on his foot slightly.
"Are you saying it's my fault?" Misty asked softly.
"N-No. Of course not," he replied.
"The Meta-gene is the cells in a body that have the ability to adapt to dramatic change. It's what gives Daphne her poison or Garr his morphic abilities, though his was sped up by that blood transfusion. Mine and Misty's were awoken by our rings. As for you two..." I trailed off, looking between Nightwing and Robin.
"Warning; unknown energy impulse detected," Catherine's voice said. Yellow cave lights flashed and a siren went off. I commanded chain to come out of my ring immediately.
After Nightwing shut off the computers, a huge ball of white light and electricity appeared, crackling and whirring. The youngsters stayed behind us as Dick stood beside me.
I created an Emerald shield in front of all of us. When the light dulled and the electricity calmed, a gigantic, bulky and grey machine sat in the middle of the mission room.
The hatch to it began opening. "Stand ready," Nightwing said. I pulled chain tightly and heard Misty take a stance with her scythe.
When the door opened, smoke billowed out. Suddenly, a scrawny little hero jumped out of the machine with his arms above his head.
"Ta-da!" He grinned, presenting himself like a cheerleader. My fighting stance relaxed immediately; he was just a kid.
'Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert," Catherine chanted.
"Computer, lock down cave." Various doors around the cave locked.
"Well; I think we found our energy impulse," Garr concluded.
"Impulse? That is so crash! Catchy, dramatic, one word," The boy cheered. I blinked when he suddenly appeared beside Nightwing.
"Like Nightwing," he sped to Robin, "and Robin," then over to Beast Boy, "and Beast Boy. 'Cept that's two words like Emerald Star and Laurel Destiny. Blue Beetle's two words, hey is he here to?"
My head was practically spinning with the speed his kid was going at.
"Nevermind! Impulse can find that out for himself!" With another eird pose the kid went speeding off into the cave. I stood there blinking, trying to get my head around what had just happened.
"You three; take him down. Now!" Nightwing commanded. Destiny, Robin and Beastboy went running off into the cave. I ran over to the kid's machine and scanned it.
Throughout the cave were echoes of the kid yelling odd things and the others being annoyed in failing to catch him. Nightwing threw a bunch of metal spheres into the hallway.
Impressively, 'Impulse' sped over the ceiling, avoiding the fall. I grinned over him, seeing as he was triumphant.
(I suggest looking at the gif on the side now dear WizardNinjas)
From the corner, Nightwing sprinted out and caught Impulse with the hottest move I have seen him do ever. The boy fell to the ground and Dick cuffed his feet and hands.
"Now that was crash," he said, staring down at Impulse. I bit my lip. Well damn. The others came in, quelling the certain 'thoughts' that came up in my mind.
Tim looked irritated, Garr was drenched and Misty was covered in dirt and pulling twigs from her hair. I assume she fell over somewhere in the sanctuary.
Nightwing dragged Impulse up and over to the table to sit, before he left the room, saying he had to check something.
"Please tell me you didn't land in my flower garden," I said warningly to Misty. Her nervous grin had me sprinting into the sanctuary. A small section of my beautiful flower bed had been crushed.
Dirt was spread all over the grass. I sighed and kneeled down. I tried a few song spells. Eventually most of the flowers were back and the grass was clear of mulch.
"My name's Bart Allen; you know, grandson of Barry Allen, the Flash?" I heard Impulse, Or Bart I guess say when I walked back into the room.
"What do you mean-"
The boy then lurched into the explanation again, speaking very fast. I managed to catch the gist-...he claims he's a time traveller?
Well okay, that's actually not that rare. I know a planet that quite enjoys destroying their own time stream. It would be different here on Earth however.
"Well, Bart. Coming from the future, you must have worked up quite a thirst," Nightwing said when he returned. I gave him an odd look- why was he being so nice?
"Thanks!" Bart grinned, leaning forward and drinking from the cup.
He suddenly stopped. "Oh! Ah! You're going to get a DNA sample! You need my spit!" He suddenly leaned forward and spat in the glass. It made both Misty and I retracted three meters.
"That is such a Dick Grayson thing to do!" I blinked in shock at his words. He called Nightwing by his name!
"How did-"
"See! I know stuff only a future boy would know! Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Misty Thompson, Garfield Logan and Hanabrie Shiloh...well I know it was Shiloh, but you get married. Is it different yet? Hmm."
I blinked. "What's my name after I get married?" I questioned. He only smirked back. What a brat.
Could be Grayson...
"Your name is Tim?" Garr asked, pointing at Robin accusingly. "And yours is...Dick?" Oh Walt Disney it was so hard not burst out in giggles when he said that.
"Oops! Spoilers...this secret identity thing is so retro! You can call me Impulse! Or Bart or Bart Allen or Bart Impulse Allen; it's all crash!"
Oh gosh.
"Can we keep him!?" I gush, sitting beside him and grabbing his face. "Look, he's adorable!"
"Thanks Miss Star! Oh wait hey you're dating Nighting right? That makes you Mrs Nightwing!" I stared at him, blinking emotionlessly.
"Is it possible he might actually be telling the truth?" Robin asked. "Could he really be from the future?"
I stood up as Garfield interrogated Bart with stupid questions. "Out there," I said, pointing to the ceiling. "Time travel is nothing but means of transport for some. Yes. It is definitely possible," I told him.
"Recognized; Malcom Duncan. A10."
"Sounds like a door opening somewhere; and that's my cue!" The boy suddenly vibrated his feet and hands. In a flash, no pun intended, he was up and out.
Garfield tried to chase him; but we all knew he had no chance. Nightwing opened up a screen behind him. He'd put a tracker on Bart.
"You planted a tracer? It'll fall off at his speed," Robin said. I pulled my phone out an idea forming in my head.
"It won't. He drank it," Dick replied.
Robin concluded whatever the Disney Dick out in Bart's water, before complementing him on it.
"Nerds," Misty and I said to the two of them. Both glared back.
"He's making a bee-line for Central City. Can you call Wally?" Nightwing asked me.
"You call your speedster," I told him, before bringing up the file of Lily Jones. "I'll call mine."
Remember Lily? From My Own Star when Hana checks the hospitals after the Adults disappear? :3
I'm going to bed! Kaido <3
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