Sixteen: Viper Violet
“So, what’s up?” I began, as I took a seat at a café with Daphne. Her grey eyes stared down at her drink when she began to talk.
“The other day…I was in the garden, taking some photos of the flowers for my school project. I reached out to touch one of them, to turn it a little, and on my touch it died.
I looked surprised at her. “It…died? What like, wilted or-“
“It disintegrated in a purple flash,” she clarified sadly. I resisted the urge to grimace. “After that, I tried the other flowers and none of them died. But then I tried and…well, I willed it to die on my touch. It did.”
Toxic skin.
“Okay, so…anything else?”
“A few things. I woke up for school, and was brushing my hair in the mirror. My head started feeling really warm, and when I looked at my eyes, they started glowing purple and the mirror shattered. Teresa wasn’t home, so I said the hinges came undone and the mirror fell down. When I picked up the pieces, the back of the mirror was covered in this black gooey stuff. It looked like veins had protruded from the inside of the mirror,” she explained.
Toxic vision.
“The third time was at school. I had training so when I got there early you could see your breath from the cold. On the field, all I did was blow a cloud of breath out, and it was purple! My team started coughing and they passed out for six hours!”
Toxic lungs.
“But the worse was a long time ago. I kissed Brent for being a good boy, and a few minutes later he started crying, saying his cheeks was burning. I new it was my fault,” I watched sadly as she covered her eyes and began crying.
“Oh Daphne,” I sympathised. “I guess I could-“
I watched as a tear slipped from her face and onto the table. It burnt a hole straight through it. Perhaps this is more urgent than I first thought.
Plus, if Teresa finds out that Daphne had these powers…she might get kicked out. You see, Daphne was taken in by Teresa when she was five.
I know Teresa ended up regretting it, horribly enough. Daphne was a school rebel, and a trouble maker.
Immediately I grabbed my phone and called M'gann. She answered, and I asked her to take her phone to Batman and put it on speaker.
She did, and I went outside of the café, keeping an eye on Daph through the window.
“Hana?” I heard Bats say.
“I need permission. A friend of mine has discovered she has powers, and their unstable as far as I can tell. I think I can help her, and she may be of use to us, however I need to study her biology. She’s a friend of Hal’s, and she knows about everything. I need clearance to bring her to the cave.”
There was quiet murmuring on the other side. I think it was Batman and Black Canary.
“Permission granted.”
I could see clear fear in Daphne’s eyes as I lead her down the alley way that is the Gotham Zeta-tube.
“Now. I’m going to step in here and all you have to do when I disappear is get in after me. It will take you directly to our base and we can get things sorted, okay?” I asked.
I knew she was afraid, but Daphne nodded bravely. I jumped into the tube and it scanned me.
“Recognised, Emerald Star B08,” Catherine called, and I stepped out and walked over to the computer.
“Hey guys,” I said absent-mindedly to the team.
“Watcha doin’,” Wally said, speeding up beside me.
I authorised Daphne to enter. I hoped she listened to my instruction.
“Access granted. Daphne Stone A03, Authorisation Emerald Star, B08.” Daphne walked in, looking shy and nervous. She was pretty small for her age, but I introduced her to the team.
“Guys, this is a good friend of mine. Daphne Stone. Daph, this is Superboy, Miss Martian, Robin, Aqualad, Artemis and Kid Flash,” I smiled.
For a moment, I thought it would be awkward. Then she looked up and smiled at Robin.
“Isn’t he that guy you were with in Gotham?” She smirked at me. I glared and gave her shoulder a gentle shove, leading her further into the base.
We entered the medical room, and I asked her to put a robe on, and I myself put on a coat. For many purposes.
“All you need is glasses to finish the look,” Artemis joked. I realised they had followed us down the hall. I rose an eyebrow at her, pulled out my green lenses and put them on.
“Who is she?” Aqualad asked politely.
“A friend who needs help. She has developed powers that remind me a lot of Poison Ivy’s ability,” I said, filling out a form for it.
I went into the room next door, leaving the door opened. The others took a seat in the hall.
I pulled a biology X-Ray of Poison Ivy from Arkham’s files, and Daphne stepped into the room. I flicked the mic on.
“Okay Daph, I need you to jump on that machine. You just need to lay there and keep absolutely still, and the X-Ray will begin, okay?”
“Alright,” she climbed in and I waited until she was perfectly still to start the process. When I did, the images began coming up on screen.
“Ho-oly Mother of Disney…” I trailed off, watching her X-Ray’s appear. I began frantically scribbling down the anomaly’s in her body.
“What is it?” Robin asked.
“Her body…it has these separate bone collections within her ribcage, eye socket and larynx. I think I’ll need to do full check-ups…” So the team left me to it.
After an MRI, blood test, eye test, power test, psych test and skin sample analysis, I came to a conclusion. I took Daphne into the lounge to discuss the results.
“Well, you’re definitely something Daph. You see these two shapes here?” I presented the X-Ray’s of her larynx and ribcage.
“Those shapes are cages. Some heroes and villans have cages around their internal organs for protection. Yours is protecting a completely different thing. Within the cages are chambers of poison. In your larynx is poisonous gas. In your ribcage is a poisonous liquid that channels directly into your heart via a vein system. In your eyes sockets are chamber of something…interesting.”
“Yes. It is as if you can cast the poison wherever you want. It’s almost like you project a command, and the poison appears.”
She mulled over this carefully, fear clear in her eyes.
“Is it dangerous?” She asked quietly.
“Not to you. The liquid had been running through your blood for a life time. It is, however, fatal to others. Although that is unclear. For all we know, you may be able to manipulate its affect. Knock out, wake up…worse. It’s still early stages.”
“What about my skin?”
“It’s in your cells, your pores. But, Daph,” I placed a hand on her shoulder. “As long as you stay calm, so will the poison. And who knows? With a little training, one day you might be a hero. What I did deduct from the test was that the poison in every form is purple. That’s why your eyes glow when you project the poison. It wasn’t black, it as very dark purple.”
I lead her back to the mission room.
“I could put this to some good use?” She asked me hopefully.
“Of course. You’re already agile from your track training. Maybe fit in some acrobatics and physical combat. You’re still to young…but maybe one day.”
“Will I get a teacher from the league?” This seemed to excite her, and in all honesty, I could see it happening.
“Maybe. Who knows? Your poison is purple, maybe you could be Viper Violet?” I suggested, and her eyes glinted with total excitement as she left.
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