Nine: Let's Go Somewhere!
So, I'll probs open the auditions soon. I'M ON HOLIDAYS! AND I HAVE WIFI THIS TIME! I know I say this everytime, but expect a lot of uploads.
Happy reading~
Our next mission was harder than I expected it to be. Well, technically it wasn't a mission, just a simulation. However I did slightly disagree with Aqualad's strategy, I helped carry it out.
I dragged myself up, feeling the bruises on my back from when I hit the wall. The clay monster swung its arm at me, so I leaped backwards on my wrists, and sprung to my feet with a whip of emerald mana.
I whacked it in the face with my whip. That move managed to discombobulate him...for a few seconds. It grabbed the mana so fast I barely had time to react.
In fact, I didn't. He tugged the whip, and I squealed, flying through the air and hitting the opposite wall to the one I hit last time.
I heard Robin and Aqualad call my name out through the ringing in my ears. Painfully, I landed on the floor with a sickening sound.
My limbs ached, and my neck wouldn't move, I laid there with my eyes slowly closing. Another crash, and Robin landed beside me, also covered in mud.
Eventually, I passed out with the Clay Monster's roar echoing in my ears. I woke up to Batman gently shaking me.
"What happened?" I asked quietly, sitting up with a groan. Looking around, everyone else was in the same condition.
"We failed," Robin said from beside me. I looked over at him in surprise. Even though he had a mask on, I knew he was disappointed. I bet if Robin lead us, we wouldn't have failed.
Of course, that's no offence to Kaldur. It's just, Robin is leader material, born with it.
When we returned to the mission room, I was utterly exhausted. My body ached from slamming into the wall, but most of all, my head heard from the impact.
"Hit the showers, then go home," Batman instructed. Superboy came back with some snide comment that I was too tired to hear.
The next day, Kaldur wasn't around, and we didn't have a mission. So I sat on the couch watching stupid Gordon G Ramsey or whatever. His irritating persona had me turning the TV off in seconds.
Orion came over and laid across my stomach to sleep.I knew if I moved he'd turn into a large cat and eat my so, I stared up at the ceiling.
It's been a week since the 'Tower of Fate' incident, and Klarion has made no attempts to capture me yet. Then again, it's not like he really had any chances.
The only time I've been out of this mountain so far is my first night with Robin, for the Tower of Fate, and for the simulation yesterday. Yep, you can say it; boring.
"Hey Star," a voice said, making me jump. Orion woke up for a few seconds, making me completely freeze. Soon enough he went back to sleep.
I scooped him off of me, and placed him gently on the floor, before I sat up from the couch and grinned at Robin.
"Hey Robin!" I cheered. Getting visitors was rare too. I know Superboy and Miss M are here too, but...being with them is like being a third wheel.
"What are you doing in my neighbourhood?" I joked, flipping over the back of the couch. "Wait, don't you, like...have school or whatever?" I asked.
"Yeah, but school finished a half hour ago," he said.
"And yet, here you are in your Robin outfit. Man, I don't even know what colour eyes you have!" I laughed, going into the kitchen to pour myself some orange juice.
When I looked back at Robin, his mask was in his hand, and he grinned at me with pretty blue eyes. For a moment, I just stared at him, eye brows raised.
"Not bad Boy Wonder," I smiled.
Instead of putting it back on, he kept it off. "So, do you go to school?" He asked me, as I sat beside him on the bench stools.
"No. I was home schooled by Lana, and then Hal and John. Plus I use to take online school. I guess...I never really liked the idea of all those people in one place."
Robin only nodded shortly in reply, and then it went silent between us. I vaguely wondered where M'gann and Superboy were.
I looked at Robin briefly. He glanced all over the room, but no where in particular.
"Um...Robin?" I began quietly.
"I'm sorry. About yesterday, I mean. But I never asked...did you get revenge?" I knew this would be a touchy subject, but I had hoped he would answer me.
It took a while, and an awkward silence, but eventually he said, "yeah. I did. Batman and I investigated, and brought him to justice."
"Oh, good," I nodded, staring at my orange juice.
"What about you?" He asked.
"Did you get revenge on the people who hurt your mom?"
I frowned. This was getting a bit close to a time in my life I did not want to remember. I kept it short. "Yes. With great cost."
I knew he was about to ask what, so I smiled as brightly as possible and turned to him. "Hey! I haven't been outside unless it's for a mission. Will you...will you take me outside?" I pleaded.
I tried my best puppy dog eyes, batting my lashes so much they hurt.
Robin sighed heavily; "fine."
Robin-...maybe I should call him Dick now? I mean, it is his name...but he still calls me Star. I'll just wait until he starts calling me Hana.
Anyway, Robin went to the locker rooms where he said he had normal clothes. So I went into my own room to put on something 'outside' worthy.
I grabbed a black pair of shorts with diamons on them, and pulled them on. Then I grabbed a long sleeved red shirt. It was a super cute combination!
When I opened my wardrobe to look for shoes, I realised; I only had three pairs of shoes.
My Emerld Star boots, a pair of old joggers, and a pair of green converse.
Well, I guess I'm taking Robin shoe shopping. I picked up the converse shoes and put them on, before putting my hair in two ponytails, grabbing my bag containing the money Hal gave me, and walking into the lounge.
"Ready to go?" Robin asked. I looked at him. Well. He looked super cute!
"Who knew Boy Wonder was so adorable!" I cheered. He wore black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black and red opened flannel shirt.
We left the mountain on foot, directly onto the beach.
"So, where did you want to go?"
"Shoes. I really want shoes," I said immediately. We found the board walk and went up onto the street, directly into the city. It was so busy.
"Sure, there are plenty of shops here, let's have a look."
So we walked around for a bit, happily discussing our different upbringings, mine with the Lanterns, his with Batman.
"I've been meaning to ask. How many Emerald Stars are there?" He questioned as we entered the first shoe shop we found.
"Oh, I guess I never really explained this. On Oa, there are the Green Lanterns. They're the big hot-shots, who get all the good stuff. The group I'm part of is called the Teal Hearts."
I found a particularly cute pair of sparkly flats and tried them on.
"Teal Hearts usually travel with Lanterns, or with other Teal hearts. There are ten of us, you see." I decided to buy the super cute pair, and handed them to Robin as I walked down the next isle.
"I'm Emerald Star, from my Mother. Each title has a descendant. The others have names like Olive Diamond, Mint Ruby, Fern Flower, Jade Luna. You get the idea."
I added the pair of pretty purple runners to the box in Robins's arms.
"Of course, after my mom, I took over. The Guardians understood that my childhood still reigned over my duties, so I was not called upon until late 2008, when I was nine. Even then, Hal and John wouldn't let me out of their sight."
I paid for the shoes and the assistant put them in a bag. I attempted to take them from Robin, who carried them. He insisted it was fine.
An hour and three more shops later, I carried two bags both with clothes, and Robin carried four bags, two with shoes, one with clothes, one with accessories and make-up. I really had nothing in my room back at the mountain.
We decided to get something to eat before heading back. On the water front, Robin lead me to this small, cute little cafe.
When we went in, I ordered a chocolate milkshake and a ham and cheese croissant. Robin gave me a weird look.
"What?" I asked. "It's good!"
He got a Cola and a sundae. We sat in a booth in the corner. When we did, I reached over and pushed Robin's sunglasses up, smiling at the eyes I found behind them.
"That's better," I grinned.
Our drinks arrived. Before I could even sip my yummy looking milkshake, a voice yelled out across the small cafe.
"Hey, Dick! Who'se your girlfriend!"
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